Browsing one of my favorite blogs Foxtail + Fern, I came across a post about a suitcase project by photographer Jon Crispin.
He has been photographing suitcases, and their contents from Willard Psychiatric Center in Willard, NY.
"The cases were put into storage when their owners were admitted to Willard sometime between 1910 and the 1960s. And since the facility was set up to help people with chronic mental illness, these folks never left. An exhibit of a small selection of the cases was produced by the Museum and was on display in Albany in 2003."
It's fascinating seeing the varied contents of these unassuming suitcases. And of course a bit sad, because these were some of the only personal possessions the psychiatric patients had. Some have delicate clothing, some have crafting supplies, one even has a fine perfume bottle. And unless I overlooked something, I don't see any personal photographs, which is kind of even more tragic.
But Mr. Crispin does so well capturing all the little details, it really must be thrilling to unwrap the tissue paper, pop the locks, and open up the musty old cases to see what might be inside.
More photos of the project are being chronicled on the blog.
More info on the project can be found here.
{Later edit}
A reader has brought another site to my attention about the asylum and it's patients