
Anne Fogarty dress

While in Ohio I visited Revival a vintage/local clothing store in Akron. They don't have a huge vintage selection, but I always seem to have luck there. This time I found the most amazing striped quilted dress designed by my imaginary friend, Anne Fogarty. Remember her? She wrote Wife dressing in the 1950s, which I can now say is one of my favorite style books.

Now quilted circle skirts are a lovely little novelty I adore, though I don't actually own any (I know, I know, poor me.), so a quilted dress? With stripes? And pockets? By Anne Fogarty? For $20?


It's fantastic to own a dress where I know a little something about the designer, and her thoughts on dressing. Like, why choose these colors? Was it designed with an event in mind? Did she ever wear the design herself? How would she have accessorized it? What would she have to say about how I styled it?

One thing is for sure, she would have worn petticoats! And four is better than one ;)

Anne Fogarty dress-Revival Vintage

Petticoats-Urban Eccentric Vintage and Antique expo

Hat-Urban Eccentric Vintage

Necklace-Inherited from my great grandmother

Swedish Hasbeens-Courtesy of Modcloth


Betty2Tone said...

I love that the back also has a v-neck cut

Nina said...

love it!!!! ♥

Joyce said...

You make everything look Amazing! and what a Find! or should I say a steal..;) Fantabulous! as always..

Sarah said...

That is QUITE a colourful outfit! :)

Karrisa_T said...

OMG! What a beautiful dress! I love circle skirts too-- they're perfect for twirling but I don't have those beautiful petticoats! Haha the petticoat shot made me smile-- so much prettiness! Great outfit!

art deco dame said...

I literally gasped!What a fun dress!Love it and those shoes work wonderfully with it!Its like a pack of zebra gum but the style last MUCH longer than the flavor did of that gum hehe

Barn House Antiques said...


Q's Daydream said...

Simply stunning! xo

Ann Louise said...

Soooo pretty!

Xtabay Vintage said...

I love it! I have been an Anne Fogarty fan for years now, though I haven't had one in ages. You look fabulous as always:)

Unknown said...

This is the best. dress. ever. Your petticoats, too, are amazing! x

Livy said...

Just wanted to say that your blog is always such a pick-me-up! I don't wear vintage but it's endless fun seeing the outfits you put together. It's so nice to know these old pieces are being found, and worn and cared for.

Mouse in a Blouse said...

This outfit is pretty much perfect in every way- that dress is to die for, and for only 20?! You are so lucky! Thank you for the delicious vintage visual feast!

Anonymous said...

This dress is amazing! I love stripes ^_^

I read also the "Wife dressing" post and I would like to buy a copy of that book!

Thanks for sharing!


Macska said...

Love love love this dress! This outfit! Stunning!!!

Nelly said...

So much Love it and I want some of those petticoats too.Where did you get them?

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Lovely, lovely dress! I've been reading your blog for a veeery long time now and have now added you to my brand new blogroll :) x

northwest is best said...

That's a showstopper of a dress. The stripes match up on the bodice! Quality.

Retro-Couture said...

Absolutely stunning dress and the shoes are just wauw!!heeli

Pixels og Poesi said...

wow you look gorgeous! love the petticoats in different colours.

Erika said...

Beautiful! Love the stripes and the effect from cutting it on the bias. At first I just thought "Cool dress!", then I saw that it was quilted. A really original dress!
The hat is of course also adorable =)

Carys said...

Can't believe you got an Anne Fogarty dress for such an amazing price! And I love how you've styled it with those accessories!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Grrenadine said...

Amazing dress, you look beautiful!
Take a look at my blog and adopt a crocodile: http://www.funkysunday.com/

Vintage Vicky said...

Genius to layer with four petticoats! Also I would love to know how you styled your hair under the hat, it looks great from what I can see from the pics. x

pinupcandy said...

Amazing dress! And you are wearing nylons!!!

Casey Maura said...

Goodness--only $20?! What an amazing find! I'm just loving that it's a quilted dress; I have never seen one of those before (aside from a house dress--do you think this might have been a "hostess" dress in it's original life?). Lovely paired with all those petticoats and shoes! :)

Mary Beth said...

I've wanted to make a red quilted skirt..and I even have one of the Simplicity reprints for one...The thing is do I want it to take all that space in my closet? It's funny that a quilted skirt is so 1950s, but what is that people make at Halloween? A felted circle skirt! But your Anne Fogarty dress is a find for sure. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

holy bargain! it's gorgeous, what a great find.

Anonymous said...

Spec.tac.u.lar. Mmmmm quilted clothing!

Flawlessly accessorised, too! Such colour-matching!

sorbetsurprise said...

I looove you shoes! They look even cuter out of the box!

Elise said...

Wow this dress is amazing! Loving the fabric and colours :)

Emma said...

You stunner! Love all the colours!

Emma x

Lotta Dahl said...

Beautiful! I love it!

Ellie said...

So many amazing things about this post! Four petticoats?! And $20?! Extreme jealousy commences! :)

kate gabrielle said...

WOW!!!! That dress is amazing! And $20?!?! :-O

I am completely in love with quilted things.. dresses, coats, robes, anything (though I don't actually own any yet..) I just think it looks simultaneously gorgeous and cozy! :D

Miss Tami Lee said...

So cute! I usually hate orange (on myself) but with your colouring ti looks perfect! What an awesome find. And that hat? Don't even get me started...

Erin Goodman said...

Oooh I love this dress =] I myself wouldn't be brave enough to wear it, but it looks absolutely fantastic on you =]
The colours are pretty awesome too.


Anonymous said...

Ok, most perfect ensemble of 2011!! I LOVE the quilted dress, and the bangles and Hasbeens go perfectly. P.S. I just added your Etsy shop to my favourites : )


toridawn said...

Oh, so fun! I love that the dress was only $20!!

MrJeffery said...

holy smokes. amazing!

Miss Marie said...

Just had to add to what everyone else was already saying... that dress is impossibly beautiful!

Lauryn said...

J'adore! The dress..the shoes..hat *sigh*

Anonymous said...

so fabulous! I love the layered petticoats underneath too! Your last post featuring layered petticoats has rekindled my petticoat addiction and now I'm getting ready to make myself one :)

Sheva Cost said...

it's beautiful


Josephenecat said...

20$??? WOW.

Polly said...

Such a find :) I love your shoes too - you have great style :)

Anonymous said...

I have the original Anne Fogarty pattern to this dress! It's from 1952! I never imagined it in a quilted fabric! It looks so wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Such a great find! It looks lovely, but kinda funny at the same time. Love how you paired it!

In The Heyday said...

Lovely dress and fantastically worn. I love the pic of you kicking your heels up!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

what a beautifully colored dress! I think the shoes are so sweet too!!

jessica said...

Today, in order to show a friend Anne Fogarty clothes I Googled her name and found your site. My father was her production mgr for 30 years before he (and then she) retired. While a teenager in the 1950s/60s I had the most beautiful dresses - her tissue wool crepes and batiste shirtwaists with Schiffli embroidery - to die for! I didn't appreciate them then but I do now. I still have 3 and treasure them even though they don't fit anymore. Her styles were timeless. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Solanah said...

Jessica, thats so neat! What wonderful clothing you must have had, lucky girl!


Unknown said...

This is really nice dress. I want to start learning of sewing. So, How can I get it done?

mommy Orkid Belle said...

I really love this dress! :) Fabulous!

Adin B

Unknown said...

You are absolutely adorable! How cute you look in one of my mother's dresses!!! LOVE the colorful petticoats too! And, yes. My mother would have definitely accessorized with colorful wooden bangle bracelets. Nice touch. It warms my heart to hear that people still love her clothes. Thank you for making me smile :)


Solanah said...

Melissa G, oh my, thank you so much! You made ME smile! I adore her designs, always buy them when I find them. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!