
Akron, Ohio

Saturday we went to an Akron Aeros baseball game, where my uncle threw the first pitch! We had a box, and for the most part it was a beautiful, sunny day :)
After that a few of us walked around town a bit, taking in the sights. There was an old church, deco buildings, and beautiful deserted storefronts, one of which I was coveting, with a high display base and wallpaper, must have been a jewelry store.
Sweater-Handmade by me using this pattern

Blouse-Camas Antiques

Skirt-Somewhere in Ohio years ago

Boots and bag-Urban Eccentric Vintage


Rebeccak said...

Looks like another fun day! That cardigan of yours is so wonderful - it really adds something to every outfit :)

Miss Caitlin Elizabeth said...

love that skirt!! Your hair looks so cute

Dakota said...

What a photogenic place! Yet again, these pictures are so awesome!
And I love you with your hair up, it looks so cute!!

Hep~Kitten said...

Sounds like such a lovely day.

Nina said...

That sounds like a wonderful day!

I love your hair so much :) ♥

Unknown said...

Well don't you look cute? :) Looking like you had a wonderful day!

toridawn said...

I'm such a baseball girl. I love that you got to take in a game. This seems like it's been a great trip out there for ya!

Melissa Righero said...

I can't take my eyes off that purse!

Unknown said...

Love the clothes, and your hair looks so ethereal x

Dial V for Vintage said...

Very cute outfit! I really love the blouse, it's so elegant :).

PageAndLeaf said...

I loveed your dkirt and little neat bun. Whenever i do a messy up-do, i look like someone just pulled my hair hah! Looks like a nice day :)

Carys said...

That's so cool about your uncle! Also, I love this outfit, the yellow cardigan with that lovely skirt is such a pretty combination!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks so cute and those little boots with the white socks!!!!

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Love your bag!
Super cute, like always! x

Meg Eileen Carroll said...

i always go green with envy when i see that cardigan. i would knit one with the pattern you have provided if only i could knit. a simple stitch scarf about draws the line for me, and i can't even cast on or off! i really love this entire outfit, and the blouse is divine!

Anonymous said...

You look so sweet and fresh-faced here! I love your bag, a big leather satchel like that is always handy, let alone one as pretty as that. How exciting to see your uncle play! I love the photos you've shown, with the beautiful deco typography and old dilapidated shopfronts (theres something sad but also ethereally beautiful about them).
Thanks so much for sharing!


Vivi said...

gOrgeOus x love this x

northwest is best said...

Your cardigan is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic look as always!!



Miss Amethyst said...

sounds awesome!!! you look great always :D

BakeliteBebe said...

Your hair looks ADORABLE pulled up like that!!!! <3 And I love the Mary statue.

Anonymous said...

so cute !

Anonymous said...

Okay, FIRST OF ALL... You're in Akron right now? Because I live in Canton. And frequently romp about in Akron. :D

Also, your hair does look very lovely like that. I really, really like it on you.

Annalise said...

I love these photos! It's the perfect outfit and I love all the little details. The lace on your blouse is so precious and goes so well with the color of your cardigan. Your hair looks so pretty up like that too.

jess said...

I love your hair. You did such an amazing job on that sweater.

Julie said...

That outfit is perfection, dahling!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, sounds and looks like a lovely place! You look so cute too, I love your hair :-)

Despina T. said...

Great vintage style dear.great blog too.i am following you,follow back if u like :)

Annie said...

Just curious what connection you have to Akron?! Small world that I found for blog, because I am from Akron :)