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I was going to do a Christmas wish list, but there's not really much I want. A new lense for my camera. Short post. Goodness knows I have enough clothes, hats, gloves, and whatnot to fill our apartment and then some (not that it stops me from buying the occasional hat, I last counted at......*ahem*.....122....)
So I thought I would post a few photos of girls with long hair, since thats what I've been really wanting.
Not a girl with long hair. Just the hair part.
As much as I love vintage styles, I am often drawn to a more natural look, and am really happy when I see girls embracing their natural hair texture. It just kills me when I see women fry their wavy hair in order "smooth it out". Honestly I love the look of a bit of frizz, a bit of fluff. Paired with a fresh face, it looks a little wild, in a good way.
But of course, the grass is always greener on the other side, and many ladies with straight hair will do whatever it takes to get curls.
Le sigh.
Hope you enjoy this little collection, and hope it inspires those of you who are trying to grow out your hair to keep away from the scissors!
I love the Grace Coddington inspired picture of Karen Elson with all the persians....I have a persian cat my self!
I have hair very much like #5 and, like you say, the grass is always greener on the other side! I've always wanted insanely curly hair!
Even with hot rollers and setting lotions, the most I can get is a light wave similar to this image.
Long hair is good for beehives though ;-)
Your hair will grow before you know it!
Hehe, no-one is ever satisfied with their hair. I never liked my long hair, all flat on top and frizz at the bottom. And I do now like my pixie crop, but I am insanely jealous of all my new vintage friends who have long hair and can do exciting victory rolls and 50s up dos!
I am so glad you are still growing out your hair. My hair has grown nicely and is still adorably vintage (think Rita Hayworth in 'Down To Earth')! Keep up the good work :)
Oh, I also want my hair to grow longer!
I used to want curly hair so my hair would have more texture and be easier to style. Now I like the fact that I have really straight hair because I can curl it and style it if I want to, but it also looks good without me having to do anything.
Thanks for all of these pictures of long hair! I've been growing mine out for a while and now that it's starting to get long, I've been thinking about short hair all the time! These were a good reminder to let my hair keep growing at least until summer.
That is true, the grass is always greener on the other side. I wanted short hair so bad when my hair was long, and now that it's short, I want long hair again! But you have great hair, so don't fret :)
*sigh* Redheads like Karen and Lily get me every time. ;) I think it's even more so because the redhead gene skipped me! (My mom has the most beautiful, natural red hair.)
Anyway... I love super long, slightly frizzy hair myself. Like you, as much as I adore the more kept and neat appearance, there is something more romantic about natural hair. I've been growing out my hair since I got it trimmed last (*coughcough* back in March) and playing around with various looks that don't require constant upkeep to curl it. But then again, my hair is naturally wavy and likes to frizz, so sometimes it's better not to fight it. ;) Plus I used to be obsessed with the idea of masses of wildly curling/wavy hair--my sketchbooks were full of girls sporting the look--and now I'm finally playing around with the look myself! At present, my hair is just at the end of my shoulder blades. I've been toying with the idea of trimming it, but have to admit that vintage style or not, I can't bring myself to cut it all off again! ;)
♥ Casey | blog
major amen on that one lady. i'm all about natural beauty and people embracing the locks & looks they were born with.
I love your blog and your photos are
just gorgeous. Who takes them?
This is so inspiring to me because I have waist-length curls I've been growing out for years, and the only thing that has ever made me want to cut it is the lack of vintage style-ability. I tried to do a pin-curl set once and it was disastrous.
I know I would probably be sad if I chopped it, after all the time and effort I've put in to it, but sometimes it's a little bit frustrating. Still, going to keep on chugging, aiming for classic length hair (!)
Its true, I have straight thick hair, and I have to rag tie it every night to get my curls, at least I got wise and stopped using hot rollers before my hair died!
Lily Cole has gorgeous hair and always had. I often think the same thing. I long for long hair, but I think I have come to the reality that I am just a short hair kind of girl. I also have super naturally straight hair, but I have learned to embrace it. Sometimes I curl it, and then others its straight.
Growing my hair out is the most frustrating thing in the world. I'm coming from a super short pixie and hoping to get my hair to be about your length, maybe a bit shorter. Experimenting with roller sets is the only thing that's keeping me from cutting it all off again!
How lovely! Thank you for posting these. I need to remember that as frustrating as it is, I will enjoy my long hair when it *finally* grows out. I used to call my hair "naturally frizzy" but since I've started using homemade hair gel and coconut oil on it, it's closer to "naturally curly." :)
122 hats?! Kinda puts my 5 to shame... I'm also thinking of growing my hair a bit, but the volume is much better when its short, vicious circle I think! :)
Long hair was a dream of mine in high school after a disastrous boy cut. I haven't cut any length off since then. I totally agree about loving the natural texture! I do wish mine were thicker...it tends to stick to my face in the winter.
Oh, I have been wanting my hair to grow long as well! Ever since I stared watching Boardwalk Empire, all I think about when I see the women on the show is having beautiful hair like them. Of course one had to go and cut it all off in the finale, but...
Wowza! That is a lot of hats hehe.
I had my hair cut short in June/July this year and I really wish I didn't :/ I used to have hair past my shoulders that would have kept my ears warm in this horrificly cold weather over here in the UK *sigh*
I am currently growing it out though, luckily my hair grows quite quickly and it is almost to the top of my shoulders!
Lily Cole has got rid of the pictured beautiful Red manes and gone with a quite dark Brown, not sure if she suits it though.
Happy hair growing :)
I'm having major hair envy right now. Between long hair looking gorgeous on Rita and Ginger and short hair on Jean and Mia, I honestly find myself in-between. I'm not sure which direction to go.
My hair grows super quickly so I don't know what to tell you! I think I get long hair easily because I only wash my hair twice a week. Less washing means more growing, since it isn't dried out and has natural oils penetrating the scalp. Plus I also will scratch through my head before I shower to wash my hair so that dead skin cells will fall. It always worked for me!
Such a timely post - I've had short Jean Seberg like hair since I was 12, and have just this year started growing it. It is such a frustrating process, but I am getting into the swing of using hot rollers and hairspray!
P.S 122 hats!? Lordy, what a wardrobe you must have!
I had hair to my elbows for about 6 years, and chopped it off in 2008! now it's the shortest it's ever been in a Louise Brooks kind of bob and I'm really starting to miss my long hair again, especially now that I've gotten into something called "mori girl."
so I'm growing mine out too! good luck!
I have naturally curly hair (Shirley Temple style), cut in a short bob. Oddly enough, I often complain that it doesn't look "fake enough" for the fifties look- flat on the top curly on the bottom. I could perhaps straighten my bangs, but at least you straight haired girls have options, as Andi said.
How funny you posted this, all day today I was thinking of cutting my mid-back lenghth hair!
Like many others here I have been thinking about chopping my hair so that it is about your length, now after all those sexy pics I am not so sure!
I am very keen to see this!!!
This si the sweetest blog i have ever seen..:x
My hair's a little bit longer than #6 and slightly lighter. I love having long hair and I'm glad that you've dedicated to an entry to long hair :) you definitely made my day
i think it's a very "girl" thing--grow it out, cut it off, grow it out...rinse, repeat...
to those girls in hair grow out hell: you can easily make your own clip in extensions (since the "permanent" ones can really damage your hair). loads of beauty supplies sell wefts of hair and special clips that can be sewn to them after you've cut the wefts to fit your head. usually the gals at the beauty supply can give you advice on how to make them. curling your hair blends them in and scratches that "i want long hair NOW!" itch without doing permanent damage.
making them for myself helped me get through the awkward stage between shoulder-length and below collarbone-length. :)
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