
Easter Sunday

Easter was a busy day, we had breakfast with Sams family, lunch with my family, and dinner with friends. I must say I can't imagine how those socialites in days past handled so many social calls in one day all the time. No wonder they had fainting chairs!
This is what I wore to lunch at my Aunts house. I've had these wax orange blossoms from the 1920s packed away for years, and thought it was high time they saw the light of day. It's too bad they're so delicate, they would be pretty to wear all the time :)

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

1930s dress-Gift from Twila Jean


Miss Claire said...

Oh, the blossoms are so beautiful! Sounds like a really lovely day.

Mucho love from Australia...

Xx Claire

Lavender and Twill said...

~ * ♥ * ~

Love the floral print of your dress Solanah, and your hair piece is so pretty. My Mom has my grandma's wax flower headpiece that she wore when she got married, but sadly they are totally mangled. The wax flowers are so delicate, you are lucky to have some in such good condition. : D

bonita of Depict This!
~ * ♥ * ~

Rebeccak said...

You look like spring personified! Hope you are recovering well from a hectic day :)

Alli said...

So pretty. What a gorgeous dress. Hope that you and all of your family had a wonderful Easter :)

Erin Goodman said...

Ooohh the print on this dress is so pretty. The wax blossoms are also absolutely gorgeous. Im starting to wear a few more flowers and ribbons in my hair, I've got really short hair and always thought I couldn't really wear things like that in my hair, but I discovered I can =] I've also discovered the beauty of hats.
Wonderful as always Solanah...


Lucy, Dear Fish said...

Oh my gosh, these are so so gorgeous! You look like some sort of fairy wood nymph. The print on that dress is lovely!

sorbetsurprise said...

I love the floral print and the bib on the dress! The flowers give a very Mucha feel.

Lena B, Actually said...

Lovely pictures!

Abbey's Accessories said...

Cute dress! You look like you stepped right out of the 1920's.

Mary Beth said...

Orange blossoms were popular at 1920s weddings so that may be where yours are from, VV. You could add netting in the future for a night time look. In any event, a great find.

Casey Maura said...

Oh wow--those orange blossoms are such a beautiful piece. What a fun and pretty outfit for Easter!

♥ Casey

Emily & Gracie said...

Oh my, the print and colors of that dress are so lovely! And I love the feminine detailing of the ruffles and the wax flowers! Not a bad outfit to be caught running around to social calls all day in!
- Emily

Florence Annie Frost said...

I LOVE your dress. Perfect for spring time and easter. Gorgeous pictures too.


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I love the bib design on the dress!! how cute. Lovely shots.

Salazar said...

The colors of the print are so soft and lovely - perfect for spring. I love those flowers too. My mom had the same kind on her wedding veil, but too bad they're totally destroyed now!

14 Shades Of Grey

Anonymous said...

I just love this allover look! The headpiece, the dress, the look on your face...

LittleRachael said...


Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Little Rachael

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Lovely flowers in your hair! Beautiful dress as well...

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers in your hair!