Recently I found this "Spring Summer 1950 Montgomery Wards" catalogue at a local antique shop, on sale for $18! And to top it off, the book still had is't plastic wrap on it, never been opened.
These are just a few photos of what's inside, though I'd love to do specialized posts now and then on specific things. Shoes, dresses, lingerie, suits, coats, beauty, hair, pretty little housewares. No hats though, which seems so strange!

I would love to find a teal spiderweb dress. So cool.

I'm pretty sure the darling dress on the left is this dress in a different fabric

These are pajamas! If I saw the second set in a vintage shop, I'd identify them as a little play set. What a cute little thing to sleep in!
Dont you wish you could still order these fashions? There are at least a dozen I would love to own, especially the 'pajamas'.
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
Sooo many lovely things! Thanks for sharing :)
What a great book id have nabbed it too.
How gorgeous! I love all the details on these details (esp. the buttons). Clothes just seemed to be so much more interesting in the 50s ...
Kelly @
Elegantly Academic
Amazing! I love the curve of the heels and those pyjama's look incredible. How lucky you are to have a dress similar to these lovely examples! xoxox
What a wonderful find Solanah!
Living in such a small country there are very few examples of such lovely 50s fashions.
That very first image of the blue dresscoat has stolen my heart. What an incredible (and practical!) garment!
Wonderful! Thank you for posting these pages. The page showing the shoes is beautiful, and very inspiring :-)
Thanks for these beautiful photos! I like especially the pink dress with black roses.
Eeeeep! One of everything please :)
Such beautiful patterns. If only I was patient enough to be able to sew. Love those pjs!
Lovely images, Harriett has a 30's spiderweb teal dress. I will get her to take a photo of it at some point xx
These are lovely, but the shoes! they are so fantastic!
I can't believe it l have a 2 piece dress and bolero in exactly the same fabric as the dress in the second last picture, the dress on the left with the large strawberry's....that's so amazing to see it here!
lovely frocks, I particularly like the pink and black midriff dress with ruching round the neck
You could sell the shoes just like this today and no one would notice how "old" the design is... But the underwear looks a little painful ;-) In hot weather especially. Then again, now I know where they get their waists from ;-)
Relatable Style
I love the heels! Ooh, now I want to make more shoe clips!
Perhaps there aren't any hats as the company didn't sell them?
Some great shoes there - I'm just dying for the pom pom heels!! - and the floral PJs are great. Oh, to dream!
I love seeing the spiderweb dress!
I recently found a (late 40's?) dress with large spiderwebs and roses, and was just blown away by the combination... and just spiderwebs in general aren't something I think of when I think of vintage clothing (not printed on them anyway...)
I think the more I see 50's fashions the more I fall in love with it!!! I want all of these dresses!!! :)
What an interesting find, I love the dresses :)
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The shoes!!!!! I'm just dying over the ones with the ankle straps--so cute. ;) What a lucky find too--$18 is a bargain for one of these!
Ah!By the time I scrolled down to the shoes I was near tears!I love old magazines and catalogs but it depresses me that we can't just go out and find those things =(
Great find, so many pretty pictures! :)
Hello Solanah,
I nominated you for "The Irresistably Sweet Blog Award". The rules for winning are on my blog. <3
Thanks for keeping up with such an awesome blog! I love it! <3
Such an amazing post! You are so lucky to have grabbed that catalog when you got the chance :D
you can check out the blog that my sister and I write at oneinchapart.wordpress.com
We would love to hear what you think of it! :)
I absolutely love how you can begin to see the transition between the 1940's and the 1950's so clearly in these photos! What a great find; finding something from 1950!
Thanks for sharing those images!
good grief - why?? this is a total love/lust/need festival. I haven't the money to buy/make these but now i must have them!!!!!!!!!! ;)
What a find! You lucky thing! Beautiful pictures- the clothes, the hair, the makeup......all so gorgeous. I'd spend hours flipping through a book like that :)
those pjs are darling!
Oh amazing! I love all those plaid dresses! What a find.
Good grief- they are the best looking pyjamas I've seen! I'd certainly have thought they were a little play set too! xx
The pink dress with the black hearts makes my heart ache! And the shoes make me hungry! What a fabulous find..
Liz, I just spotted the same hearts fabric but in black and white on Etsy.. The dress/colour combo isn't as cute as the pink, but still! http://www.etsy.com/listing/70249965/vintage-40s-i-heart-hearts-dress-sz-m
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