Mondays serve as mine and Sams weekend, as we both work Sunday, then go do Etsy stuff on Tuesday, and the rest of the week at least one of us is working at one time or another. So Monday is our day off together. Last night we watched one of my favorite films, Amelie, so today her style was my inspiration. I couldn't find an outfit photo of her so you'll just have to see the film if your interested.
We drove to Portland and ate lunch at a cafe we had never been to before, Ross Island Grocery (its a bit of a grocery store too, but must have been more so in the past). I had the best grilled cheese, it had bacon in it! Yum yum.
We walked around the area a bit and looked at all the pretty houses, they are painted so colorfully, I love that.
We didn't really know what to do after lunch (and didn't have to be anywhere) so we followed a road that lead us through the Lake Oswego area and into West Linn. We turned down an random unmarked road and it just happened to wind to a state park!
It was very pretty and green, so we followed a hiking trail down to the Willamate river, where there was a little lagoon with rocks and wild flowers.
There were bees, and tiny little fishies, and birds, some that made funny noises. Also beautiful spiderwebs everywhere, and as long as they stay in their webs and not on my bed, we can be friends. Have you ever watched a spider spin a web? It's spectacular.
It was a beautiful adventure for the tail end of August, next up, September!