This week I did another closet rotation (winter spring), which involves taking everything out of my closet, vacuuming and dusting, and picking and choosing things from storage and from my existing rotation for a new wardrobe. As soon as I put some clothes on the bed, Hobbes made himself right at home!
Also, everyone must read these great posts on the history of synthetics, over on the Tuppence Ha'penny blog :)

My cats, Mr. Bengal Bigglesworth and Mort Rainey love to inspect any vintage clothing I have on my bed or elsewhere! Cats just have superb taste!
Hobbes is so handsome! Great pics!
My littlest pet bunny loves vintage so much that she tries to eat it. It seems that the older the article of clothing is, the tastier she thinks it looks. This has caused me much distress in the past.
My puppy likes snooping around all my clothing while I clean my closet.Your kitty is adorable!!
- Josie
For The Vintage Fashionista
My roommate's cats always sleep on/in my vintage luggage. Whoever owned it before must have been a cat lady because they are always drawn to them
hah, how cute! Our kitty Klaus thinks that the laptop keyboard and my portfolio briefcase are his personal lounges. He's too cute, so I tend to let him get away with too much!
Animals are so weird! Nate's dog does that too. as soon as an article of clothing is laying around, be it a sock or a ball gown, within seconds he'll plop his 100 pound pitbull frame on it.
I love him! He is a dead ringer for my cat! So funny we have kitty twins ;)
he has the prettiest eyes!
Awww, what a cutie. I'm so envious of all you cat-owning vintage gals, I miss my cat Chilli (who I had to leave behind in Australia when I moved to London).
Such a beautiful cat.
i wish one day I'd be able to not comment on something that had a photo of a cat in : (
my cat licks my mum's sheepskin coat, if that is of any relevance.
I aspire to being that organised! Happy valentines, kitty! (he's cuuute!) x
hehe! Just like a cat! ;) When I was still living at my parent's house, ten-to-one you could bet that one of the cats was always in my room, perched atop a pile of clothes or fabric. It made things interesting to pick up something and find it covered with cat hair... lol.
Love your idea of doing a full closet clean in preparation for the new season. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now by my closet; it's a bit of a sorry mess and in need of a good sort and rearranging. I think perhaps I'll take a page from your book and tackle that this week!
♥ Casey
what a gorgeous cat!
Merlijn (my cat) never leaves the chance to go lie down on fabrics or piles of clothes either.
I love when you post kitty pictures. I grew up with four and now that I've my own (pet unfriendly) place, it's quite lonely with no kitties.
too cute! i wonder if they do that because even our clean clothes probably still have some of our scent in them? i like to think it's a love thing and that pets want to be close to their "parents" :)
That is such a beautiful kitty!
Awww, what a cutie! I am a "crazy cat lady", I confess. I have five. And they LOVE it when I have clothes out on the beds and chairs and sofa! They especially love crinolines and petticoats! The will run and dive into the fluffy layers. Of course, I don't want things torn up badly (especially if it is shop inventory) so I usually have the cut the crinoline play time antics short. :)
Haha, I go with "Kitten loves vintage" but that's just me ;)
I wish I had a reason to do a wardrobe changeover but nope, the temperature for this week is to stay around -20°C, so no need to get out anything spring-like over here... :(
Happy Valentines day!
Aw! My kitty hasn't had the opportunity to relax on any vintage...unless you count notes on the French Revolution!
You have the prettiest cat I have ever seen. Strikingly beautiful color and eyes.
Hobbes is such a gorgeous kitty! Happy Valentine's Day! :)
I love how organized you are!! I need to go through my clothes and donate more items!
Hobbes is too cute. I miss having kitties.
Lucky kitty!
Ooh I love that cardigan! So much fun. How is it I can never find cropped cardigans?
xx Charlotte
Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage
I'm obsessed with organizing (time, objects, activities), so I'm very interested in your eight? time a year closet rotation. A friend of mine told me the other day that my room is starting to look like a vintage stall at the Brooklyn Flea Market (which I take as a compliment) so maybe eventually I'll have to adopt your method.
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