THIS is why I haven't made that hat I've promised for a giveaway, or cleaned my house, or listed barely anything in my shop. I was busy making fabulousness :)
Saturday I had both my bridal shower, and a costume party to attend, but I couldn't wait to show off the costume, so it comes first.
About a moth ago my mother and I were invited to a party and her friends house, I had gone to parties there before with her, once it was circus themed, such fun! The theme for the party was 18th century, and as soon as I heard the hat was the first thing that came to my mind. I have often seen drawings of entire ships in 18th century hats, and thought that would just be a dream. My mothers friend was kind enough to lend me one, and from there the costume was inspired.
I went to Johanna's 18th century blog for tons of insight and inspiration, it's full of beautiful photos, costumes, and authentic clothing from that period. I wish I could have been more authentic, but time and budget were scarce.
Actually, almost everything for the costume I already had. The main fabric is a vintage upholstery, I have no idea where I got it from, and the base of the sleeves are old curtains. The only material I purchased was the blue and white trim, the buckram for the hat, and the big blue feather.
Everything, including the hat, is made from scratch, and I did use a bodice template I found online, but had to alter it quite a bit since it had no sleeves, and was way too short. After I made that structured part I draped on my dress form, over a petticoat and homemade panniers (they were like hip pillows, hehe).
The absolute best part was the hat. If you can believe it this was the first time I had ever made a hat from scratch, I'm pretty proud of myself. I shaped the buckram over a foam head, and covered it with fabric. I wanted the ship to look as though it was caught in a storm, and the feathers were giant waves about to crash down. The pink tassels were just for giggles ;)
Near the end of the party they had a "best costume contest" for men and women, and I won!
On the left, a couple that reminded me of "Pirates of the Caribbean", her hair was so high! On the right myself and the host of the party, Brian, complete with sword!
I embellished my mothers dress a bit, she bought it at my work, it was one of those 80s prom dresses that looks like a princess would wear it.
The party was bundles of fun, there was music, dancing, food, a scavenger hunt, and sword fighting of course :)
Chris, on the right won best mens costume, he reminded me of a cartoon, hehe.
There were such fabulous costumes, and I was really happy to see some hats as well. I especially love the top hat with the big jewel in the middle.
I think that was the most grand I have ever felt, and the biggest fire hazard...
O my god this look like an absolute riot! Your costume is out of control and I love it. I appreciate people who put effort into costumes instead of just throwing on a themed hat and slouching in in their normal clothes.
Oh. Wow. I dunno what sto say =) Amazing. Love all the costumes and hats. Sound like a lovely evening.
How utterly fun!!! :D I love your hat--it's so over-the-top! I used to attend costume parties more, and I think I always had just as much fun dreaming up and making my costume, as going to the event. :)
wow!!! absolutely fantastic!
That whole ensemble is amazing!
What a fun party to be able to attend. =)
Love the costumes! It is so fun when people actually get into the spirit of the party. Must have been fun.
Wow! That is so amazing! Congratulations on making that, your outfit is completely fabulous!!
amazing! I can see why you won! I would love to go to a party like that!!!
Oh my gosh Solanah! I thought I was imagining things at first. :P
You look wonderful! I can't believe you made everything, congratulations for winning. I'm quite jealous you get to go to such fun parties!
Wow! It looked like you had some stiff competition so congratz on your win! Your costume is lovely. Now how can I get invited to a party like that? LOL!
I simply CAN not believe you made that!! You are so unbelievably talented!! I can see why you won first place :) How fun!
Great costume!! You did a wonderful job on the hat, looks very professional!! About the parasol, it's badly faded and not in a way that could pass as it was "made that way." I am thinking about dying it black and then possibly selling it. Who knows, I have so many things on my to dye list at the moment. :)
Holy bejesus, you look amazing!! You are so fantastically talented that you made your whole outfit. The hat is totally divine. You so deserved to win.
It's funny that you mention fire hazard because I once wore a big buccaneer hat with a huge white feather exactly like your blue one and it actually caught on fire. Apparently the end of a feather was resting in a candle. Luckily my friend noticed and put it out.
I want that bird hat!
Your costume is amazing.
Your creation is fabulous. Your hat explains your Blue Feather post last week. :D Congratulations on you win!
I love the toille you used for the outer layer! It is so fun paired with an unexpected bright pink (I would expect a softer pink which is sweet but more boring.) Congrats on a task well done!
wow! what a fun post! i love all of the hats and congratulations on winning best costume :D!
Oh! your dress is great!! all the dresses are nice, I guess you had a great time, I would like to go a party like that
OMG its looks so amazing on!!!!!
that is the best costume ever. WOW!
amazing. you are AMAZING!
Wow. How skillful to make such a beautiful costume from scratch! Stiff competition, but I am not surprised you won the competition :-)
Your costume is gorgeous. More than gorgeous ... superb even.
There are scarcely words for how resplendently stunning you look!
Goodness, sweetie, these photos will be my modern day Georgian inspiration from here on out - thank you so much, gorgeous dear!
Oodles of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Why can't I go to cool parties like this!!! Way to go! :)
fabulous blog ever! btw come visit
Lovely! I don't knw what else to say (?)
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