So here's what I've been doing:

Turning this stained, dusty, 1940s jacket into a blouse, it's turning out better than I expected!

Photo from here
I've realized that:
a. It's unlikely I will find a pair of 50s dungarees that fit me (always too small or too big).
b. If I do they are way too expensive.
c. Freddies of Pinewood will never make them for women with hips.
d. There are no vintage patterns for dungarees
So the other day when Twila Jean and I were doing a bit of thrifting, I picked up a pair of regular, high waist 80s Wranglers, and yesterday begun transforming them into just what I want. So far so good! When the weather is less rainy I'll wear them :)
I was thinking it would be cool to do a little tutorial on how to transform them, anyone interested in that?

I made this crumb cake today for my brother and it turned out yummy, and just like the picture! I am pretty much baking challenged, and have tried to bake something weekly in order to fix that. The results have been ok, I really want to make another cheesy crust pie though.

And here are some photos of my jewelry table, someone asked to see them a few weeks ago. I have my everyday jewelry box (with pin ups all over) on top of a "I won't really wear this much but I'll keep it anyway" jewelry box, necklaces on a holder, and bangles in a little red hat box.

So there you go! Hope everyone is having a nice week, or has a nice weekend planned ahead!
WOWIE look at all those gorgeous pieces. I love your cherries brooch and there is something in there with anchors all over...I LOVE NAUTICAL things hehehe. Beautiful necklaces and bracelets. What fun! I don't have much jewelry really, a few of necklaces (my husband made for me), I gave all my vintage bangles (like an idiot) to one of my friends' and when she and I were no longer friends I found she had donated them all to the thrift store I frequented..just to be a BLEEP I'm sure of it. And I only have a couple of brooches an anchor, 2 boats and a fish...hmm all nautical. I want to get a cherry one like yours or I've seen quite a few cute fruit ones. But your collection is just awesome. So full of fun things to wear. It would take me all day just to accessorize.
xxoo Bettie
Oh yes please show all the pics of the jeans... I want some dungarees too... I tried a pair of repos at mybabyjo and they were so thin and cheap for $100 but they did fit so cute... eeehhh...
I totally understand you quest for dungarees. But to my surprise, I did in fact buy some from Freddies Of Pinewood, and I know you are WAY thinner than me and they fit pretty good. In fact, I just bought a second pair today. They have absolutely no stretch, but my ass is pretty huge and fit fit good. Also, check out Queen of Heartz. They have dungarees as well that do have stretch. Good Luck!
Pink Champagne, the problem is the waist to hip ratio, if I bought them to fit my hips I'd have to take the waist in (I know, there are worse problems, but it's still annoying they make them kinda narrow).
I hear you on the waist to hips. Ever since I gained ten pounds on my butt it has been a huge problem with clothes fitting. But the hubby is appreciative ;)
I just bite the bullet and alter the waist of pants and skirts.
BTW, I give a little nod to you in my latest post!
YOu are amazing. Love all your treasures. Please, do post a tutorial on how to refashion pants into dungarees.
can't wait to see how that blouse will turn out! x
I know you talked about lots of stuff in this post, but all I can think of is that delicious looking crumb cake.
I have 2 pair of Freddies and love them booth! 1 pair of Jeanies and then the Utility ones. I think you should try the utility, i've got big hips and the fit nicely! and my waist is small
That jewelry table is just amazing. I would love to see how you keep the rest of your wardrobe? I am just moving to a smaller place and am desperately trying to figure out how to fit my suits/hats/shoes into a tiny closet. Any tips?
I totally agree RE: Freddies of Pinewood - I got my dungarees today, and I can barely get them over my hips! Once there, they were comfortable but the issue is getting the tiny waist over my hips :/ I seriously thought I was trapped forever - I couldn't get them off! I hope your current projects yield some good results :)
Would love a tutorial of the jeans! I'd like a pair myself but I'm in the "hippy" category!
Tutorial please!!! :D I've been toying with the idea of just gearing up and making my own vintage jeans from scratch (Lauren at Wearing History did it last year and I love the ones she made), but if there is an easier hack, I'd love to know! ;) I just can't cough up the cash for repro's, not to mention (like you) I'm a little wary of the hips issue. ;) lol.
Your stash of jewelry is making me drool! :D I have got to organize mine; it's in three or four different spots right now (which means I really only wear about 10% of what I own... :p).
Hope you have a lovely weekend, Solanah!
♥ Casey
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I don't think I've ever commented on your blog. I've been reading it for a couple months, but I think this is the first time I've commented. But I promised myself that if I read an entry and liked it (on anyone's blog, not only yours) I'd say something. You put us all to shame. I'm three years older than you and I can't manage to keep trash out from under my bed, and here you are altering clothes and making crumb cakes. It might be that I don't have a domestic bone in my body, or it may have something to do with our respective choices of decades to emulate (in the 60s, domestic prowess was getting to be less important than it was in the 20s-50s--of course you know that, I was only clarifying). Ah, what else? Your jewelry table is lovely. So is your photography. Thanks for making my every day routine more fun with your posts :)
I also discovered that the Wrangler men's cowboy jeans fit exactly the way a "vintage" dungaree should... and I picked up a pair on clearance for $8 at our local farm store. Works for me! I also have a pair of Freddie's overalls, which don't fit my tall frame as well as I wish... hmm. I guess I'll stick to the Wranglers from now on!
I love love love your jewellery box and collection. I need to find a nice way of displaying them instead of just all over the room :)
And i live in Freddies dungarees, it's a shame they don't fit you as they're so comfy. Although i'm very jealous that you have the enviably big waist/hip ratio! xx
jewelry is hard to get rid of for me. i rarely wear it, so my necklaces now hang off the curlycue shelf mounts in my room. they look much better gracing the shelf than they do me.
gorgeous pictures of your collection, and yes, a tutorial on dungarees would be great!
I would totally love to see your tutorial on dungarees.
I think we are jewelry box twins! Ours look very similar. Great stuff!
I'll add my vote to the tutorial request! I have the same hip-to-waist ratio issue with buying readymade, not to mention the prices, eek!
Hi there!
I'm new to your blog and am loving your little piece of goodness here.
You have an issue with dungarees and I may have an answer. I've just started with vintage sewing last year and have fallen in love with the 30's and 40's era clothing. Evadress dot com has a couple of cute overalls from the 40's you may be interested in. I've yet to take the plunge to buy from here, but 4536 is calling my name. Wrong size for me , but I can't get it out of my head. There are a few options there if you'd like to peruse.
Oh yes all the pics of the jeans and the blouse....I'm so excited!!!!!
I want to start off by saying how absolutely gorgoeous I think you are:) I have a request. I have a similar hairstyle to yours and was wondering if you could do a post on the way you set your pincurls. I try and try and the never seem to come out great:/ I just want to see a couple of tricks and ideas for sets that work with shorter hair with bangs. Thanks!
Yes, yes, yes on the dungarees tutorial!
I think i have a common issue -- i own hips, but i wants me some vintage dungarees. Sounds like you can help!
Has anyone ever told you that you are the best?
Your images go straight into my heart!
Agneta, a swedish one
Jean tutorial please please please!
And I hope you'll post your recon blouse soon!
If you take the waistband off your jeans, then take in from the outside seam in a nice curve, shortening and reattaching waistband when you're done, it's a pretty quick adjustment. I don't have a startling waist-hip difference, but 12" is not a difference that modern pants are built for, I think I read somewhere that the clothes went from being manufactured with a 10" waist-hip difference to like a 4-5" one. Also - fool proof chocolate cake is on the back of the Hershey's Cocoa package. It's amazing and you would have to actively work to mess it up.
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