I know, I know. Kitten overload.
You've probably seen Miu Miu's spring 2010 collection, which used a fabulous kitty print in lots of designs. Needless to say, I loved it. Also needless to say, it's expensive. What's a girl to do? Make her own kitty dress of course!
Sam took me to the fabric store and in the back, with all the quilters cotton was this darling pink and white kitten fabric. Kittens playing with balloons, I could not resist. There was a teal, and I think a purple and yellow too, but pink is where it's at for me.
But I couldn't just stop at kitten fabric. I mean, it's really cute, but you only see the kitties if you are close up. And I want people to know I'm a crazy cat lady from a block away.
Giant kitty pockets are the answer!
So I cut out and embroidered little happy kitty faces, to hold secret notes and candy wrappers.
But it needed something else.....hmmmmm...let's see....oh I know!
And there you have it. My kitty dress.
OMG!It is amazingly flippin' adorable!
oh, totally worth the wait!
Amazing!!! Love it...Pink is perfect for you...I think I would have picked teal for myself. :)
Aw! How cute! You make me want to start sewing again!
It's puurrrity! (sorry, couldn't resist!) Wearing that dress is bound to turn a miserable day into a cheerful one :)
Okay - that dress might just be the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Oh my gawd, that is the cutest thing i have ever seen! The kitten fabric with the kitty face pockets and the "meow" oh man, this dress is oozing adorable! I love it!
Sorry to be a copy-cat (clever, I know) but I might have to make my own!
Too bad I'm not a very good sewer..
hahaha too cute :)
That dress is amazing! I love the colar and the pockets! I really must learn to sew after seeing this... :)
the color, the print, the pockets, the embroidery- its all just so perfect! lovely job!
It's so perfect!!!
<3 it!! That dress is so totally amazing! Awesome details >.<
So flippin' adorable. It's the cat's meow!
I have a collection of wierd cat badges and I so dearly want to put together a chic crazy cat lady outfit. You beat me to it!
But I don't mind because you are just too darn cute! I love it!
Totally stinkin' cute! Good job!
When I get that skinny again, I'll have you make me one, too! :-)
hahaha oh my gosh, this just took it to a whole new level!
It's Cute!
So cute Solanah!
This dress is so adorable! Now I want to make an animal-themed dress :) I especially love the pockets!
OMG...that is the *coolest* dress I have seen in ages! So amazing Miss :) And SO creative...I would never think of doing something like that!
That is adorable! So cute!
I love it!
I wannit!
"I'm a crazy cat lady from a block away." That made me laugh out loud! :-)
The dress is adorable.
Oh. my. GOD. That is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
It's just too adorable!
Crazy cat lady is always a good look ^_^
One of the many reasons I wish we were friends. I love that you're fearless about displaying your cat mania even if it makes you a "crazy cat lady," as you've phrased it. But of course, we all know that you could never be a deranged kitty loving girl as I'm sure not one of them would dress as wonderful and be as ADORABLE as you. Stop being so cute. K, thanks!
That is one of the most adorable dresses I have ever seen!
-Andi x
I don't even have a cat and I looooove this. It is ssooo cute. where are the shoes from?
What an inspiration you are. This is absolutely adorable. I love it. I am a crazy cat lady myself and have just fallen in love with your cute little dress. I would have never thought of it but now you got me thinking that maybe I need to look into showing my love for the little furry friends in my sewing. I love your blog btw. Thanks for sharing this.
Very cute!
How did you attach the pockets? I don't see any stitching on it. :)
this si so lovely!! super cute I loooooove it!!!
very cute indeed, love the fabric and shape of the dress!
Hi there sweetie, you are such are clever puss, sigh,looks like you will be featuring as my Stylish blog crush yet again! Taking of style, I thought you might like a heads up on the stylish hair accessory worth $45.00 by vintage inspired company Spell Bound, up for grabs over on My Passsport to Style today! Sharon xx
Ooooh such a wonderful, perfect, cute dress ! Meooooow ! I'd like to sew such an adorable dress, but I'm afraid I have progresses to make first ! ;)
It was well worth the wait - how adorable - and of course, you look just fabulous in it! What an inspiration to us all -- wear that on a gloomy, rainy day and it will change your whole mood!
Oh... it's super nice! I wish I could make such beautiful dresses :(
Just a question: do you know any online shop in wich I could buy nice fabric (and not veeery expensive?) I mean, there are not fabric stores anymore here in Barcelona and I am starting to get nervous about it... (it's an open question, if any of your readers could answer me as well it is ver welcome to do it! Thanks!!)
oh my gosh, this is such a cute dress. You did a really great job with it. I love the colours too.
@ Mosquito Head Madchen: I don't live in Barcelona, but in a city as big yours you must have minorities right? Those often have their own fabric shops. I live in a big city in Belgium and here in every big city it is like that. Here it's the minorities like the Moroccans, Turks,... who have those kind of shops. Maybe that helps?
Simply adorable! You are definitely beautiful in kitty print. hehe
Too, too cute!!!
Love the pockets and the "meow"!
Oh it's adorable! Wow you finished it quick! You must be a very skilled seamstress. =)
that is too adorable! Best of all, it seems to be the composite of everything you love, which makes it even more awesome!
Solanah, you have outdone yourself this time. The cutest, sweetest, most adorable frock I've ever seen! BRILLIANT!
Well. That has GOT to be the best dress ever created. Seriously. I'm green with envy.
Yep, it's amazing. It could not be more perfect. That fabric, oh that fabric!
I bow down to the kitty queen.
eee! You are just the most amazing - it's so creative and the meow! is so good. <3
That is the cutest dress EVER! You are so talented!
I'm so jealous!!! I want a dress like this one! You are very talented. I love everything about that dress. It's beautiful.
oh my gosh! so cute...hey, do you live in portland? i'm moving there very shortly! so excited :)
Unbelievably Awesome!
love this! im a crazy cat lady too and i would totally buy that.
*gasp* Could that dress, and you, be any cuter?!
I wish I knew vintage-loving people like you were I live, here in Ottawa. But at least there's the blogging world so I can feel as though I'm not alone in thinking that a kitty dress is a fantastic sartorial idea!
SQUEE! Oh my God, I just died. This is so awesome.
This dress kills me...it's crazy adorable!
My lord, this is probably the cutest dress I've ever seen. How long does it take you to make something like this?
Omg, this is so absolutely and amazingly perfect!
amazing! i'm in love with your kitty dress, and if i saw you on the street i would want to take it off your back - but i wouldn't, because crazy cat ladies have to stick together.
i must say, this is fate, as i was at the fabric store yesterday and saw some amazing fabric with little kittens and polka dots and whatnot all over it, very vintage looking little kitties at that - but i resisted temptation, as i didn't know what to make with it. but now! oh, i think i just might have to go back...
adorabuls!!! Love it!!
What an adorable and cute dress!
Meeeoooowww! How fun!
The cuteness is KILLING me!
Oh My Goodness!!!! That is the cutest!!!!!!
I absolutley love it, so very cute!
I don't even like cats but I love this dress!
That is SO SO cute. I love your kitty dress! What an artist you are!
Wow! It's funny you mention Miu Miu, b/c that's exactly what this dress made me think of! I love the black piping and buttons on the dress. Plus, you made it yourself?? It's awesome!! Too cute ^__^
AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I'm crazy about this dress! I have a zebra dress...but now I have to think of another animal I want all over me and then make a dress too! ;o)
Just discovered your blog and I adore it! Such a cute idea... love love love the kitty dress xo
I need to learn how to sew - this is beautiful!
that dress is AMAZING!!!
Melina Bee, I got them at Marshalls, I forget what brand they are...
Tilia, The blanket stitching on the edges attaches them to the dress.
Mosquito Head Madchen, I'm not aware of any, but Etsy has some great fabric, vintage or not!
Rachel/Red Lips Vintage, I live near Portland, just across the river in Vancouver, when you live here you should visit me at the vintage shop I work at, I would love to meet you!
Lindsay B, It took a couple of days, the longest was the embroidery!
Tess, Thanks! Sorry, no commissions at the moment, but you never know ;)
Thanks so much for your comments everyone!
how darling! I especially like the 'meow' embroidery. :D
Recently found your blog; it's wonderful! :)
Oh my!! i love it!!!! so pretty!
p.s, i love your hair!
i love it!! adorable!
The "I want people to know I'm a crazy cat lady from a block away" had me rolling. :)
The dress is FAN-freaking-tastic and that "Meow" on the collar was a touch of sheer genius.
Gold, absolutely pure gold. That dress is amazing. I don't even like cats, but I would wear that dress in a heartbeat! ;p
How am I JUST now seeing this dress? I'm in love!
If your'e going to be a crazy cat lady you may as well be a stylin' crazy cat lady. Love this!
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