I don't quite know where to begin. Let's start with this. A few years ago, in an enchantment of vintage fashion and culture, I would have said much of the same thing many of you said in my last post. Vintage for many (myself included) began as a fun thing, and turned into escapism. For me it wasn't about anything personal, but more a rebellion against society. I didn't realize it at the time, but there were things going on around me that were wrong, and rather than look at the world openly and deal with the good and the bad, I delved deeper into the specifically era based life I'd created.
I don't feel a part of vintage culture anymore. I still have friends who love it just as much as I used to, but I don't consider myself to be involved in the intricacies and overall groupings. Therefor I feel I can view it objectively and critically without remorse. I want to clarify that I didn't stop wearing vintage daily because of off-handed comments, but I now realize it's something that subconsciously made it less appealing.
Misogyny is everywhere. All of us have been subject to it from infancy. It's not something that suddenly appears when you reach a certain age, it's something that you may one day realize was there all along.
I am not the ideal person to be writing about this, there are far more eloquent people out there who could get the point across, but I'm not seeing that on vintage platforms. And if I don't say something just because I don't think it's as good as someone else could make it, then I'm part of the problem too.
Sure, the phrase "I wish women still dressed like that" is not always sexist. But do you really think a comment that puts down other people is an acceptable one?
It wasn't always the creepiest looking guy who unloaded his harmful opinions, and it most certainly wasn't always a man. But it often times was, which caused an instant reaction of avoidance at all costs. If you've never experienced that then good for you. I make judgments, and if you say you don't you're either deluded, or you're flat out lying. I make judgments. Sometimes they're proven wrong, sometimes the scariest-looking person ends up being being the one who just simply says "cool hat" and the sanest-looking person ends up saying something incredibly offensive.
But you're mad at me for judging? Seriously? I'm not doing it for fun, it's not superficial. Two years ago I may have cared what I was looking at, but now I just don't. Judging is something we do to continue or better our lives. I will avoid the side of the street with the guy who looks like he might pull a knife on me, and you are actually angry at me for judging?
Well guess what? I'm pissed off you aren't mad at people who prove my judgement right. I'm angry you can't actually see that saying things like, "I don't like other girls" or, "well if only women dressed more modestly we wouldn't have this problem" is toxic.
It is toxic to you, it is toxic to the people around you. It took me a while to realize all of this, and the horrible thing is, I'm still learning. Because sexism is so latent and ingrained in our culture, I'm still learning things about it that astound me.
This is not about a single phrase. This is about realizing that the way you dress is not an invitation to critique you or dismiss other people's fashion choices. If you take away that I am a mean feminist who can't take a compliment, then I invite you to roll with it and go away. If you are open to even the slightest notion that what is around you, that what you have been taught is acceptable and normal is actually very hurtful to both women and men, then please, explore that. Talk to me, join the conversation, sit back and listen, just don't ignore something you live with every day. I can't address every complaint made against my last post, not because I can't, but because I don't know how to do so in a way that might get through to you. As I said, I'm not the best person to be writing about this, but I hope it sparks a thought, a conversation, or a change.
Because if you are angry with me for bringing this up, you should ask yourself exactly why.
{special thanks to
Whitney for helping me gather my jumbled thoughts}