I've mentioned before how my aunt Nichole was my biggest influence for dressing in vintage, and now I actually get to show you why! Here are some pictures from when I was a little girl, and wanted to wear her red lipstick and pretty dresses, and some from now with her husband and four growing girls, where she still makes vintage style effortless. I'm sure you can see why vintage appealed to me looking at these photos, my aunt got her hands on the best vintage, and she always looked like she stepped out of the 40s or 50s, her closet full of the best dresses, skirts, blouses, and sweaters. A few months ago she made my dream come true and passed much of her wardrobe on to me, the same outfits that made me want to be so much like her. You can learn more about her on her blog Life in a Pink House, and see her cute outfits, and parenting tips. As you can see she didn't let having four girls be an excuse for letting go of vintage, she even looks cute riding a bike! So if you want some vintage inspiration from my inspiration, check her out.
My aunt influenced my style so much, and I hope that one day I can pass on beloved clothing to cousins who might love it as much as I do. Just the other day I was with my cousin Ruth and noticed she was wearing a 50s beaded sweater that was once a favorite of mine. Then I realized that before it was mine or hers, my aunt had given it to me just before Ruth was born 13 years ago, as she was afraid baby Ruth would pull off the beads and eat them. Luckily we don't have to worry about Ruth eating beads now :)
And in case you're wondering, the first photo is of me and my aunt, I'm wearing my favorite sweatshirt that reads "My cat walks all over me!" I thought I was pretty cool.
you and your aunt both have great style! love the first & third picture with the adorable red dress!
She looks fantastic! The dress in the 1st picture is amazing! I love her outfit in all of them but I love number one and number six the best :) And your jumper was just too cute!
Oh wow she's amazing :) Great style :) Maybe I can do it then with my two kiddies in tow. I'll have to start buying more vintage style clothes :)
.....AND she's slinging her baby!! Yayy :)
the pictures are beautiful!
The pictures are amazing and your aunt is SO beautiful!
Beautiful photos Solanah!
Wow, what a neat story and beautiful pictures. Your aunt is so pretty and I love her clothes. I especially love the look and feel of the one with the red dress with the polka dots. Just a perfect picture and so pretty with her white anklets and black Mary Janes. Yay to white anklets and dressy shoes, a style you wear so well, too! I so wish spring could come so that we could all wear our pretty dresses. And you were such a cute girl, but that should be obvious as you turned out to be such a pretty lady!
no kidding, what an inspiration. That first dress makes me want to just die! what great style you two have.
Oh wow, what a lovely post!
haha your cat sweater =) adorable
I always knew style was passed on throught the genes :p.
Love your Aunts bow tattoo!
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
shut up! that's your auntie?! i LOVE her blog. what small world. i love seeing these pics of her!
Oooo! I will have to put her on my Google Reader! I love how her cute daughters are so stylin' as well. Oh, and I LOVE the dorky (um, I mean glorious?) cat sweater. I'm only teasing because I am sure my childhood wardrobe consisted of many neon, pastel, or cat items.
how wonderful! your aunt is definitley wardrobe inspiration! She is so stylish! I LOVE the dress she's wearing in the first picture. It's so beautiful!
these are AMAZING! Your Aunt is such a doll and her dresses are fabulous!
A sweet post full of inspiration. You are very blessed.
Wow, your aunt has an amazing sense of style. The photo of her in the plaid jacket and skirt, with the black shoes and white socks is adorable.
It's wonderful that you shared this story with us.
Inspiration comes from many places, but when it comes to family, sometimes it's ingrained into our being. It's perfectly natural to follow your aunt into vintage bliss when she's so stylish!
Love all the photos. Gorgeous family!
You. This makes me cry. I love you. I wish there was a photo of when your mom and I got all dressed up for the Nutcracker and you wore the cat sweater.
I can see where you get your inspiration from, she's one stylish lady! And you were a total cutie with your adorable jumper!
YOUR AUNT IS SO COOL! Wow I can see you draw lots of inspiration from her; even I am! Can't wait to check out her blog!
Very cool post! How cool is your Aunt! I see the resemblance.
Your auntie is chic!
Lovely tribute to your Aunt. I can see how much you two love each other :)
so cool!
she didn't happen to pass on that first dress to you did she? what a frock!
I love it when women don't 'give up' after having kids. It makes me smile.
These pictures are amazing! What a stylish lady. My style inspiration is my great-grandmother - she was (and still is) a paragon of good taste and fashion.
A xx
Oh wow--I can see why your aunt has been such a big style influence in your life! She really is a snappy dresser (and I love the fact that she's a mom and still wears vintage! My hero! :D). Thanks so much for sharing these!!!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
Lovely photos. Real vintage style
She hast nice style! You and your aunt look so similar!
she's gorgeous
LOVE #7, the black and white photo. That's art!
She is so beautiful. She looks a lot like you in that sepia desert photo! What an honor to receive so much of her wardrobe! I love seeing fellow mommas who can so easily capture the vintage fashion. She is an inspiration to us all! Thank you for sharing all of your lovely family pics! xoxo
This is such an inspirational post! Really - I just became an auntie in December, and while I rather hope my nephew doesn't grow up wanting to wear my lipstick and pretty dresses, I do hope to be a vintage influence. Your aunt is DARLING! What a pleasure to have family like that. And congrats on inheriting much of her collection!
Oh goodness. What an inspiration indeed!!!!! I don't think I know anyone at all who wears vintage clothing other than me who lives near to me. Kinda sad in a way that I can't share my fashion joys with anyone. THere is a woman from my church who is 80 and shows me old photos of herself in dresses that are similar to what I wear. She loves my clothes, so that's really fun. She's really really classy and fashionable for her age, that it astounds me. She made all of her own clothes and wishes she kept them so I could have them. I wish so too. Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful photos of your aunt.
Your aunt looks fabulous. Good for her, still rocking her vintage look through the years!
omg these pics of your aunt are so great. What great style, and double kudos for her for keeping up with her personal style after 4 kids!! Her dresses are amazing and I would kill for that sailboat dress. Hope you got that one.
I can def see why she's so cute and fashionable!
Woah, your aunt looks exactly the same back then as she does now, how does she do that?! She looks amazing!
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