Photos by Sam
Ok, well, every week is cat week, lets not lie to ourselves.
Cassie Stephens sent me this adorable kitty belt (it's reversible too!), and right away it reminded me of Batmans bat belt. Only a cat.
Then I thought "duh, Catwoman."
So there you go, if Catwoman sat around drinking tea and knitting, she would totally wear this. Or maybe her less badass little sister would wear it. Kittywoman.
I am Kittywoman.
Also I've never really shown off this sweater well enough, I got it in September and am just now posting the little kitten details. I love how juvenile it is, even has kittens on the buttons!
And the socks my mama got me for Valentines day, such cute kitty love!
Dress-Red Light
Cardigan-Tea With Gladys Vintage
Belt-Courtesy of Cassie Stephens, just ask for a custom kitty belt, she's a dream to work with!
Shoes-Gianni Bini, from Urban Eccentric Vintage
Socks-Gift from my mother
why do i feel the need to comment on everything to do with cats? : (
this is the best. cats are the best.
I too am owned by cats ^-^
Wow! I've been wanting one of Cassie's belts for a while, and now I *have* to get one. :) I also adore the sweater!
omg the lips on the sweater cats are the BEST!!
I love the little kitty buttons! So whimsical!
That's a great cat sweater!
What a purr-fect outfit!!I love the belt to!!
- Josie
okay hep-kitten said it, but i have to say it too! this outfit is purrr-fection! the check dress and socks with pumps, always a hit. you're the cat's meow! too many cat jokes? haha
Ahh, this is too adorable. Your cat-themed clothes are all truly amazing; that kitty dress you sewed is still one of my all-time favorite blogger outfits!
That sweater is PHENOMINAL!
Ugh. I'm very jealous of all your cat outfits :D
I LOVE that!! So cute! Especially the socks!
The details on that sweater are adorable, I'm wondering if my knitting skills are good enough to attempt some sort of duplication. I love the cat on the sleeve, and the ribbon trim.
Your outfit is just the most adorable thing ever! Such a cute sweater :)
Jen xx
This looks absolutely perfect on you!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
*hyperventilating* Best outfit EVER. I love the cardi, the belt, the socks (they match the cardi perfectly!). I don't have a cat right now and miss kitty ownership so much, I think it makes me even more gaga over feline fings than I was before!
That outfit is totally adorable!
That kitty cardi is freaking amazing!!
Wow this is one incredible outfit and you look so utterly divine - the cardi and the belt are sooooo gorgeous. You really suit red:)
i would love to be a cat person, if only i wasn't allergic :( my friend has the most adorable cats who just wear me down with their begging eyes... life is cruel sometimes...
Adorable outfit! The belt is just too cute for words.
Thank you for putting a big silly smile on my face =)
I think I prefer Cat Woman's sister :) Such a darling ensemble :)
honestly, i cannot get enough of your looks!! lovely as always!!
kiss kiss*
That cardigan is insanely cute!
Oh my--this look is just too adorable! :) That cardigan is a great find... the details are so charming. And love the belt from Cassie--isn't her work lovely?
♥ Casey
Ohhh my goodness!!!!
I love this outfit so much i want to purr!!!
I think this is one of my most favourite outfits of yours..
When i have some spare money, i'm getting a belt like that. SO beautiful.
Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely gorgeous kitty cardi! :) (Says the geeky weird 3-cat lady.) hehe
I am reminded of the kitty on Mr. Rogers... Meow Meow, just beautiful, Meow. >^..^<
I HEART cats!
I am dieting, precisely so that I can fit into epic sweaters such as that. =D I am in love with the socks, too!
Okay, it's official. You're the cutest person ever.
Best. Sweater. EVER.
Your kitty cardigan makes my little heart beat faster!
i love your post about pajamas to the store, i like that it was after the pajama party. i wear fancy jammies, and passion killers. i always felt like a hag after a long day at work or with my daughter. How u appear really does change your mood!
Aah this outfit is too cute! Love that sweater, was expecting you to have made it tho, its fab! :)
Amazing Kitty themed outfit! Supercute!
Awesome! Your hair is also quite perfect, you must have sprinkled it with magic hair-dust : ) How'd ya get those curls so sausagey? Lovin 'em!
aww this is truly lovely <3
beautiful dress, cute socks like crazy and the shoes with it also look adorable. Awww
Ah how cute! I am a lover of silly socks and the fact that they match that awesome cardigan is pretty sweet. You look great. I've been seeing these great Cassie Stephens belts everywhere, I really need to get one!
Hi Solanah!
I love your blog from the moment your started it but I must admit hardly ever post.
I just wanted to add about the "Pajamas'gate" that I can't imagine you received so many reactions about your remark!
As a European (I am from Switzerland) I was already surprised to see people in tracksuits in the malls in the USA, but pajamas sounds really crazy to me... It mostly reminds me about candid pictures of celebrity in impossible outfits, making them look like homeless people (a huge paradox).
I think that Europeans are more constant in their way of dressing (never too well or too badly dressed, no pajamas but no fantastic dresses for going out) which can be boring.
What I really appreciated while traveling in the USA (east and west coast) was the freedom I felt everywhere in my way of dressing. People are less judgmental than anywhere in Europe and I could go around with my "dressy" look during the day without being stared at, even if everyone around me was wearing tracksuits.
Really cute cat cardi, I used to have a really itchy cow jumper, I'm not really sure why but I collected everything in the world to do with cows, well not the whole world, Teapots, egg cups, plates, jugs, socks, bags, that itchy jumper and .......I've forgotten the rest.
Love your vintage photos though, really inspiring.
You look amazing! Cassie makes the most amazing belts, and this one is the perfect compliment to your outfit.
haha sooo cute. i love your look. the cardigan is super sweet
F. (opinionslave.blogspot.com) x
Your outfit is too cute, I love love love the sweater! :)
Oh. Wow. My life will not be complete until I have my own 'cat on my arm' cardigan! Love! It!
I just found your blog and I am quite enjoying it. I love your casual fashion, it's so cute! I decided 2 years ago to only have cute clothing in my closet so when I go out I have no choice but to look nice. I love looking at the different looks you have from dressy, to casual. Keep up the great work and stay true to yourself!
Lady! You're event more cat obsessed than me, and that's saying something!
This is so inexplicably adorable! I love how your outfits always have the most gorgeous little details. I need a cat cardigan!
That's so lovely! I love everything about this outfit, all these kitties. If I'd see you walking down the street, you'd definitely make my day.
Haha, Kittywoman! That is perfect.
-Andi x
I don't know anybody, but you, who looks glamorous in socks! :)
You and your kitty fashions are too adorable for words, gah!
Cakes and Shakes, pin curls!
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