One reason I love carnival rides (aesthetically), is because they haven't changed much since the good ol' days. The ferris wheel is still the most prominent structure, everything is unavoidably bright, and jumbo elephant ears are as popular as ever. Though I regret to say Ruth and I forgot to get one :(
We all rode the kiddie roller coaster, my nephew went in a fun house, and we all raced little clowns in cars to win a snake that provided much entertainment on the way home.
My gosh, you can take a mean photo! The photo of the two ferris wheels is great.
I love the carnival too - it's just so colourful and retro. But very overpriced here in Australia, and usually raining in my local city!
that dress is just all kinds of cute.
My gosh, you go to the most amazing places and take the most beautiful photos. Thank you for being such a wonderful blogger and sharing your life with us! Vintage Suburbia x
Amazing photos, though Im a bit scared of colourful carnivals and clowns... But You are lovely!<3
autumn, coffee and inspiration
Wow - what beautiful pictures you take. And you look STUNNING! Love the feel. I'm so glad I found your blog. Thanx for sharing :)
the colors are brilliant! Adorable outfit!
Looks like you had a ton of fun! :) I haven't been to a good, ol' carnival-style amusement park in ages...
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
yey!! lots of fun!!
I love these pictures. Such pretty colours. But what are Jumbo Elephant Ears? Something edible?
Looks like a wonderful time
Great photos! Carnivals colors are wonderful, aren't they?
♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac
You went to the carnival with Hank Williams Jr.? Lucky gal!!
Awesome pics, glad yo uhad fun :)
i've been reading your blog for awhile and just have to say you remind me so much of the main female character in 2008's Brideshead revisited! Very good movie for the fashion, and you two could be twins.
your photography is great!!
You look so beautiful and happy! It's lovely to see.
Andrea xx
beautiful pics!I love how everything is full of colors!
Matroskin, elephant ears are basically fried dough, with butter, sugar, and cinnamon on top. They are so very delicious, but something you should really only eat once a year when the fair comes to town ;)
Old Lady Chic, I have yet to see that! Really want to, it's on my movie list ;)
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