
Socks! Oh wait, no. Sock!

Last week I started knitting a sock from a 1947 pattern. It's actually a pattern for boys socks, but it was really simple so I went with it. I meant to knit cuffed ankle socks, but apparently that was not meant to be as I ended up accidentally following the pattern for knee highs, oops! I also used 4 ply wool instead of 2 and #4 needles instead of 2, so it turned out extra thick and wooly :) But I think they'll be great to wear with rainboots don't you?

On another note, last week Sam's parents gave me a fancy camera! It's Lisa's old camera, but new to me! It's soooo nice, yesterday I got some cute pictures of my baby cousin (because babies are camera magnets) and today Sam took these sock pictures, so clear! So bright! Bear with me as I get used to it, but hopefully I'll master it soon!


ELM said...

Ha! You're cute! Hope your one sock isn't too lonely!

ashlina {the decorista} said...

lol...love it.

great photos too


Mel said...

Knitting socks? That's such an awesome idea :)

Unknown said...

wow wish i knew how to knit, it looks mighty scary

Cindi said...

I soooo want to learn how to knit. You did a great job! By the way...your ring is gorgeous.

Ruby Chew said...

how cute! i find it so hard to follow patterns!


a girl said...

I am into socks at this moment. First time here. Like it already!! :)

Stefanie Valentine said...

Hehe love your sock!
I need to find a magazine like that as i'm learning to knit, maybe i should start off with a sock! xx

StrongImagination said...

They are so nice! You knit very smoothly. I would love to try this myself one day ...

Angel said...

I could never knit. That sock looks so cool. Now you need to make sure that the other one is the same length.

I love that pink dress too btw!

Anonymous said...

OMG.... knitting socks... my hats off to you !
Great color on those pics!

Darla: Retro Ways said...

Love your polka dot petticoat. Those socks look perfect for a cold day home alone running aroumnd the hardwood floor.


Beautiful photos!

Flapper Flickers + Silent Stanzas said...

Nice work Solanah! It looks very cosy and comfy. *grins* Perhaps I'll attempt those DPNs after all! ^_^

Casey Maura said...

So cute so far! ;) I haven't attempted sock knitting yet--it's one of those things on my to do list! :D

Congrats on the "new" camera!!!

♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com

Anonymous said...

Wow! The socks look so cosy! And the Camera IS reaaally bright! It's gorgeous! xx

Anonymous said...

That sock is going to be psyched to have a mate. Can't wait to see the pair!

Auntie Ann said...

This is my first time on your blog...I just have to say, your style is PERFECT. WOW.