As much as I like that my readers can have access to blog photos via flickr, I just can't get over how many creepers are lurking on there. On the bright side, easy access for people who want to do features and interviews, but on the dark side: Creepers.
Plus flickr says that I have to upgrade to a Pro Account ( I would have to pay for) otherwise only my latest 200 photos would be visible. I'm just kind of sick of the whole thing. It was causing me much more stress than enjoyment, and guess what? I'm getting married in less than a month, so any un-needed stress is being thrown out the window. So I deleted my account, and now if you need photos for something just ask and I will send them to you, its no problem at all. I will most likely open an account back up, and was thinking of just not tagging any of the photos, that way I wouldn't show up in searches. Any thoughts?
On a much brighter note my friend Shayla is having a Fantastic giveaway!. A vintage hairstyling book I have been pining after, as well as hair accessories she has personally put together to go along with it.
Sandra D of Debutante Clothing has featured me in an interview this week! She's so much fun to talk to I wished the interview could have been face to face :)
I was featured as a style muse a few weeks ago on the visually scrumptious blog Pugly Feet. Since then an interview has been added, complete with yesterdays to-do list. Unfortunately not all on the list got done....
Eek, I'm sorry to hear you were beleaguered with creep-os!
Congrats on all of the blog features/interviews! I saw the Debutante one and thought it was great! :]
Sorry about the Flickr thing. There are definitely some creepy people out there (and not just on Flickr).
Congrats on the great press. You deserve it! You have a fabulous blog.
Sorry to hear about your Flickr woes. That sucks. The creepers suck even more.
Congrats on the wedding. I can't wait to see wedding pictures. :)
Hi Solanah! I wish we could speak face to face and gab about vintage too. Our interview was fun, but we don't have to keep it all business. We should definitely keep in touch. By the way, how far are you from Seattle? I'll be there in November.
Thanks girls :)
We shall indeed keep in touch Sandra!
I'm about 3 hours away from Seattle, so close and yet so far :)
I really enjoyed your feature of pugly feet! :)
Yikes! Flickr Creepies! I can totally sympathize with that issue; I've had many rather sketchy people contact me via Flickr. Sometimes it's just downright disturbing...
I think perhaps the only thing you could do (to prevent something like that) is either alter the privacy settings (I think--but I won't swear to it--that you can set it so only friends can view your photos) or the keyword idea you had. It's a shame that this happened to you! :(
Congrats on all the interviews and features (they beat me to it! haha!)!!! Have a great weekend!
I just lovelovelove you blog! :)
That's too bad about the Flickr creepers. I haven't had to deal with that much yet, but I fear that it's only a matter of time.
I despise the idea of giving Flickr money. When one account gets too full, open another. Can you prevent comments? Finally, perhaps not tagging is a good idea.
Sounds like Lionel may be a 'creeper'!
Yuck, I hate the creepers. Now that I have a flickr account really weird older men keep adding me as a contact.
So exciting that you're getting married so soon!!!
I just wanted to drop a note to tell you that you have inspired me to create a blog of my own!
All those adorable collages popping up on my reader finally made me want to experiment in the blogging world. Granted, it may take me a good while to figure this whole thing out...
But thank you for the inspiration and keep up the adorable work!!
Look on the bright side, honey. You are getting hitched!!!
Congrats for your wedding!! So bad for the flickr thing.
I really would like to see the wedding dress you will wear,are you gonna show it soon?? or will u show it till the big day?
Sorry Lizzy, you'll have to wait until the big day :)
Your dress is beautiful x x
For the record, I'm not a creep, I was just asking what she deleted her Flicker account. I'm sorry that she had to, and I glad that she still has her blog to show off in.
Congratulations on your wedding!!!
Yes, Flickr is the paradise island of creepers!
I'm sorry to hear about creepers on Flickr :0( Creepers are no fun on-line nor in real life.
YAY for you getting married! I'm hoping to see lots of pictures from the glorious event
the creepy-people-on-Flickr thing was really bugging me too. (Who knew how many weirdos were into tights?!?! geez.) but i stopped tagging my photos and then i just block them as i need to, which seems to have made a difference. it really is so presumptuous and rude on their part. and a bummer.
i also recently upgraded to the pro-thing and it was much cheaper than i had anticipated...i know, i know, they got me! but now everthing is so *organized* :)...
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