
"How to Clean Everything"

I got a book a few months ago, "How to Clean Everything" and was really exited to find it at a thrift store. From 1952 it is in perfect condition and has items listed in alphabetical order and how to clean them. It's so interesting because there are items that have become outdated you wont find in modern cleaning books, but I know a lot of you have these things like bakelite and stockings. Seriously , this book seems to have everything big or small, from things you wear, to your actual home, it's like a little cleaning encyclopedia.

So, here's what I want you to do. If you don't know how to clean something, or are curious to know how it was cleaned in the 1950s, just comment with what you want to know and I will do a post in a week with the answers.

And yeah. That's what I look like when I clean. Doesn't everyone?



Darrah said...

Sounds useful!

Twila Jean said...


seriously, I have tons of vintage stockings and I am terrifed to destroy them :(

Lisa Sofia said...

Hey! I have those green shoes. Maybe if I dressed like that when I cleaned, I'd do it more often!

Joshua Jessup said...

um, I think the lady in the picture had the pants cleaned off her legs. just sayin.

Unknown said...

i have an old bakelite radio.
Nothing seems to clean it.

Mimi Elise said...

thats neat! i've seen different oldish methods that are really useful!

Andrea Eames said...

I second the stockings!

Kendra said...

I really hope you wear pants when you clean. How would I clean silk scarves?

Tiff said...

I'm completely housework handicapped, but I amazinglymanage to simply keep up after my hunk of man meat, my children and myself on a almost daily basis. I can only hope to be a complete MASTER in this area sometime in the NEAR futue. If there is someone out there with the time and the patience then PLEASE comment or email me. I want nothing more than to be a magnificent wife and mother at this point in my life.