
Hopping trains in Ohio

Thursday night my cousin Ruth, Grandma, and I arrived in Ohio for a long weekend in celebration of my uncles graduation. Today we went to Kent State University for a special Katherine Hepburn exhibit, which was of course, fantastic. And of course, no pictures allowed :(
But the moment I entered the room and saw a collection of her pants I started squeeling, nothing says Katherine Hepburn like wide legged pants. There was one red pair in particular I'm definitely re-creating when I get home! It had costumes from her films, and stage productions, she was so much smaller than I ever would have imagined!
After that we visited the site of the Kent State shooting, it was the 41st anniversary a couple days ago, so there were flowers and chalk drawings everywhere.
Lunch was in an antique train depot, so photos on trains is a must :) I love how old things are here, west coast is fairly limited in really old buildings and such, but here it's an abandoned barn, row of victorian houses, brick road, bloggers paradise ;)
Photos by Ruth

Sweater-Handmade by me using this pattern

Blouse-Camas Antiques

Skirt-Estate sale

Boots and bag-Urban Eccentric Vintage



art deco dame said...

I miss the midwest because of those types of things.I can't wait to get back.

Monique said...

These photos are just gorgeous. I love your outfit and it looks like you had a great trip. So awesome you went to a Hepburn exhibit!

JaimeNicole said...

If you're in Ohio there are so many neighborhoods dedicated to preserving homes. Victorian Village and German Village in Columbus and Dayton has Oregon District and the South Park district. All of them are full of brick roads, old painted lady homes, tiny picturesque gardens. German Village being my favorite and home of Lindeys Bistro which is a 30 year old restaurant (rare to last that long!)

Lucy, Dear Fish said...

These photos are divine! Nothing says old school glamour like a full skirt and train photos! I love the color scheme. Hope the rest of your stay in Ohio is wonderful!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

this is just plain adorable. You are just plain adorable. I wish we were friends in real life :)

House of Shoes

Biddygirl said...

I missed that when I lived in Ohio. But if you REALLY want some historic excellent picture taking - come out to Bristol RI which also boasts the oldest continued 4th of July celebration in the US.


I think you'd love Colt State Park and Blithewold Mansion. The only thing they are missing here are good vintage shops. Plenty of antiques, but not so much on the clothes and accessories.

Now I just need to get a job with the tourism department!

Nina said...

So so so jealous! Oh my goodness I would kill to see that exhibit!

Love your outfit, by the way :) ♥

Grrenadine said...

Hi from France!
Your photos are very nice! I do love your style and i'm very impressed by the clothes you make yourself! It's beautiful!
I try to sew a little bit too, come and visit me!

Unknown said...

You look like you were having a lot of fun! Too cute!

Unknown said...

So jealous you got to see hepburn's pants! x

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

These photos are so much fun! You look lovely :)
I love Katherine Hepburn, would have loved to go to the exhibition...

Sarah said...

*Squeels* so cute! I agree with Sara Shoemaker, if only there was an international bloggers meet-up where we could all tell you how much we adore you in person and dance and skip and eat cupcakes. xo

Unknown said...

What a perfect photo oportunity, it looks like you had lots of fun! I wih I could visit that exhibition, sounds amazing I am tres Jealous. :) x

Anonymous said...

I love these photos and your look is so adorable!!! Love your mustard sweater *__*

I opened my blog 3 days ago:
if you want to read something or leave a little comment,it would be great!! It is about sewing,vintage,etc.


Alli said...

Such cute photos! I would've loved to see that exhibit- sounds awesome. Big congrats to your Uncle on his graduation :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos. Love your blog. X

Francy said...

Your skirt is so beautiful! I love it. How fabulous to go to a Katherine Hepburn exhibit!

LandGirl1980 said...

I think these are some of my favourite shots of you ever! :)

Sasha said...

You really would have liked the old town part of Marietta then! It has these old buildings along brick roads, old trains, and a really old abandoned railroad bridge! Fun little random fact .... My great grandma jumped off that bridge into the river for a 25 cent bet when she was younger!

Oh and they have a fun little coca cola diner where they serve grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ....Mmmm

Dakota said...

These pictures are magazine-worthy!! So stunning. The Katharine Hepburn exhibit sounds fabulous; I've actually been thinking about how much I need a pair of pants like hers lately!

Colleen said...

Hey, I live in Ohio. Come say hey!

Doesn't Kent State have the COOLEST fashion museum? I kind of wish I would have gone to their design school, it's really nice

sarah said...

Those train photos are so cute! What is it about old trains that are just so photogenic? I love that beautiful skirt and the boots, too. I'm totally jealous that you got to see that exhibit, and Katharine Hepburn's pants!

Fancy Vintage said...

I love your outfit and your photographs so much, They are so cool!
well done.

nina-im-wunderland said...

you look amazing on these pics. natural and beautiful as you are.

Anonymous said...

These photos make me happy, especially the last one!
You're so cute :)
I've noticed a lot of yellow in the blogs lately, its lovely considering the weather here in Australia is only getting colder. It keeps my screen fresh and sunny! I love the yellow with the blue here, you look so pretty!
I'm very jealous you got to see katharine hepburn's clothes! sounds like a fun day out!


isis said...

you are so adorable!

Rebeccak said...

This looks like a fun adventure! Love the mustard/blue combo too :)

KnittingPony said...

I absolutely love that cardigan - the colour is perfect and it goes so well with your lovely dress! You are inspiring me to finish my 30's knitted jumper... :)

Unknown said...

Kent State! My alma mater! May 4th is certainly a day of solemnity and reflection on campus. [There is actually a piece of steel artwork on campus that has a bullet hole from that day.]

I love love LOVE your blog and I adore your vintage outfits.

I no longer live there but if you're ever in the Cleveland area, I can recommend an excellent vintage department store. :)

Hannah said...

welcome to ohio- if you have time, check out the thrift stores in Cleveland. they are top-notch. also, you must must must see Suite Lorain- it is a glorious gem of a vintage store, on Lorain Avenue on the West Side of Cleveland. seriously, the thrifting is one of the things I miss most when I'm away at school and its part of the reason I tell people the Cleveland is a "secretly cool Midwestern city." enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

I really love that cardigan with the dress, such a nice colour combination! What a pity taking photos wasn't allowed at the exhibition, I'd have loved to see some of Katherine Hepburn's clothing.

LittleRachael said...

I love this look so much! The blouse, skirt, cardigan and bag are all beautiful!

Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Little Rachael

SomeoneLikeYou said...

I actually live in Ohio (and not too far from Kent!) and must say that we do have such lovely places to visit and take pictures and such. The weather may be horrible, but other than that Ohio isn't too shabby!

You look beyond lovely as always!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your trip to Akron/Kent in such a sweet and positive fashion. We get a bad rap sometimes. I grew up in Kent and Akron, and attended Kent State for 2 degrees. I had a lot of fun there and glad you did too!

Corina said...

This is so full of joy and enthusiasm! Love the outfit and the way these pictures made me smile.

EstelĂ­ said...


This photos are gorgeus! I totally adore them, it seems like a british film out of 20's I love it!

Please! could you teach us how to make that hairstyle? *U*


Solanah said...

EstelĂ­, thank you! I tried to find the link where I learned it from, but couldn't find it! I will do a little tutorial, it's very easy :)

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I just love those shoes. They are the type to just wear with everything and end up looking like either a gibson girl or anne of green gables. hehe. I used to have a skirt similar to this but they were more of sakura flowers and I like the lilac looking flowers on yours!! really pretty! great expressions too!

Unknown said...

Love this! All the cool kids are doing it: http://justpeachy-darling.blogspot.com/2012/10/smoke-stacks-outfit-22.html