I picked up this darling late 30s, early 40s hat today, look at the perfect colors in the silk!

I cleaned it up and steamed it, as it was quite misshapen and had some stains. Almost good as new now!

A couple of pretty faceted bakelite bangles I got at an estate sale for only 50 cents!

A set of pretty Italian teacups and saucers, great for everyday because they're the weight and thickness of restaurant china.

Another estate sale find, an fabulous pink wool Edith Flagg dress from the 1960s, reminds me of a poodle!

This is about the best invention ever, a belt ring! I don't know why I never heard of this before, but it's great. Perfect belt holder.

I was going to sell this cute little crochet purse, but then I found this note inside:

How could I let it go?

A red millinery plume with rhinestones! Irresistible!
Bakelite for .50? Lucky girl! Love the hat! Great finds indeed!
Lovely finds!! The note inside the little purse is so sweet...I love finding notes from the past, especially when you find them tucked away inside the pockets of vintage clothes or purses. That hat is also STUNNING.
cute finds!Finding bakelite for $1.00 or less is always a thrill!
What wonderful finds! My favorite, though, is the little purse with the note. There's no way I'd be able to let something that sweet go, either. :)
The note you found in the purse is so sweet! And dated back in the 70's! I love that kind of stuff! Soo interesting.
Xo Chloe.
I love your new hat! It's so hard to find hats here! I think would love to shop on the west coast!
Ooo what stunning items! That note is precious!! I recently found a book in a bin (yes, it was on its way to the incinerator!) with a handwritten note that was written 70 years ago on the first page! I've put pictures of it up on my blog!
x Aliya
*heart melts like a chocolate in the hand of a sweet little child, holding a kitten close, on a warm summer's day* :P
That note is beautiful!
That little note was incredibly lovely!!
Okay those finds are awesome. I can't believe you find such a tender note inside the little purse! I won't let it go either, it's a piece of someone's life left in quiet paper.
That note is so lovely! I love finding little personal treasures in antique finds. :) Me and my sister (the one who drew a picture of you) found a vintage letterman sweater from 1956 a month or two ago, and I just discovered this evening that there's an embroidered badge sewn into the inside seam with the name "Jamie Anderson" on it. It was touching, somehow. :)
Maria Elyse
First Impressions
Flying Ships Vintage
Wow, what amazing finds! I love the bracelets. That note is the most darling thing, I understand not being able to part with it.
i totally need that belt ring! awesome finds my dear =)
That note is SO adorable!!
That hat is so so so adorable! I think it would go great with
www(dot)etsy(dot)com(slash)listing(slash)76250891(slash)vintage-1940s-suit-two-piece-belted from etsy.
Plus I know how much you love matching 2 piece suits.
Much love,
Great finds! That hat is fabulous... lucky you! :)
I LOVE that hat. Just gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you wear it with :)
Of gosh, that not is so sweet! I wouldn't sell the bag either ...
Kelly @
Elegantly Academic
Love the hat..and how sweet finding the note..precious!! Glad your keeping it! Have a great day! xx
I love the purse and note- no way you could sell that!
I love the crochet purse and the note in it!
and where can I possibly get my own belt ring?
Hmmm, I didn't know steam could help fix vintage hats. I have this 1920's cloche hat and it's in need of fixing. I'll try that and see how it works...thanks. Oh, and awesome finds!
Amazing finds..in love with the silk hat
The note is so sweet :) I wouldn't have been able to let it go either!
The 1972 bag is darling...to think they were still leaving handwritten notes not that long ago is encouraging. We need to revive this darling habit with our own DIY crafts. Anyhow, would love some more pics of that hat maybe on you? I sew many hats, particularly from the 1940s, so I would appreciate more photos.
Love the hat! I could see that with a wiggle dress and spectator pumps! It never ceases to amaze me how well vintage was constructed.
Dear Solanah,
How do you clean vintage wool hats? I am so scared to touch them because I am utterly lost on the proper ways to clean them.
How lovely to find the note in the bag!... Although it then makes me think, did Kay ever use it if the note stayed in there all that time?? But I shouldn't spoil the romance with such comments!
And I'm stunned you've not come across belt rings until now too! It seems like something you would definitely have. I remember them from my childhood - my mother's dazzling collection of 80s belts hung up in her wardrobe. I have the not-so-stylish equivalent - just using a coat-hanger to hang my belts up!
I love that beautiful hat and the bright bangles! And what gorgeous note!
That letter is so precious! I love finding old ticket stubs and such in vintage treasures.
I was just thinking yesterday how I desperately needed some way to arrange my belts better. Why do they not make these still? What do you use to clean silk? I'd love to see a before and after pic of your cleanup, it looks so perfect! Great finds!
I wonder how or why Kay let her girt go?
That hat is amazing!! And every time I read your blog I remember how much I want some Bakelite jewelry!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
WOW! The note inside is really special. How lovely! I am completely loving the colours in that hat. The gold really sets it off. Lovely
I'm always so excited when I find the original owner's notes in cookbooks I buy, so I wouldn't be able to sell that purse, either. It makes it more personal!
Incredible finds! That hat is fabulous!
WOW. So lovely.
That striped hat is TO DIE FOR.
what a delightful note. i just love finding sweet, little, tucked away surprises like that!
What great finds! I wouldnt be able to let go of the note either!! xox
The hat is amazing!) I love those bright vibrant colors <3
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