Photos by Twila Jean
Sometimes readers ask if I get tired of compliments.
Compliments no, rude inquiries yes:
When I am at work (I work at a vintage store), people usually ask "Do they make you dress this way?"
When I am out and about, people ask "So are you in a play or something?"
And my favorite: "Where did you get your wig?"
Today while out with Twila Jean, we got asked a few too many times if we were in a play, or commercial, or whatever, I stopped listening.
Honestly I am mostly offended that a person who puts effort into their appearance, stands out so much that people think there must be a special reason for their effort. This doesn't just go for vintage gals, because I'm sure that if you have worn a dress and heels to the grocery store, you've been asked "You on your way to a wedding?"
I know I look different. I know I stand out. I know I get stares, but I have learned to be oblivious to all that. I think anyone who dresses differently can relate, vintage or not.
I enjoy talking about vintage to people, most are very nice and just curious, and most just want to tell me how much I remind them of their mother, grandmother, great aunt Bertha, etc. And thats pretty cool. I especially love talking vintage with younger people, because I hope that I can inspire interest in preserving the past through fashion. Or even just reassure them that being different is awesome, even if there are those out there who just don't get it.
Be who you want to be, even if people ask you stupid questions :)
1940s girl scout dress and scarf-Urban Eccentric Vintage
Shoes-Chie Mihara
I am not always bold enough to stick out as much as I probably would if I didn't over think it, but you are so right. It's something I want to work on. I have noticed if I do go more vintage, usually I get a lot of smiles from the older folk. I think they appreciate it. People don't put much effort into the way they dress these days. Me included, unfortunately, but I am going to work on it. :)
I ♥ your look. I wish it was something that I could pull off! Some of your pictures take me back to the movie "A League of Their Own" I ♥ that movie.
Hmmm maybe they are just jealous?
although this is a "rant", i am real happy to read it because outside of the wig question, i have also heard all of these. usually the public response is great, no one has ever been mean, but they do ask if i am in a play or "why am i all dressed up?", and i am thinking, "why AREN'T you!?"
Amen! Dressing good isn't a crime folks! Just because others are uncomfortable with how THEY'RE DRESSED, doesn't mean they need to question the well dressed.
ha! this makes me laugh only because it is so goddamned ridiculous.
i am half Filipino and half Irish and the number of times i've been asked: "what are you?" is enough to inspire insanity! Who ARE these people?!
It is also reminiscent of a time when I cut off all my hair (to an inch or so) and was told by many patrons at the bar I was employed: “you USED to be so pretty”!
To hell with them… you be you.
I'm glad I'm not the only person experiencing this. In fact, I wrote a post about it only last week.
Despite feeling like snapping back at people, I'm learning to just smile sweetly and thank them for their opinion. It's all we can really do.
I get that all the time too. But it all evens out when some little old man on the train says I look like the girls he went to high school with.
As Dita Von Teese once said, "I don't know why everyone wants me to wear jeans so badly."
I've been asked many a times if I have just come from a wedding. It is very annoying. Since when does looking classy and fancy only count for special occasions. Sometimes I want to ask people "did you just wake up? You look like shit" See how it feels...
I am loving these comments girls! (esp Kerri - thank you - you gave me a great laugh!) I also get the 'why are you so dressed up?' question every day and I am now kind of getting sick of having to justify myself. Although I always manage to be well-mannered and just say 'I love vintage' or words to that effect. I figure if I am trying to look elegant and graceful I also have to be gracious to match - but its very hard sometimes!
I'm still in high school, so you can imagine how people are to me!
I totally stick out in the hallway. Most people love my style but just say they could never "pull it off". However, I do get the rude kids who stare, point, ask me why I wear lipstick, what century my dress is from, ask why I insist on wearing a clothing older than my mother, and, my favorite..."sorry I thought you were the substitute teacher"
I just think it's cute and classy! I believe that you can look good without showing everything, laying in a tanning bed, or piling on foundation. Correct me if I'm wrong, haha.
This happens to me quite a bit and I don't even wear things that are super vintage or out of the ordinary. It's like here in San Antonio you're weird if you wear anything other than american eagle and old navy. Last year I wore an american apparel cape to the mall and some lady asked if I was a nurse???? I was like yes a nurse from wwII. Never the less, I wore that cape every day after that, just because I personally loved the cape so much.
Hi girls! I have heard the same questions so many times! I don't mind because I'm feeling good with my vintage style. It's me! Now everyone i know likes my style and people around me find it very classy. Yesterday a friend of my daughter who is 8 years old told me that when she grows up she wants to have the same style as me because she likes so much the way I'm dressed everytime she sees me.That is really something that makes me happy!!!
I think maybe most people are oblivious to the fact that there's another world out there dressing vintage and living vintage lifestyles. Because I was one of those people before I met you and Julie. I would like to think I was mature enough to not have said something so ignorant as "Do they make you dress this way?" to a girl working in a vintage shop or "Where did you get your wig?" to someone on the street. But I know I've done double takes at head-to-toe vintage in the past (usually thinking they look great). But, I also admittedly assumed that was just their choice in clothes for the day, far less so a way of life. It really kind of blows my mind why I wasn't even close to aware of this modern-world-meets-vintage lifestyle before. So, have patience for the rest of the ignorant world to catch up and keep on being the smokin' gal you are! :)
I had a small rant about this on my facebook page. I either get weird looks or I am hit on by men. I do NOT dress overtly sexy. Just very nice, clean and with heels usually. Sometimes *shock* I even wear pants. But I always make an attempt to be well put together. My Nana would be so proud, but I don't know what is wrong with this generation. Sloth and neglect is the order of the day. Just because I care about my appearance makes me stand out and look strange I guess :(
I do usually get ladies ask me where I bought my shoes though.
I was laughing so hard at the wig comment. I WISH someone would mistake my hay head for a wig :)
lovely dress, I totally agree with your article, but here in czech republic it would be much worse, because people only takes as a fashion what appears in Elle...
I couldn't agree more. Today I had a horrible experience while trying to take photos for my blog. There were rude people who kept asking rude questions instead of minding their own business and then had the gall to stop, stare, and snicker. Most people are so very nice! But then there are those few who are snide and mocking, and just plain rude. I'm sorry their sweat pants-ed hiney can't just ignore my looking nice, but mind your own business!
But you look so lovely so just ignore them and know you are fabulous!
One thing that me and my gals who dress the same way get asked millions of times is:"are you having a bachelorette party?" because at least here in finland it's usual that people get dressed in STUPID outfits when they have a bachelorette party.. so that is the biggest offence I think I've ever gotten, since apparently pepople think our vintage oufits are stupid. Goddamnit!
I've only ever had nice things said to my face but some rather overt whispering, pointing & stares other wise.I don't dress vintage everyday though.
It is sad that dressing in such a way is seen as not "normal" anymore.
I see young girls & women getting around like they just crawled out of bed & walked out the door & think no wonder i stick out but i'm glad i do because not only do i show that i care & take time with my appearance but that i am being 'me',true to myself & not following the herd:)
Lol @ Kerri's comment,i luv that!
I think some of these people that comment in a negative way are secretly jealous that's all.
I know how you feel - I have some outfits that make people's eyes pop out. It does'nt matter as long as I am pleased with the way I look.
I know it's annoying but you look fabulous - especially in this photoshoot - so keep your head high :)
You are right, compliments don't bother me..... and I get a few strange looks at the school gate or the supermarket sometimes... but that is okay. I dress for myself..... I have no problem with anyone else dressing however they want either.... Live and let live!! xx Lucy
In general, I find that the nice compliments balance out the stares or rude comments, my personal favourite being when little girls ask me if i'm a princess.... it must be the red lips and the petticoats!
I absolutely love what you said here!
It's very difficult for people to be vintage, and the worst thing is the stairs people give you, not their compliments (or so I feel).
I'm young (15) and think that vintage is the best thing in the world!
omg, you look gorgeous! i love vintage styles but am too scared to try them out.
I agree! I don't usually notice people looking at me anymore (sometimes I interpret their stares as dirty looks but always remind myself that I don't actually know what they are thinking) and, as you said, most people are curious and I enjoy talking to them about it. =]
-Andi x
This is kind of super awesome to read. I once ended up on a facebook page called "so you think you're a model...no, wait, you're a moron who got dressed up to go to uni." i was in a vintage dress, because i liked it? like, really? people are silly and sometimes i get a bit down. but then blogs like yours, which are so full of enjoyment perk me up. so thanks.
People just don't take the pride in their appearance anymore and its funny how THEY are the ones that look at US like WE are odd...sorry I'm not the one wearing sweatpants and uggs in public!
Most of what I hear is nice but yes there are also plenty of stupid comments and questions too. =/
Can't win them all I guess.
You always look wonderful!
Sometimes I think people are just the worst - though the good ones more than make up for it! :)
i think you are fabulous! don't ever let those negative comments let you down... xoxo
Oh, how I can relate to that! I've had a distinct style since I was about 14 and got many rude-though-maent-to-be-funny comments. One day, when it really made me upset, I dressed up in jeans, tshirt and sneakers, and guess what? everybody's answer would be: "What's wrong with you???".
Can't win 'em all, can you?
Cheers, Katya
PS. I do adore your blog and if I ever saw you on the street, I'd be sure to pass some compliment :)))
I can totally relate. When did making an effort with your appearance become open to public comment? I have learnt to let the comments slide, and just think how dull it must be not to obtain enjoymnet from playing dress up's everyday. You always look fabulous, and inspire me to keep dressing up for myself. x
I really relate to this article. Why oh why do you stand out so much when you look, well, proper and elegant? This was actually one of the reason why I like living in the UK so much. People are in general much more open and although you will get sometimes some stares or silly questions most of the reactions from people will be respectful/ not intrusive.
Whenever I go back to France I'm always surprised as to how many people stare at me, just because I don't wear jeans and tshirts. Get a life people!!
Ha! This is all so true! I live in England. I went to uni in a town called Bath and got stared at and asked questions so much. Now I'm back home in Brighton, which is known for being so laid back. You can be who you want to be here, and I know I'm so blessed to live here!
Good for you for turning the other cheek. You know you look awesome. xx
I have to laugh because on many occasions, I've found I get more looks/stares while wearing vintage than gals who are dressed so scantily it's scary. Example: at the botanical gardens last summer< i was wearing a lovely vintage dress and some lady came up and asked me if I was dressed as Mother Nature!!! Yet, a woman wearing the SHORTEST cut off jean shorts paired with 4 inch high heels strolled past with narry a word said to HER! In the end, I TOTALLY agree with you that if you are going to wear vintage, you have to get comfortable with being a centre of attention, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. The "haters" I've experienced are clearly envious that they don't have the self confidence or creativity to wear what they truly love. They are also made insecure; when you're standing next to a well-turned out, well groomed vintage gal, you're going to be made glaringly aware how slovenly and drab your own ensemble is and that can be really anxiety-inducing for some. As a result, they try to bring you down to a lower level by asking why YOU are so dressed up, rather than getting them to ask why it is THEY are so dressed down (but we know the answer to that one: it's become the social norm to wear gym clothes as streetwear and people are bombarded with really cheap, ill fitting clothes thanks to the fact that North American society is addicted to quantity over quality and conformity over individuality thanks in part to globalization and the mass media). I shall stop my own rant here and simply state that I ADORE this outfit. That's a girl scout uni, isn't it? I love how you're rockin' the scarf with it in such a unique way.
I've never gotten commentary on my daily dress (well, except for that super drunk guy who decided to mock my hat that one time). I guess Midwesterners are extra polite, or I don't get out much. But every now and again I participate in activities that involve reenactment. Different periods of history (mostly late-ish 1800's), but yes, yes I am wearing That Outfit at the gas station because I didn't realize I needed gas, or at the grocery store because we forgot to grab X Y and Z. I still don't get a ton of questions but I've gotten a few (and there's always that category of people who you can tell desperately want to ask but are resisting). My favorite, though, is "are you Amish?" It was a group of very well-meaning little old ladies who were genuinely curious. I had no idea that wearing an apron and any sort of head covering (never mind what the rest of the outfit looked like) had such cultural significance!
I hope you get way more compliments than anything else. You deserve them! (speaking of which, I covet those shoes.)
My look is more vintage-inspired than flat-out vintage, so I tend to not be as noticeable...but I do get asked why I wear so many skirts, or why I have on red lipstick to go to the store, etc. It's funny how much has changed!
I'm 36 and still remember when this one guy said to me in high school: "Why don't you just wear jeans like everybody else?" It was in the late 80's in a small town in Finland, but I had had the enormous courage to dress in ... a skirt! In fact I still don't own any jeans, though nowadays I mainly get nice comments.
I get asked the same questions all the time. I love to wear vintage dresses no matter where I go and people always look at me and some even ask why I am stuck in a time warp? I always say to them I am just keeping a certain era alive. And I feel like a lady when I wear my vintage 30's and 40's dresses.
Art is supposed to make people think, and you are creating a moment for people to think, which is pretty cool.
I really admire women who take fashion risks, and I wish I could take more. I continue to push myself to the parameters of my comfort zone. Knowing you live with public comments somehow makes me feel even bolder. I shouldn't let the threat of weird looks keep me from dressing the way I want!
Hopefully you give a lot of girls confidence to be themselves.
Oh golly... can I relate to this post 100%! ;) I get the "are you in a play?" question nearly every time I go out; I feel like pinning a button to myself saying "I dress like this for my own amusement" to defer those constantly asked questions. Most often though, people are quite nice about the whole thing and the fact that I am so obviously the oddball wherever I go. Like you, I've learned over the years to just put up a bit of a shield to ignore the stares and buzz that dressing vintage in public seems to garner. Only my husband seems to notice nowadays when we're out together that I get a lot of looks (and yes, some people are rude and point! :p). I guess I'm just so comfortable with how I look, I rarely "notice" it when I'm out--I get dressed, do my makeup/hair and "forget" it to a certain extent... ;)
I find that when I'm out, if I see someone else dressed "counter-culture", I tend to make a point of making eye contact and smiling. As a way to say "see, you're not the only one who really doesn't fit it here!".
♥ Casey | blog
I think we've all gotten those looks at some time or another. And I can relate to the frustration at being singled out for wanting to look nice, for making an effort in how you present yourself to the public. Anymore, I get fewer and fewer weird looks from people (anymore I thankfully get compliments on my sewing abilities and how I am brave enough to just wear what I want). Most of the comments I get anymore are from people over 60 who just think I " look so nice." It's funny how excited people get when they see young people dressing the way they themselves, their older siblings or parents used to dress.
Alright, prep yourself for more comliments...
I love your shoes! You always look adorable.
I know what you mean, although my outfits are not nearly as exciting as yours! Where I'm from, if you dont wear Uggs and ill fitting jeans, you get stared at. On the other hand I do get some great bargains on the stuff in the charity shops that no-one else would wear! :)
Haha!! I understand! Well i guess its sorta annoying when people say "so and who are you today?". Im not pretending to be anyone Im being me whith my awesome vintage clothes!! LOL But i only get that once in a blue moon. most people just give me compliments! :D love your hair btw!!
-Miss amethyst
i wear both vintage and vintage inspired. today, it was a navy and ehite striped sweater and navy skirt with a red polka dot scarf and flower clip. the first thing my co-workers said, after they giggled was that i looked like Minnie Mouse and that I was very patriotic. Made my blood boil.
My mom was just telling me something like this yesterday! I'm sixteen and I'm going to be who/dress how I want (which is vintage)my whole life, no matter what anybody says!! <3
Sounds like something that happened to me yesterday. I wore a green flowy blouse, black pleated skirt, fishnet stockings, nice black shoes and a black cloche hat to work. A co-worker asked where I was going after work because god forbid I dress that way every day. Why can't I look nice one day and not have it be for a special ocassion? Being alive and being able to dress nicely should be ocassion enough!
More power to you Solanah! I think you are very brave to be yourself, dress how you want and not be afraid of going out in public in awesome vintage attire!
I told 4 people yesterday that i'm not dressing up for something, but just for myself. There is no rule that says that you have to dress up for a reason. However, isnt life a reason to celebrate?!?!?!
Keep on truckin girl!!!
Haha, This is so funny, I was just at a wedding (wearing a little black dress from the 50s, with a bright orange hat also from the 50's-60's) and one of the guests said, "I love your hat, but I think only someone who lives in NY could pull it off!"
I sometimes get looks, but most of the time it is just interest. I think wearing vintage is like most things that make you stand out from the crowd, others may feel interested and threatened by it, because deep down, everyone wants to have a outlet for their creativity and self expression, but are too worried about what people think. Hopefully your confidence will give them a bit of energy to try new things for themselves!
Dressing like a lady never goes out of style!
Most common for me: Who died?
I still can't believe people ask you if you're wearing a wig--that's so rude! Oh well. If that's the price you pay for dressing so awesome, then so be it!
I am so glad you posted this because it is so true! I love it when the old ladies start reminiscing to me about their days of going to dances and how they used to look just like me, I think it is the sweetest! As for rude questions, when you look different there will always be some people that just don't 'get' it, but it is these people that just make me want to dress up more and push my style further. At the end of the day you will be the girl that someone remembers, the girl that put a smile on someone's face or a flashback of a beautiful memory from the past. These people probably won't ever make that impact and that is just a damn shame.
Love your blog and your style!
Yep, can totally relate. I've heard it all. Is that a wig? Is your hair naturally that color (2 tone hair????? What?)? Are you an actress? Do you like the movie 'Grease'?
But my favorite comment that made me smile was an older man saying I reminded him of his mother when he was a kid. That was the best. Makes me forget all the lame comments. haha
Keep doing what you are doing lady!!
First off, you look amazing! I'm lovin' the head scarf. :)
And secondly, I understand exactly what you deal with. I get comments all the time about the way I dress. Most are good, fortunately, but sometimes I do get the awkward comments like the ones you described... I do find it weird that people are so perplexed by anyone who tries to put an effort into their appearance. How drastically times have changed in the last 50 years in that respect! Why do we need a special occasion to look good in our modern society? I just try to believe that most people have good intentions, even if their comments come out awkwardly...and for the ones who clearly take offense in my so called "vanity", I just remind myself that it's not worth my time to stress over their opinions. ;)
I love this post its soo true me and me sister get those questions all the time its hilarious,
I love dressing up and always have. My boyfriend and I are going on a cruise next week and have planned our getting on the boat outfits, evening outfits and day wear. All vintage and vintage inspired.
Even if people comment in not so polite ways, at least I have shown them an alternative to dull, run-of-the-mill clothes.
I just love your style and cute pictures. I know that a few tiresome comments won't make you stop dressing in your fantastic style. Take it with a smile and a wink!
When I was 13, stupid people in my class said that I was wearing "grandma shoes". Which is exactly why I kept wearin them. The school I went to was kind of snobbish (with a uniform - hell for someone who wants to express her personality by her looks!), so I stood out with my skirts made by my mom and such, but I wouldn't have liked it to be different; as said, who would want to wear uggs and sweatpants?
I totally love your blog, and I'm happy that now I'm going to university I can really wear what I want without getting the weird looks (I study history in Antwerp, the people here are rather used to non-conformist outfits.).
My favorite has always been "I love your costume!"
Me? "Oh, why thank you - I love yours, too!"
I get just as sick and riled and OVER people being confused and put off by it as the next girl - so I carry a big tub of sarcasm and saccharine with me for replies. ;)
Q: What are you all dressed up for?
A: Life. You just can't properly tackle the day and feel accomplished in velor sweats and flip flops. *beaming smile*
I love when I get "the look over" and glared at. WTH? I just smile, give them the look over back, and raise an eyebrow. hahahahahaha
I'd really like to smack the people who came up with the idea that wearing lounge/exercise clothes outside of the house or workout is appropriate. For society's sake, we need to go back to corsets.
how rude some people are; you always look fabulous (at least what you share with us) and I wish more people had the style that people had back then. x
The people who are weird are the ones who wear the same clothes as everyone else without questioning why they're doing so. You look beautiful.
I think your style is swell! I'd love to wear more vintage someday--you are inspiring! I think that as long as your feel great in what you are wearing--it is totally right for you.
Just stay like you are...you look so cool,if i can say so!
It,s nice that people can dress like they want...i don,t know about America how it goes...but keep going, we love the way you are!!!!
I definitely know what you're saying: how often do I hear: are you in caracter? about our wedding lots of people commented afterwards 'the theme-wedding' while we just dressed as we are, and all our guest could come as they wanted!
not wrong in putting some effort in your look and not going for the boring same old same
Own the space you stand.
I've worked retail clothing so long, that I whatever store I am shopping in at the time, am often am asked where something is...or if I can ring them up. Some times it's in English, French, or Farsi...
I never mind, I just say yes.
I know how you feel. My husband and I have the same problem. We spend so much time getting ready and looking nice- only to be met with rude comments and questions. I have finally just started saying "No, I just like to look nice". It shut up all those rude people.
Too right :)
I'll never understand how anybody could think your lovely hair was a wig. If they made them like that I'd wear one :D
I got told to join the circus today, but then I was parading myself around doing an outfit post in the middle of rush hour so I think I had that coming. Ladies and gentlemen..!
Great post! Thank you!
Wow, I've never had any rude comments like that! I don't ever wear head-to-toe vintage, but I wear lots of vintage hats and often wear dresses and heels (I only wear dresses in the summer) and the only comments I get are compliments. It must take a lot of grace to deal with those silly people!
oooh amazing hair! tutorial perhaps?
Love your hair. Very well done.
I feel like I'm the only person in my city of 117,207 that dresses the way I do. There is nothing like I read in your blog; no get-togethers, no event's, I don't even have friends who dress vintage. Its so hard. Mostly people just make fun of me, telling me I look like a grandmother on her way to church, or that I'm a freak (yes I have been called that by my boss), but really I'm just looking for a way to fit in, to find my niche in society.
I feel like I'm the only person in my city of 117,207 that dresses the way I do. There is nothing like I read in your blog; no get-togethers, no event's, I don't even have friends who dress vintage. Its so hard. Mostly people just make fun of me, telling me I look like a grandmother on her way to church, or that I'm a freak (yes I have been called that by my boss), but really I'm just looking for a way to fit in, to find my niche in society.
You've certainly inspired me to buy more vintage
Don't listen to ANYONE. The way you dress is AWESOME.
what a beautiful outfit! you have expectational style
I have been reading your blog for a while now and think you look fabulous.
These days not many people care much about their appearance, chosing to leave the house in their tracksuit pants and take their children to the shops in their pj's - eewww.
Thank you for your views, images and wonderful blog, you make a stay at home mum's day ^U^
I hear ya. I work in a porn shop and dress either in vintage or vintage inspired eclectic garb. You can't even image the comments I get haha
Adore the way you have your scarf tied up, I just bought a vintage one today in hopes of wearing it the same as you are in the photo and that is how I came across your wonderful blog, I was googling how to tie it properly!
I love your dedication to vintage, I hope to one day do the same when I get over my fear of what people think. The issues you've pointed out in your post are the very same which deter me from embracing my love for vintage. At the moment I am just experimenting with vintage styles by wearing modern day pieces in different ways, but one day I hope to start a real vintage wardrobe and not care about stupid people asking stupid questions!
I work (at HQ) for a major clothing retailer where sameness is everywhere. All the 'lollipop' girls (super skinny with big heads...you've seen them I'm sure) give me the rude up-and-down evaluation in the elevator every day (usually with a nasty smirk). It used to bug me but now I just look them in the eye and give them my best smile. Rock your look and wear a big smile.
Well said!
♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac
I found your blog when I googled 1940's girl scout uniform because I just found the handbook. I am a 21 year old girl scout obsessed with the old girl scouts (and anything vintage for that matter) you my dear are so kick ass I am so happy to have found your blog! (I have about 30 blogs like a regular internet junkie but no blogger but I will be following you!)
LMSO! Have you seen the Pushing Daisies episode with Molly Shannon and she keeps saying: Bitter much? I JUST watched it last night and laughed my butt off when I saw your post title.
ps - you're gorgeous. I'm jealous. And all those dumb people suck.
so there. ;)
:-) Hi Solanah! Good on your for flying the Vintage Flag and inspiring people to be proud of being different!
It's tragic how so many people don't make the effort to present themselves well (ie. not sloppy, slutty, or blindly consumeristic).
I wish there was a bigger vintage movement here in Australia. The vintage trend here is highly commercialized and more the "mod-rock"/"flower-child" look and usually linked to nightclub/youth music scene.
Thank you for your wonderful blog, it takes me to a sweeter, gentler era and reminds us old-time loving gals that we're not alone!
Just came across your blog and you have articulated very well something I have always been frustrated with. I don't dress vintage, but I am forever annoyed with the comments for the clothes I do wear. Especially when someone asks me why I am so dressed up and I feel I look pretty casual; casual for me that is. Just because what I wear is different from what most others would doesn't mean I'm seeking attention or have opened myself up for commentary.
Thank you for posting this.
I know exactly what you mean, I did a post as well.
Why do perfectly average people feel it's proper manners to do so? I've lived long enough to not give a hoot whether others approve, but why should I be asked to defend my appropriate(different but still appropriate choices?)
First time here, I like your style.
I have a lot of vintage Girl Scout uniforms, but I've never seen that one! Jealous!
You're totally right. I love your look. I sometimes steal my grandmother's outfits from when she was younger, fifties or so, and they are exceedingly cool. I'm fifteen, and I'm regularly shy when it comes to wear something that it's not trendy. But seeing you, makes me wanna show myself wearing this kind of clothes. Regarding to what you say about clothing critisism, well, you have to admit that every great designer had to go through all this stuff too. Even more, when you are criticized is because you are calling their attention and somehow they also have to express their opinion, either they are against or not. So you have yo fell happy they have their eyes on you, althouth I know it may be irritating. Finishing all, I love and look up to your look. I hope you continue well, kisses from Argentina.
i rarely dress head to toe vintage so i don't think i have ever been asked if i was in a play. but i do like to not be a slob in public. i thrift all of my clothes as well as my husband's shirts. still, whether it's a high-waisted skirt or just jeans and a scarf, i feel that i dress pretty casually. but i guess we stick out to other people. i am always disconcerted when someone i do not recognize (a hostess at restaurants we rarely go to or a clerk at some box store etc.) talks to me with familiarity or speaks of my last visit there. i like that my husband and i use colour and pattern liberally. it is just sad that there exists a sea of sweatpants and mass produced cotton for us to stand out of.
come to the UK London and your'll fit right in. you look completely beautiful.x
People can certainly be special. I'm in an 18th century reenacting group here in Portland and whenever we are out and about in our attire we get the "are you in a play?" all the time. I think my favorite is "why are you dressed like that?" Makes me want to ask them the same thing. You look great! Yeah for wearing history, regardless of the time period :-D
You are such an inspiration. I wish I had as much courage as you do. Never mind what some close-minded, insecure people have to say, they're only jealous that you know who you are and aren't afraid to show it.
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