I haven't had Cracker Jacks in ages, but when I saw them at the store I figured they would make a good little sweet snack, plus be really cute ;)
And we all know that cute food is very important. Too bad I wasn't wearing red white and blue. I have the perfect shoes to go with Cracker Jacks. Maybe next time.
The prize was kind of disappointing: a piece of paper with a bird picture that when you folded it certain ways it would open and close it's mouth. I was hoping for some sort of cheap plastic animal figure or something, which was what used to be in there long before I was born. Things just aren't what they used to be kids.
I wore this outfit to the grocery store, and like always got stares like I'm crazy or something. Honestly, if you are going to stare at someone, be subtle about it at least. But then again I was the only woman in the store wearing a dress, let alone a hat and gloves. Most women opt for the 'dirty pajamas' look. Seriously? What happened to make that acceptable?
I guess you could look at it from the perspective of a vintage lover: People SHOULD stare at you (in awe) for how lovely and ladylike you look! Maybe your classiness and taste will eventually rub off? Where did people get their manners?...out of a Cracker Jack box, obviously:)
i ask myself that question everyday. if i saw you in the food store i would stare and then say how lovely you look!
I think I'd rather get weird stares from people like that than dress like them and not be ogled. ;)
I was in an antique store a couple weeks ago and the owner asked me if I was wearing a crinoline, and told me she remembered when she wore them. It's fun to remind people of their past!
Hehe, thanks girls ;)
I often ask myself that very same question.
Cracker jacks! I haven't had those in ages! As for the grocery stares, I just think it's ironic that sloppy people look at a well-put-together woman and think she looks odd. If I stared, it would have only been in admiration. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress!
no no no never disappointing...only because you didn't snap a picture of it for us to see :(
Stop shopping at Main St. Safeway.
When I was in France my friend told me she thought it would be impolite to wear tracksuit pants or something equally casual to the bakery or supermarket etc. becuase it is imposlite and implies you don't respect the shopkeeper and their store enough to dress respectably when you visit. I think that expresses my view on why its worth making an effort when you go out perfectly! Plus, you just feel better about yourself when you look nice. When you stop making an effort for everyday activities it implies you don't value what you are doing I think, so it says alot about your attitide to life that day... Or thats just my opinion! sorry for rambling :)
there were 3, yes 3 dirty PJ wearing girls at the store tonight when I went. WTH????
they stared me down and made weird faces, cos I had my hair curled adn was in a dress.
people are WEIRD!
people are weird, that's for sure. However when I ocationally stare at people it's 95% of the time because I think their look is adorable, so when people stare at me I just tell myself that they stare at me for the same reason! =0) Big ego boost!
Oh, byt the way, what is cracker jacks?
I was at Winco, Safeway is a tad better. Just a tad.
Linn, Cracker Jacks is just a snack food made up of carmel covered popcorn and peanuts. The little box usually has a cool prize inside for kids.
hehe! We found out the same, dissapointing result of a Cracker Jack prize recently too. My husband bought a box of it when we went to a ball game, and I eagerly dug into it looking for a cute price. *sigh* So boring... lol!
You are too cute! That dress is a gorgeous color! I get stares all the time when I go shopping (especially last weekend when I was decked out in my midriff top and floral skirt, wearing wedges on my feet and a flower in my hair!). I think people are just jealous. ;) haha!
Lady, stay strong! People find it so much more acceptable to wear the same sweat pants they have been wearing for 3 days than to wear a dress out of the house. Such an odd world. You look beautiful and charming, so keep on trucking with it :0)
I adore your style!
What an amazing food shopping outfit! Crackerjacks look nice... I don't even know what their English counterpart would be! x
That is perfect etiquette. A women should never go outside unkept. You should be dressed proper because you never know who you may run into!! A message I once read in A Girl's guide to Etiquette from Cosmo in the early 60's.
I would stare because I would want to know where you got the dress or the shoes.
Gorgeous outfit as always and I totally know what you mean. At the grocery store in my area everyone is wearing sweats especially on the weekends, its so sad how dressing up is becoming a lost art.
Have you ever counted how many dresses you have? I would love to know, your collection seems to never end.
I don't wear vintage, but I do like to think about my outfit, and wear something that is maybe slightly different from the norm. Today, I wore a brown linen gored skirt that falls just above my ankles, and has embroidery and small sequins on the seams at the bottom of the gores. My top was burgundy with a small white flower on it, and I wore opaque black tights, flat brown embroidered lace pumps, and my current fav everyday hat, a brown cord beret to which I have added a gorgeous glass spider brooch on the side.
My boyfriend and I went in the coffee house in a large dept store, and, as I walked to our table with the teacakes I had bought, I got starred at too. I had to ask BF if I had a mark on my face or something, as I thought I looked quite ordinary!
But, like you say, some people just can't seem to understand why a women would dress up to go shopping.
(I prefer that to my BF's response, which was, it's because I'm ginger. Grr!!)
Loving the blog, BTW, and loving the clothes. Thrift shops in my part of England just don't seem to have the quality you find. Sigh...
Thank you! I know exactly how you feel! It's so annoying to be stared at, I just wrote a post about this after the other day when I was shopping and some lady asked me why i was dressed in a dress and heels. I think it's kind of sad that we can't be dressed without being stared at.
god, i know... its even bad in new york! sad.
Oh, how very, very true are your comments! When I go to the supermarket I am usually the only girl in sight in a dress. Most women my age wear those tiny little cheerleading shorts or yoga pants and t-shirts to the supermarket. I think I stare that them equally as much because it seems brazen that women are completely comfortable leaving their house in their pajamas!
So, I say let them stare - you are just raising the bar for everyone, and they are intimidated by that! :-)
Two things here... First, WHERE did you find Cracker Jacks in a box!?!? Last time I bought them they were in a mylar bag. Talk about things not being what they were. Not to mention the "toys".... Second, the "dirty pajamas" observation. For the past two years I have been dropping my daughter at school every morning and can't believe how many mothers show up in their flannel pajama pants and sometimes even slippers!!! Actually it seems to be more the mother's of kindergarteners. By first grade they seem to catch a clue. There is hope...?
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