
Pushing Daisies

When I tuned in to watch "Pushing Daisies" tonight and got "Dancing with the Stars: Live" instead. I was not happy.

Not happy at all.

Infact, I was most unhappy. For I have one show, ONE SHOW on television that I tune into ever week, and that is Pushing Daisies.


"Why?" You ask.

Well I'll tell you. And you will listen.

Becuase it is the best. Among all the dark crime shows and countless medical dramas, there is sunny, comical, interesting, magical tv show that shows us the meaning of good entertainment.

The set is spectacular, based in a pie shop (In the shape of a pie) and scenes where everything from the wallpaper, to the carpet, to the pajamas, to the bedspread match, it never disappoints.

And my favorite: The costumes are vintage. Really. Bright colors, petticoats, and hats, I get inspired by every episode. I want to raid the wardrobe department, and I'm sure you do too.

So after much panicking and sulking, and holding back tears, and cursing ABC and Dancing with the Stars, I find that it will resume in two weeks.


And I'll remind you, becuase I know you'll want to know.

Did I mention there was pie and petticoats?


SusiePrue said...

i just started watching that show and it KILLS me! pushing daisies, that is, not DWTS. it reminds me of wonderfalls, a tragically brilliant show cancelled way before its time. i guess that's because they were both created by the same guy. in fact beth grant plays mary ann marie beetle on BOTH shows! i'm watching all the episodes of pushing daisies to catch up. it's so so brilliant. if you haven't seen wonderfalls (since only 7 episodes were ever aired) be sure to check it out!

Solanah said...

Ohmygosh! I love wonderfalls!

I watched it in its short lived run on TV, and was so glad to have it return on DVD.

All the good ones dont get enough viewers.

Thats so odd! I didnt even catch that it was the same woman, let alone with the same name!

The mother in Wonderfalls is in it too, I just hope it doesnt have the same fate.


Anonymous said...

Hahah, I am such a nerd, I don't watch ANY TV, but have heard of the show (on ABC is it?) Costuming is inspiring!

What is this "wonderfalls" that you are speaking of? Was it on regular TV or cable or?

Solanah said...

Uh huh, on ABC, you would love it.

Wonderfalls is no longer on TV, it had a very short run a few years back, but its worth buying on DVD. I've seen it at target, I got mine on Amazon, it was pretty cheap.
Anyway, its about a girl who all of a sudden can hear (and see) animal figures and drawings and stuff talk to her, and tell her things to do. She does them even when they seem wrong or odd, but its for a reaon.

And she lives in niagra falls :)

v is for violet said...

I'm going to have to check out Wonderfalls! Can I also say...sob about Pushing Daisies :( why do the good ones have to die so young?

BTW awesome coat!!!

Solanah said...

Yes, everyone check out wonderfalls, and I forgot to mention one key element:

Lee Pace.


SusiePrue said...

i was so smitten with him on wonderfalls and i like him even better as ned. yay!!!

Sarah said...

I have never heard of Pushing Daisies until your blog, but now I'm 1 minute and 20 seconds into teh first episode and addicted!