This week I decided to list some re-vamped vintage I've had sitting in my stockroom for months. I thought about opening another shop with just embellished vintage, but since I only create these things every once in a while now a days, I'll just put it in my regular shop (which actually started out as a re-vamped vintage shop, hence there is not a vintage type name, just my own). So here you have a few fun things that are a product of my imagination hopefully next week I can list some Halloween costumes (I've got a cute vintage ballerina outfit) and maybe some coats? What do you think, coats yet or wait a bit longer, its still warm here but I'll bet it's getting cool some places.
that yellow dress matches my hat.
I want it for christmas HAHAHAHAH
I didnt know you did stuff like this. your pictures are getting lovlier by the day
Your totally right, it does match your hat! If you want it for Christmas I'd love for you to have it, let me know ;)
Yeah if you look at my old sold items I used to do slip dresses and bustle dresses (which were actually pretty cool, and I can only say that of myself because I have no idea where that creativity is now, hehe)
This one was always my fave, someone wore it to a wedding:
so cute!
Those are so gorgeous! I remember and admired your revamped bustle dresses back when I first found your shop. I have a big plastic container full of vintage items that I keep meaning to revamp, but I've been in a bit of a sewing rut recently. (I burned out after a marathon 18th century pirate gown in June!) But seeing these inspires me! I love seeing new twists on old pieces.
Yes YEs yes ! I want that dress.. can I try it on and do you offer poor lady lay away? LOL!
I know what you mean, I wish I still had any creativity left these days.. it seems kids have drained it all out of me. hahaha.
Sooo Cute!
These are gorgeous! And deffo list some coats! It's getting chilly in the UK! :) x
I'm so behind in the blogging world that I didn't even see that you cut your hair 'till now! It really looks wonderful on you . . . I love that you can pull off all the wonderful '30s styles now too!
oh i totally think you should list coats! i'm all excited to be wearing them again soon and sometimes its better to buy it in advance even if it isnt really cold yet!
These are fantastic!! :D I just love the second one. ;) You are so imaginative and creative, Solanah!
What size are the dresses on the top?
Lovesfool, the one on the left is a bustier (ex-small), and the right is a skirt (small-medium).
I love that first photo! Your blog is really inspiring. :)
WHOA!!! I could never chose, I want them all! too fabulous for words!!! LOVE LOVE & you look so stunning in each! =)
That first one is a great picture! So stylised.
I love the first one!!! I need a petticoat.. A black or red one... hhhmmmm
Goodness, I love your new hair so much.
Hi, love your blog!
I just looked around in your shop and found a small table cloth from Sweden. I tought I could give you some fun facts about it.
The different small pictures are coats of arms for our 'states'. Under all of them you see each and everyones state-flower. The girls in the middle are wearing dresses that represents different states, wich state i have no idéa(only old people use them on 6th of june):)
And thank you so much for the directions 'for how to do rag curls', it turned out really good!
Cassandra, Stockholm, Sweden
Flur, thanks so much for the insight! That makes the cloth that much sweeter ;)
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