I don't know why, but I love the sound of heels on a wood floor in an empty room. It's slightly creepy and just a tad bit exciting.
Today I cleaned out our bedroom completely, scrubbed the icky mold from the walls, and threw out the little bits and bobs that succumbed to it. Now it's empty, with a cold dank feeling and echo with every step and sound.
But good news is, we're going to start moving tomorrow! Yayyyy! Honestly I think I enjoy moving a bit. I get to really look through all the stuff I have and narrow it down to just the good stuff. And then unpack and find a new place for everything, it's one of those odd things I love doing, like sorting socks, or dusting shelves.
So this week may be a little sparse on Vixen Vintage, since I'm not sure how we'll be as far as internet is concerned, but I'll try and post pictures as often as I can!
Little note: This is my version of sweat pants and tennis shoes, because I don't own any! No temptation for that kind of thing if I don't have that kind of thing. I've found this little cotton 30s dress to be comfortable, easy to wear, and acceptable for running errands.
Ooooo, I'm so excited!!!
I think a dress is waaaay more comfortable than a pair of sweatpants any day
Even cleaning mold, you look adorable. That takes skill!
That first photo is brilliant! How lovely. Great great great
Yep, there are definitely both pros and cons of moving. i love your sweet, mary janes.
The print on that dress is beautiful! Looks really good.
Good luck with the move and enjoy :)
Lottie x
i really like your dress !!
good luck for your move !
I love this dress and shoes! Also, I am SO jealous of your lovely curly hair!
From Carys of
La Ville Inconnue
Love, love, love your outfit -- what an inspiration to us all! I too loved moving when I did not have a huge house of things to pack. It gives you a good reason to really weed out things that you don't need/use anymore and then you have the fun of finding everything a new home! Wishing you a quick, uneventful move.
Good luck with your move! Love your running errands wear ;)
Lovely cleaning-wear! I also like moving, in one way. I like planning the new place, sort through my stuff and throw away things. And then to find a new order in a new place. I'm not a huge fan of packing och carrying, though...
Good luck with your move!
I also love moving. It feels great to get the chance to reorganize my life and feel a sense that everything I own is something I need.
I feel the exact same way about walking in big rooms wearing high heels. I want to focus on those click sounds with every stride.
I love your dress (I'm the same way about sweatpants, I've done drywall in dress clothes).
Best wishes for you move! ;)
What a cute dress! Hm, maybe I should get rid of that my of sweat pants, I fall into the lazy trap way to often...Hope the move goes well, good luck!
As usual, you look adorable!
I share your secret love of moving. There is something so satisfying about revisiting items which have been packed away, about the purge, about finding a new home for all of your treasures... Congrats, good luck, and have fun!
love that dress!!
I'm totally with you on loving moving, sorting socks and dusting shelves. There's nothing I love more than cleaning and organising! Hehe :)
And you look gorgeous. My 'sweat pants' equivalent is very similar. Honestly, I don't know why people wear sweat pants - it's easy to be just as comfortable, and to look good too!
Have fun with your move :)
I love your dress, This is what i need to do to not be tempted by sweat pants
I gave you an award on my blog =) Check it out
i like your policy of no sweats! i myself have succumbed to temptation lately. not so much with sweats, really, but i've been wearing denim and tshirts a lot. your version of comfy-errand-wear is pretty and quite inspiring.
best of luck with your move!
what a wonderfully high ceiling!!! I agree about the clincking of heels in an empty room. it is a bit odd in a way! I love it though too. hehe. Happy decorating!
wow cant believe i didnt know about this blog.
Will be keeping tabs on your wonderful wardrobe from now on :)
if you feel like checking out the Western Australian vintage scene..
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