
Paraders Originals. Make them so.


As you may have noticed I'm starting to incorporate more vintage style pieces that are modern into my wardrobe. I'm always on the lookout for something new to try out, and I've been wondering what Rachael of The Paraders has been brewing for her Originals section.

She recently contacted me and enchanted my computer screen with these designs. I don't know about you, but I can pretty easily see myself in on of these.

{Floral dress? Maybe the black one. Oh but that red skirt!}

If you'd like to see these great designs become reality, wander over to her Kickstarter, and see how you can become a part of it!



art deco dame said...

Wow,I really do like those pieces!

Witchcrafted Life said...

I could see you (or me! :) ) in any one of these deeply lovely pieces, but am especially fond of the elegant floral print dress (those tie shoulders are so darling!).

♥ Jessica

Anonymous said...

Love that floral dress!! Seems a tad short though, hopefully its just my eyes.

Miss E said...

Backed for $100!

Casey said...

The black floral dress is amazing!

Anonymous said...

These dresses are way to cute for words. We're obsessed with vintage!

VintageDanielle said...

The little red dress is perfect, so glam and refreshing from the boring LBD.

Frances said...

Oh, lovely! I am particularly drawn to the floral one... I wonder how long the skirts are, though? I am afraid they'd be a bit too short.

Linzi Carlisle Mystery Writer said...

beautifu dresses and the floral one with those tie shoulders is vintage style perfection! thank you for sharing! Royal Vintage

Gracie said...

Loving that black dress, perfection