This was one of my first vintage dresses, given to me from my aunt Nichole when I was around 10 (ish). It was originally a dress up frock for me, but I remember one warm summer day I decided to wear it for a walk around the neighborhood. I completely loved it, the way it draped, the pattern, the way the light fabric caught the breeze. Something about it just felt really grown up and dreamy. And the rest is history....
Well, ok, it took some more time to realize there were more dresses like this one, but, you get the picture.
The necklace is one of my favorite costume jewelry pieces, it was my great grandmother Lois's, she was a master sewer and her backyard always smelled like warm tomato plants. I know those are unrelated, but it smelled really good!
The shoes are actually 70s, looking 40s and despite having a wooden sole are really comfortable. They make me tall :)
Does anyone remember their first vintage?
I wore a vintage dress to my prom. I remember buying it from Wasteland on Haight St. and I adored it. This was so long ago and I wish I had kept it.
Your vintage dress is a beauty!
Lovely dress, lovely shoes. I think my first vintage was also a dress-up, a dark blue sailor inspired dress from the 60's I guess. Cant remember the first one I actually wore out though =)
I think my first vintage pieces were bought at the vintage market in Bologna, when I was 15/16 and still in high school. At that time I was living around 200 miles away from that city, but once in a while, on Saturday, I jumped on a train and went there for a bit of "fresh air". Not surprisingly I moved there for the University...!
It's amazing that so many of your vintage pieces are from your family members... I don't own anything from my mother, aunts etc!
I love your blog. I'm very happy that there is someone else, who is inspired of vintage and more important: who is living it. I'm still just a vintage collector, I love old dresses, music, movies, books, decoration, cars etc. Especially 50s and 60s inspires me:) Have always inspired. I think my first vintage dress was blue and red coloured 1960s minidress, given by my grandmother's sister. I have picture of it in my blog:) My biggest challenge in future is to wear vintage everyday. But it's easier, when you know, that you are not alone:)
my grandma's light blue 50ies dress with pink and yellow flowers on it, she's often worn it to weddings with a big bow in her hair. it's still my favourite, but I don't wear it often, cause it's so old and I'm scared it could get hurt.
I remember when I was 14, I wanted to find a button down dress so I could wear it with jeans and only have the top part buttoned (does that make sense? lol)
I found this amazing flower print half circle dress. I love it, I always get stares every time I wear it, it will always be my favorite garment.
Thanks for inspiring the flashback!
I used to have my mom sew me dresses from her 50s patterns when I was in about 4th grade.
But my grandmother gave me one of her dresses from the 40's that she had when I was a teen. I still have it!
I just love the print on that dress! How nice to have an aunt that shares lovely vintage items with you!! My first vintage piece was my great-grandma's red coat that has a mink collar. My granda gave it to me when I was around 13. Ever since then, it's been a tradition to wear it on Christmas eve when we attend church.
Stunning dress, the pattern is marvelous. I love that you paired it with those brown wooden heels I would have never though of that color combination but it look stunning!
My first vintage piece was a 1950's beaded sweater but sadly I wore it way to much when I was a little girl and it was lost one day.
I remember vintage shopping as early as junior high. The Lost Boys movie (the one with Kiefer Sutherland about vampires) was a big hit and we all wanted to dress just like 'Star' with long hippy skirts and a ton of bracelets. We would scour the vintage shops along the Venice Beach boardwalk. My sister aquired all my castoffs as I got bigger. I wonder if she still has anything....(gets on phone to call sister)
I love the dress and necklace! I really like those atomic prints.
I don't think I owned anything truly vintage until this year, when I realized how much more I felt like 'me' in them.
I love the dress and the heels! (Especially the heels, I have some that look very similar)
I think I got my first piece of vintage anything from my uncle (who collects antiques) when I was about six and I got this 1940's japanese themed music box with this gorgeous little necklace from the 60's. However I didn't own my first piece of vintage clothing until this year (bought at Magpie's, in p-town) and it's this fabulous lime green shift dress from the 60's.
i can't remember a time when i didn't have vintage accessories (great grandmother's scarves, jewelry that my mom or grandma let me have after countless 'going through the jewelry boxes' sessions....). one of my favourite play outfits when i was little was a short vintage slip that worked just right as a dress (once the sleeves were tied up!) - i found it the other day, it still fits by oh my was it short!
the first vintage (50's+older) clothing i remember searching out and buying was a daytime crinoline, i was probably in 9th or 10th grade. the same shopping day i also got my first properly vintage dress - 1940's, cotton, red with little black polkadots, a peplum, puffytop sleeves, with a black belt. i wore it to school with fishnets and ridiculous clunky shoes, and everyone told me i looked like minnie mouse.... :)
Love your dress and the shoes are divine.
Hmmm, I think my first vintage piece was my mom's old fringe moccasin boots. They only fit for a little while and then my feet got bigger. I was so bummed.
Fabulous post. I love the dress. The first vintage piece I ever got was a bracelet from my Grandma Tudy. Unfortunately it was lost in one of my many moves as a child. :(
That dress look SO good on you, and I love the shoes as well.
My first vintage I cannot even remember, I've been wearing my parents old clothes (60's 70's and 80's) mixed with my own since I was a child. From about 13 I had a fascination with the 70's and wore mum's and dad's old widelegged trousers to school...and now I've gone back to the 50's and 40's in style and bought my first vintage dress about 2 weeks ago. I just hope I'll be able to find a few more of those!
Those shoes are great. I don't remember my first piece of vintage clothing but I do remember my first thrifted vintage items- a tiny silver ring with a butterfly and leaf design and a pair of coral rose earrings. Still have both!
i wish i could say it was when i was 10 too, but the truth is that my style has varied a lot, and vintage is a "new" love of mine... but anyway, my fist one! the first dress i bought for myself was actually only two or three years ago. its a 40´s blue and red little cotton day dress, i love it so much! its my favourite, still, after, hmm... like 40 dresses later.... ;)
This dress is really lovely, sadly I have a memory like a sive and have no clue! Maybe will remember later.
You look gorgeous! I love the print of the dress... and those shoes are killer. I just adore heels like that (wish I could find a pair for myself! hehe!). ;)
Oddly enough, I feel like I've been surrounded by vintage most of my life. My dress up box was filled with all manner of old clothes that my grandparents (who were antique dealers) gave us. Most of the clothes were tattered beyond repair, but I remember a very fetching Victorian bodice that I used to wear alot. (Yes, I shudder at the thought of having played with such an antique, but alas... one doesn't always comprehend these things at a young age!) It kind of became "my" piece of dress up, and I remember being sad when I outgrew it...
I love those pink moonglow beads!
I think my first vintage piece was purchased when I was 11. It was a 1960s era Girl Scout Brownie uniform, complete with sash and badges. Unfortunately, I did not notice until I got home from the flea market that there was a huge stain underneath the sash. It looked liked dried blood. Ewww! Fortunately, that did not put me off vintage, but since then I've always been careful to check for mysterious stains and marks!
my great grandmother's shoes. Must've been 9 or 10 years old as my feet could still fit in them.
Lovely dress and shoes
Although I don't wear much vintage due to lack of vintage shops in switzerland (i.e. none)
But my mum did give me this awesome red and white dress she had made herself when she was about 15.
I love the entire outfit! My first vintage dress was this one :(the polka dots one)
I bought it on a flea market because I found it great, I thought it was a princess dress! I think I was 14... I didn't wear it much at this age, I was a bit shy. But now I'm enjoying it!
This is beautiful! I've discovered your blog a few days ago and I was immediately addicted... I totally admire your vintage style! Therefore, I took the liberty to tag you. Rules are over here: Hope you have fun answering!
this dress is so pretty and i'm impressed you've kept it so long! and like puglyfeet, my first vintage were my prom pieces ;)
Oh!! so lovely dress! and I love always your photos
OMG you are SO talented!! I really like this dress SO beautiful! How long have you been doing this? Just came across your blog and I have just recently taken an intrerest in sewing so I bet I can find a lot of inspiration here =)
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