This is a photobooth picture of my great grandma Lois sometime during the 1930s. Her blouse is similar to my 1930s blouse, but oh how I love that scarf. She was a master seamstress so I wouldn't be surprised if she made the blouse herself. By hand of course, she didn't have a sewing machine until she was older (I just inherited one of them, can't wait to use it!).
Great picture!
she's beautiful! can I ask your permission to sketch this?
Look at her darling freckles...Babe genes just run in your family.
What a fantastic picture - you can see so much detail in it. You're very lucky to have this. I love her scarf.
always great to find ancient family pics!
She's beautiful in such an unique way, her eyes are so mysterious. Did you know her?
I wish I had an old picture of my great grandma! My mum made some of her when she was more than 90, but I can't really guess how she used to look like young from those. :)
I have to love anyone named Lois -- that is my mom's name! She great grandma was a gorgeous lady -- I agree with Lilibloom -- there is someting about her eyes -- very mysterious -- makes you wonder what she was thinking when they took that picture -- or who was taking it! Thanks for sharing -- I can see where you get your knack for style!
great photo!! I agree about the scarf! Darling!
~ * ♥ * ~
What a stunning photo ~ the scarf and the blouse are just darling. And your great grandmother is super pretty, just like you. ^__^
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Love the pic, her look into the camera... Great book I read and really enjoyed called "American Photobooth" by Näkki Goranin. Not too much text, but it does give a photobooth history and what she feels her collection of pics means. Really interesting. Thanks for posting this pic!!!
She is so beautiful, what a great photo!
What a beautiful lady, and Yes...I love the scarf too.
She's beautiful! And that scarf is lovely
I have a similar blouse too.
Lois is stunning and her eyes are talking.
I love how you Great Grandma has tied her scarf..She has inspired me.... I'm going to try this out :)
What a beautiful lady, you look a lot like her xxx
What a gorgeous image! :) Wow--to be able to make something completely by hand is impressive. I adore hand sewing, but tend to get too impatient on jobs that require more than handsewn details/finishing. ;) I love the way her scarf is tied too--shall have to file that away in my "fall inspiration" folder. Thanks for sharing this! :)
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
Rina, yes, I'd love to see the finished product!
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