When Sarah Louise of Slubird asked if I wanted to model this dress for her shop, I had just watched The Secret Garden and it reminded me of something Mary would have worn. You can buy the dress here, and wear it to explore your own overgrown forgotten garden!
*Oh, and the film is on Netflix Instant Watch if you want to watch it ;)
oh wow I haven't seen that movie in a long time,the dress is very cute
The Secret Garden has been one of my favourite movies since I was a little girl! You look gorgeous in that outfit, you're right it does seem like something Mary would wear!
I love that dress, and that movie!
Forced my boyfriend to watch this movie with me somewhat recently, it was still as good as when I was little! I want a secret garden...
I love that film. I haven't seen it in ages; I really should watch it again.
oo! my best friend is getting married this year and it's a secret garden theme. i can't wait, and i had totally forgot about this movie. it was definitely one of my favorites as a girl.
that is one of my favorite movies - it's so magical and it always makes me feel better in the end. I love the color of your dress and the collar :)
The dress AND the movie is just simply amazing! I love them both!!
I love the movie and you are perfect with that dress! Great!
I have The Secret Garden and The Little Prince on a double feature dvd from Target. Best deal ever! I love those movies :] The dress looks adorable on you! Very flattering <3
I love that dress, it's such a beautiful colour!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
How very strange. I just thrifted this exact same dress not more than a few days ago! Well anyways, it looks gorgeous on you!
You have beautiful pictures..I have also a blog with vintage theme: http://ciocolatanearga.blogspot.com..I'm romanian..But I want to ask you how you have bigger photos on blogger, like yours?
What a beautiful dress! You've just reminded that I've never actually read The Secret Garden, despite being English. Hopefully the library will have a copy!
Your blog is fantastic ;)
Love that dress. The color looks so great on you.
Love the dress and it looks great on
aww I remember when I saw that movie in theatres. I still love the Hallmark version of Secret Garden from the 80s best though!! Probably because I was raised on it though.
Love your outfit! Looks gorgeous. That is nice that you always model things for people's shops.
Oooh, I used to love the book but I actually don't think I've seen the film, I'll have to put it on my list!
That is such a gorgeous dress, I love the collar.
Oh I love The Secret Garden, I used to watch it all the time when I was a kid, I always wanted a red beret like Mary's.
Love the dress, loved the book, loved the movie (and the musical... anyone else remember that? or is it just me, maybe because I had hazel eyes at the time and that song stuck in my head?).
I loved that book. It was one of my favorites as a child, because it wasn't "dumbed down" for childern like so many are! I will have to check out the movie.
Great dress, so cute!
wow, love the rich colours!
Beautiful! Nothing more to say :)
Solanah, You are getting more and more beautiful each day! Love the color on you.
oh my goodness! you look like Mary.
Gosh you could be her all grown up
Oh man, I love that movie! Still remember seeing it at the cinema many many years ago! Gorgeous dress also, love the colour :)
Ohh I love that movie! I just watched it a month ago (for the first time since I was little!)
Lovely dress too x
Greorgy, I upload them from photobucket.
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