You might remember my post a while back about a couple of fabulously gaudy pieces of luggage I snatched up at an estate sale. Since then I've been acquiring other pieces of the collection, with only one or two more to complete my travel set! Two are actually the result of readers sharing their luggage with me. The smaller suitcase is from a local gal, and the garment bag was a gift from Rogue Retro! I didn't even imagine there would be a garment bag in this textile, and haven't seen one online at all. Many thanks to them for making my collection that much more unique!
I just need the shoulder bag, and am on the lookout for a hatbox. I'm not even sure if a hatbox exists for this collection, but I sure hope so. I've also been looking for any type of advertisement featuring these, so if you have any info I would be so grateful!

Whhhhhat!? That set is blowing my MIND!!!
Gorgeous! What a beautiful set! I'm keeping my fingers crossed you find the two missing bags =)
Fantastic! Now you just need to figure out where to go with all that luggage.
Arrrgghh... so much awesome old stuff to collect. Not enough room in my house.
Wow, gorgeous set!
I'm guessing you may have seen this but
BEAUTIFUL! I love it! It's rather funny, the luggage has my initials... so IF (though I doubt you ever would) you ever sell it... please contact me. I'd be very interested. :)
How utterly, utterly FUN!
A quick Ebay search turned up this wheeled garment bag. Good luck to you! I love your collection ... I have a thing for vintage luggage! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Awesome-Vintage-Skyway-Wheeled-Garment-Travel-Bag-Tweed-Plaid-Luggage-/290774792257
The fabric reminds me so much of our the couch and loveseat set my family had in the '70's. Only it was not quite as loud - it was blue and green with a little gold and black. And more of a plaid pattern than checks. It was a great couch though! Very comfy, and so well built that the loveseat was reupholstered and is still in my Dad's house.
Stunning!!! This luggage set is too good to be true!
Laura, I had not seen that! Going on my Christmas list, thanks!
Chelsea Fisher, oh gosh, looks like there are even more pieces out there than I thought! So cool!
this collection of luggage is awesome and it's so great to hear that a lot of poeple helped you to get this lovely pieces together ...
How awesome to see these bright, feel-good pieces of luggage again. I'm forever hunting down one thing or another online (and thus see tons of other vintage pieces in the process), so if I come across any pieces in this set I'll let you know immediately.
♥ Jessica
etsy has the shoulder bag:
In case no one has posted it. Also I couldn't find an ad with this luggage on it but their website has a history page
that might at least tell you when it was made. I can't find any contact email or I'd say email them and see if they have any info!
Killer luggage!!! I recently found a very cool vintage upholstered chair on the side of the road that looks like the luggage ;-)
The name of the fabric was Herculon. It was the go-to wear forever fabric in the late 60's and early 70's!
BEST luggage set EVER!
What a lovely set! The colors and design are stunning! Good luck on finding the rest of the set!
Crazy! I just saw this same set at an estate sale a little over a week ago.
Each piece was locked with no key however, otherwise I would have snatched them up!
I didn't see a hat box there...and it looks like you've found the weekender :)
Mmmm vintage luggage :3 I hope you find a hatbox!! x
What amazing luggage! I do hope you find more. It's interesting how much more vibrant the colors look in your photos than in the photos of pieces for sale online...
I am inlove with these vintage suit cases!
People are pretty marvelous. It warms my heart when I hear stories like this one about people thinking of others like that, helping you grow your collection and such!
A-mazing!!!!! What a wonderful set!
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