Saturday morning I joined Julie for a little estate sale hunting. We went to one in a pretty apartment, that from the description sounded promising, but turned out to be a bust. I did get a nice laptop case thought, even thought it was overpriced for an estate sale (everything was), but It was just what I've been looking for :)
After that we found a great sale held by a couple of girls who were cleaning out their closets, including a lot of great vintage. There were a few things I wanted, but as soon as I saw these Chie Miharas, it was love at first sight. They are still in the box, never worn, even have extra heel tabs. I've been wanting a pair of Chie Miharas for a couple of years, but even on sale they are out of my price range. These were only $50. Yeah, it would have been wrong not to get them.
After that we found a great sale held by a couple of girls who were cleaning out their closets, including a lot of great vintage. There were a few things I wanted, but as soon as I saw these Chie Miharas, it was love at first sight. They are still in the box, never worn, even have extra heel tabs. I've been wanting a pair of Chie Miharas for a couple of years, but even on sale they are out of my price range. These were only $50. Yeah, it would have been wrong not to get them.
New in box! What a bargain
Did you happen to see what the Pee Wee Herman fabric was? It's in the last picture towards the right with the little green guy on it. Just curious to what it is
Hehe, Betty it so funny you would notice that :) It was a terrific little button up blouse, in a comic book style Pee Wee print.
Yes, I have Pee-Wee vision :) That sounds super cute though!
The green luggage in the 5th photo... I own the set! I now feel cool by association....
wow! so lucky. that's a bargain.
Those shoes are yummy. Chie Miharas are super awesome & some of the most comfortable heels I've ever worn. You lucky thing x
GORGEOUS shoes! Great find!
Oh wow--what a lucky find for $50!!! :)
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
It looks like so much fun!
wow. what a sale. wow.
Wow. Congrats on the great find!!
super cute shoes, great find!
adorable shoes great find and price pinupdolls01.blogspot.com
wow! sweet deal :D
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