Lately I've noticed the word "bombshell" being thrown about as a description for just about any attractive woman. And being modern celebrities, most of them are trashy, unintelligent, and really, just train wrecks in mini dresses, gracing the pages of tabloids and gossip websites. It makes me kind of sad that such a sought after title can now be given to anyone and everyone, as long as you show enough cleavage.
Years ago, when I was ending my awkward teenage years and entering not quite as awkward teenage years, I came across The Bombshell Manual of Style on my mother's bookshelf. We immediately clicked. Reading through it I realized I already had a bit of bombshell style, and just needed to grab onto the rest. So much of Laren Stover's advice rang true with me, I would either think "Thats how I am!" or "Thats how I should be!"
I wish I could share the entire book with you, but instead I'll share some of my favorite excerpts and giveaway one copy to one lucky reader. This book is a reminder that a true bombshell has qualities of a lady, not a tramp ;) All you need to do is comment on this post, and tell me what brings out your inner bombshell, don't be shy! It could be your awesome curves, a favorite dress, a delicious dessert, or even being with your favorite people. Just keep it clean!
The winner will be chosen Friday at random, and announced then :)
"A bombshell is full of contradictions. She is a combustible blend of confidence and vulnerability, sauce and naivete. She wears high heels but kicks them off at every opportunity. Adores negligees and charmeuse gowns but cant wait to get out of them. She always expects to run into someone who matters, even if she's home alone. A bombshell never dresses carelessly and wears marabou heels around the house. She behaves as if all life's a movie and she's the star."
"Bombshells don't sit exactly. They perch, curl, curve, and occasionally fling their legs up over the arm of a chair or back of a sofa. This also goes for seats on airplanes, cars, and trains."
"No matter how mundane the occasion, the bombshell has an outfit in mind. She plays dress up every day."
"When it comes to animals, nothing is out of the question. Two wings, one wing, four legs, six legs, the bombshell loves them all. The bombshell has empathized with animals her whole life and is particularly drawn to the broken, the abandoned, the doomed."
I'm somewhat hesitant to admit on this blog that a (gasp) vintage reproduction dress makes me feel like a diva. It's a bright red Stop Staring dress that the boyfriend bought for me (which makes it even better ;)
sarah dot dietze at yahoo dot com
First of all, Sarah, if it makes you feel fab, then just enjoy it! My inner bombshell comes out when I have my hair pinned up, my red lipstick on, my pencil skirt on, and I'm wearing my best heels. I can get some strange looks when I'm dolled up in my vintage best, but I love the look, so I just throw my hair back and smile!
When I curl my hair and put on my red pin-up lipstick I definitely feel like a bombshell! Even if I'm just wearing a nice top and jeans, those little things like make-up and hair make me feel so much more confident.
-Cassie B.
I love this book, except for how it suggests tackling a job interview...nobody would ever hire you (for the proper reasons at least!) if you dressed like a pinup and sat on the arm of the chair rather than sitting properly! I think part of being a bombshell is knowing when it's appropriate to tone it down a bit. ;)
oh please and thank you! Bombshell for me is sexy underwear hidden under my regular clothes ;-) Or my vintage bathing suits!
That sounds like an awesome book!
My inner bombshell is brought out by dramatic eye makeup, especially black liquid eyeliner and serious mascara. Bright lipstick helps, too, although usually not at the same time. And cute little dresses!
What makes me a bombshell is my confidence in myself and my pride in my size.... I am able to push aside all of those trashy celebrities who somehow have "earned" this title, by simply showing off my fabulous curves and accentuating them with all of my fabulous vintage and reproduction dresses. I live the life of a bombshell, even at night, in my oh-so-sheer rayon nightgown, very 1940s style, but not trashy in the least. I am the epitome of the classic bombshell from the 1940s and 1950s, in a larger frame, and I embrace it and love it!
Actually many things make me feel like a bombshell from my favorite 1940s style dress that I picked up at forever 21 years ago to the "right" pair of black heels. I found that one of my best friends makes me feel like a bombshell the most... he's obsessed with my legs...
My corset makes me feel like a bombshell. It's all over my torso body "hug", the faboo curves it gives me in the hourglass shape it provides, and the many beautiful ways I can wear it all create a mind set in me that makes my "inner bombshell" roar.
My nails. I never had long nails until this year because I've worked in an archaeology lab forever, so there was no point in growing them out because they would either look gross, or break. It's crazy how doing that one thing makes me feel so much more girly
(I'm not entering the contest...) just wanted to tell you that I love this fabulous little book ~ my mom gave it to me years ago... :) Miss Stover wrote another, similar book you might enjoy: "Bohemian Manifesto"
THIS IS SO COOL! i feel the most bomb shell when i wake up in the mourning and my hair looks great!!
Taking care of myself and pampering myself once in a while helps me to brings out my confident bombshell attitude. Wearing a cute Audrey Hepburn dress. Watching Roman Holiday or Amelie always helps too.
I think a bombshell is a sweet, classy lady with a confidence and an edgy boldness to be who she is even if it stands out from the crowd.
I have long flat straight hair, so whenever I curl my hair and having those beachy waves brings out my inner bombshell. having great hair is my definite confidence booster!!
not to sound trashy, but wearing nice underwear all the time. I read that Marlene Dietrich had it figured into her studio costume budget costs and when asked to defend it, she stated "it will make me walk better". From then on, I've sworn it does the trick. That or playing "whos that lady" by mayfield in my head and pretending he wrote it while watching me walk.
That book looks amazing!
My inner bombshell comes out with a proper set of hot rollers. It has to be a good set though, if I get it wrong I go from feeling fabulous to frumpy in half a second.
Hmm, I think I feel like a super dooper bombshell when my one side of my hair doesn't set quite the same as the other, and my left eyeliner isn't quite superbalicious, and maybe there's some lipstick on my teeth, but Mother dearest lets me borrow the E.H. and I hoot toot around town with my stylish and silly friends listening to Hank Williams a bit too loud for sensible driving, and loving the the looks we get. Yes, I feel like a bombshell when strangers stare at me, or maybe comment on my hair or outfit. I like that. Maybe sometimes the stares aren't particularly kind, but hootinanny! I just don't care!
I was an early bloomer. I started out with the plain beige and white bras, which also reflected the rest of my undergarments. I pretended to be a tomboy and was never comfortable with my new assets, I was also teased a lot. As I entered high school I began experimenting with my image and undergarments (this is also about the time that I discovered pin-up). I came to a single conclusion which I love to share with every woman. No matter what you wear, wether sweat pants or a little black dress, you will always feel sexy whilst wearing cute bras and panties.
Without a doubt, red lipstick and high heels (as cliche...or maybe just classic as that sounds!) brings out my bombshell!
Butterflies and Daisys Vintage
AH! I HAVE THIS BOOK, AND ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I also have Laren's other book, The Bohemian Manifesto. Please don't enter me in the contest, since I would like someone who doesn't own the book to have a chance to own a copy; I just wanted to say how fabulous The Bombshell Manual of Style is. I posted some Bombshell Manual-inspired oufits on my blog. I even carry it around with me!
My favorite bombshell moments are when I'm chasing my toddler through the house, covered in only God knows what, looking like an absolute mess...and somehow my man still finds a way to look at me like its the first time he's ever me and tells me I'm a sexy momma! :D
this sounds like an enjoyable read. when i feel fun, flirty, sassy, confident, and pretty, i feel as close to being a bombshell as i possibly can. and a pretty dress,nice makeup and hair, sexy undergarments, and high heels don't hurt!
Ooooooooo! I definitely need some instructions on being the star of my movie life!
I will now start perching in lieu of sitting. What else am I missing?
OMG this quote "Bombshells don't sit exactly. They perch, curl, curve, and occasionally fling their legs up over the arm of a chair or back of a sofa. This also goes for seats on airplanes, cars, and trains." Is so me!!!
This sounds like such a great book!
I have to say it's probably showing some clevage ;) I know I'm not skinny like the other girls, but they don't have the {girls} that I have...
I dress up every Sunday for church. I go all out...I suck it all in with my sucker-inner (spanx or corset), put on my make-up, do my hair, wear fishnets or stockings and a push up bra. I love to walk in with my husband and feel so pretty.
love love,
Fritzi Marie
i recently came to terms with having naturally curly hair, and i'm loving every minute of it! i get compliments on it all the time but i used to think i had to straighten it everyday to 'fit in' to societal beauty. after i realized i actually had great hair, i really took to following my heart and styling my hair and clothes how I feel fit. i take the opportunity to dress up everyday, even if i'm the only one.
Inner:I think my intelligence makes me a bombshell. I think a smart woman is a sexy woman.
Outer:I feel beautiful and lady-like when I have a perfectly arched eyebrow.
My inner bombshell is brought out by my pin-up esque curves, love of red lip stick and the comments I recieve on being "dressed up" all the time, what can I say? I dress like Im going to meet someone important, even at the grocery store ;)
What a lovely book! Those quotes really speaks to me, that is how I am or how I aspire to be!
My inner bombshell is brought out whenever I feel elegant. Sometimes it's when wearing a dress that enhances my curves, combined a pair of high heels. Other times it's drinking tea in the morning, dressed in my grandmother's gorgeous 40s dressingrobe, and with my hair in pin-curls beneth a scarf.
what an awesome giveaway :) Well, my body is shaped like a short of guitar, I'm pretty small at the waist but I'm generally a very normal size. What brings out my inner bombshell is when I manage to fit a 40's or 50's dress (that were also shaped a lot like guitars) in such a perfect manner that it seems like it was made for me. These pretty curves as result of my small waist also make me feel like a bombshell when the clothes come off for a special someone... :)
Hmm... Red lipstick and high heels do the trick every time, but so does my ex. :) We're great friends and he has a funny way to know exactly when I need a compliment, so I get these cute messages telling me what a fab woman I am. He believes that every woman should get a compliment at least once a day so he does his best... funny guy. ;)
This book looks AMAZING!
Before getting into vintage clothing, I absolutely hated my large hips...they didnt seem to match my tiny waist and small chest. But now, putting on that perfect wiggle dress makes me feel like more of a bombshell than any of those perfectly proportioned models; An hour glass is much more womanly than a pole!
very cute! and you can look inside the book on!
My inner bombshell is brought out when I am getting ready to spend time with my sister. We both love to 'dress up.' We often think of events of themes and go from there. We often get stares...and we like to believe they are all good :)
This is a giveaway I WANT to win very much!
I like the way my husband makes me feel like I'm the sexiest woman in the world.
What he doesnt know is that sometimes I play innocent and say that I'm not aware of that, that I'm not even doing anything to appear sexy, when indeed, I am :D His eyes tell me everything!
What brings out my inner bombshell is when I have my hair in pincurls sipping my morning tea or wearing my best dress to the grocery store. Making the mundane glamorous and having confidence every step of the way.
God old plain red lipstick... ;)
Hugs Dorthe
i feel great when i'm quite overdressed, and completely comfortable with myself. or when wearing a pretty dress with nice hair at home, being all dolled up for no reason but to be happy about myself!
I bring out my inner bombshell when I am wearing a figure hugging black dress and am on the dance floor dancing my groovy heart out (with some, I admit, rather risque moves). I did this at my work christmas party and one of my colleagues said I should take up pole dancing (!). I took that as a compliment!
I have a brassiere that just makes me feel... like a bombshell? I like to read the book and find out. :)
my inner bombshell comes out first when i have nice hair..since i have curly hair i'm always disappointed with them!! second, when i go out with my wonderful boyfriend i like to dress up even if we are just going out for a walk or to a not very special place. i like when he looks at my vintage outfits and tell me "you're the only one in here who loves this style,no one is like you!you're the last girl in town!!!"that makes me feel sooooooo happy!!
I loved reading the comments here and am rather intrgued by the book. It's making me get dressed now, even though it's a day off and I feel sick and depressed. I'll probably feel better then and get to do something productive, like baking a lemon tart. What makes me feel like a bombshell is a perfectly put together outfit.
Hi, a great giveaway and here´s my answer:My inner bombshell comes out when I look in a mirror & I feel satisfied with how I look.
Lashings of fire-engine red lipstick, my favourite heels and a fabulous 50's frock bring out my inner bombshell..I try to make sure she has an outting at least once a day!
This books look like fun! I believe what makes me feel like a BOMBSHELL lately is my new haircut. I went from waist length hair to a cute bob! I love it... Oh and a dress with a petticoat...something about the layers :)
Heels that are just high enough to add a delicious wiggle in my hips as I walk (but not so high that I totter about clumsily!) It changes the entire way I carry myself (I am not sure I could ever feel as sassy in flats)
How fantastic! I feel like a bombshell wearing anything with a tiny nipped-in waist. xx
My bombshell is bought out by being utterly inappropriately dressed for any occasion.
Nothing makes me feel sassier and a little bit rebellious, than wearing red lipstick and killer heels to pop to the shops for a pint of milk!
Bare feet over the arm of a garden chair.
I loved reading all the comments here! I do wear red lips and black liquid liner everyday, and cold set my hair twice a week, but I think my inner bombshell comes out most when I'm wearing anything that makes my skinny straight self look like I have an hourglass figure. Lately that has been high-waisted pencil skirts. I just made a leopard print one yesterday and when I tried it on with my Lucky Lou tiki heels, I DEFINITELY felt the va-va-voom of it all.
Vintage or vintage style foundation garments and well made seamed stocking. I love walking down the street with a vintage silhouette...nipped in waist and all! I feel like the vava voom version of myself. (a perfectly set coif and impeccable makeup help too)
eewingo at gmail dot com
I feel like a bombshell when I'm sitting at my lovely vintage secretary desk writing real letters & cards to my friends with an actual pen instead of just typing an email.
ok, so it's not sartorial in nature but bombshell style isn't just about clothes, right?
being confident brings out my inner bombshell. When I am high on confidence it's unstoppable ;) That and a good brassiere!
I am a bombshell and feel like it, when I go to a familys garden party in a petticoat dress with high heels. When it comes to playing soccer with my little 2 year old cousin he loves to see me grabbing my petticoat a bit and kick the ball still wearing my high heels.
To me a BomBshell is a state of mind. If your not feeling bombshell inside it never can been seen on the outside.
ohhhh i wish i could find a copy of that book.... :( <3 i dont know if i m a bombshell but my life is a movie and im the star!!! (most of the times..)
I've been wearing red lipstick since I was 16, because it's the one thing that never fails to make me feel like a hot tomato. *grins*
Lately my bob/bangs make me feel like a bombshell! Especially when they come out nice and straight. ^_^
I'd like that book very much! I feel most like a bombshell when I have to pick up the pace. I'm a dancer and an athlete and when it's time to giddy up...I can move like a gazelle.
What brings out my unner bombshell is when I wear my sexy (repro) 1940s style heels. You can't NOT feel like a bombshell sashaying around in those!
My inner bombshell comes out to play with a pencil skirt. It's something that always makes me feel exceptional... And it brings out my curves... which I am happy to have :D
My husband makes me feel like a bombshell! When I'm done getting ready and I come walking down the stairs and he looks at me and smiles and says "you look amazing!" or better, when he almost runs off the road while we're driving because he's looking over at me! *lol* Yea, I love my seamed stockings, my vintage gloves, my peep-toe pumps...but nothing makes a gal feel like a bombshell than a smile and compliment from her fella!
My hair brings out my inner bombshell - every day so there's no hiding it! I love the bold red colour, I love the vintage-inspired cut... makes me feel glamorous even on a day when I'm dressing down (although those are rare!).
What a fantastic giveaway!! I would say I feel most bobshell-esque when wearing high waisted shorts and a cropped shirt (tucked in). Of course my hair has got to be pin curled! However, I honestly feel like a bombshell every time I wear vintage. Just more so when its this particular outfit. :)
hmm...what makes me feel like a bombshell? Its all about the heels...I could do anything in heels and feel unstoppable. Going out, cooking, laundry..even vacuuming. It's such a treat when I get to wear them because I can't at work.
AWESOME GIVEAWAY! I love books. Which i guess is something that brings out my inner bombshell, wearing high high heels, my glasses and reading a book! :)
I always awaken my inner bombshell when I wear red lipstick! :)
What makes me feel like a real bombshell must be my car! It's a -48 Pontiac Torpedo Silverstreak, and it's the only one in Norway. My dad gave it to me, and I'm very proud of it :)
And I simply NEEDS flowers in my hair :)
-Julie Mari :)
I feel like a bombshell when I'm with my husband. I don't normally consider myself good looking, but when I'm with him he's either telling me with words that I am or telling me with his eyes. He makes me believe I'm a bombshell.
Sweet- but if "bombshell adores all animals" then bombshell should not wear fur (even vintage), leather and hopefully be a vegetarian or vegan!!!
Okay, I know I have absolute NO chance of winning, but I have to enter this!!! I totally agree with you, so man of today's *stars* are given that title and they don't deserve that.
lizziesdesk [at] hotmail [dot] com
What fun! I love that little attitude boost of being feminine with a hint of sexy. The description of a "mix of contradictions" totally suits my style. I love wearing extremely elegant, feminine clothing-- a satin blouse and a pencil skirt, persay, and then ordering a scotch on the rocks. It's that lady with an edge appeal to me :)
I love a full length slip that hugs my curves and red lipstick.
Ooh. I like to think of myself as a bombshell kind of gal. This book would help me make sure! Fingers crossed :)
For me "bombshell" would definitely be in my hair and make-up. I can be wearing (just about) anything and if I have really great, bouncy, volume-y hair (and my hair is short, so I try to get a LOT of volume!) and I have my everyday make-up (which consists of shimmery eyeshadow, purple eyeliner and blue mascara, a ton of blush, and lipstick that pops). If I have those things then I feel like a knock-out all day...and a hair bow never hurts.
Without a doubt, my inner bombshell comes on when I am getting 'dolled up' to go out, be it for dinner or dancing, or drinks, or just board game night! I love putting my makeup on, I usually put on some music or loudly hum to myself, but there is something sooooo good for the ego and confidence when I apply my eyeshadow, bronzer, or lipstick! I feel like this face could go out there and conquer the world!
Definitely, undoubtedly, absolutely, red lipstick.
I feel like a bombshell because I have really wide hips. I used to be embarrassed because I was the first girl in my grade to get hips back in high school. Now I embrace them and know how lucky I am to have them.
My friends make me feel like a bombshell. They are always so supportive. They make me want to wear my red lipstick, do my hair and put on a dress; even if it is just to grab a cup of coffee.
My red lipstick and my girdle. It hugs every curve, makes my clothes look fabulous and reminds me to stand up straight which also makes me look better.
Getting ready to go out and listening to a great bit of rockabilly like Imelda May - something with a beat that I can slink around to when I'm getting dressed and putting my makeup on :)
I do draw the line at singing into my hairbrush though!
I feel like a bombshell when I'm getting ready for the day. With my hair and makeup done, wearing only my undies, prancing around my room trying to find the perfect outfit for the day.
See - now I have another book I'm going to have to get! Killing me...
I've been thinking for a while about what in particular, alone makes me feel like a bombshell. I think that after having two kids, it's definitely changed. I used to feel like a bombshell pretty much all the time, no matter what I had on, where I was, whatever. I gained a lot of weight with my second, my giant son, and at 5'nothing, 70 extra lbs doesn't sit well! It's gone now, but the remnants of it are still there. It was really hard to find anything that fit, and I spent a long time wearing a nursing bra, even after losing the weight, because nothing fit. I got a stack of bras a year or so ago from my baby sister, her cast-offs, and from a stack of bras that I really wasn't thrilled with, came this ugly, old-lady looking greige colored thing. And it made me look amazing. This has been a really, really long comment, (sorry!) all to say that whatever I'm in, if I have my super-bra on, I feel like a million bucks!
probably my hourglass shape and my (rather large) collection of beautiful slips. I never feel more bombshell then when I am sitting at my mirror in my slip and lacy day robe, doing my hair...
I feel like a bombshell any time I wear heels! Nice dresses do the trick too. For example, I went to a university function (as a guest instead of a photographer for once!) and wore a nice black dress with some serious bling...I definitely felt like a bombshell that night.
I am a bombshell butterfly, just coming out! I am discovering the wonder of wearing a pretty dress. I love to lounge in my silk dressing robe while reading a delicious novel. I curl up everywhere (even in class).
Sarah Yvonne
Such a nifty book! Being a bombshell to me doesn't mean showing everything that you have,but it can be doing little, subtle things. I'm sixteen years old and I feel like a bombshell when I wear bright red lipstick! Now most sixteen year olds want to show every every ounce of their bodies for eveyone to see, but in my opinion bombshells are classy,not trashy!
For me, wearing some sexy lingerie makes me feel like a bombshell. Just knowing that I have something a little... saucy underneath my muted and everyday clothes gives me an extra boost. Also... my bangs make me feel like a bombshell. My tattoos as well... Geez, a lot actually makes me feel like a bombshell. I guess more than anything it's knowing that underneath it all, I'm a really playful person after I get comfortable with a person, but at first I'm extremely shy. That's what makes me feel most like a bombshell.
Thanks for a great giveaway
What brings out my inner bombshell? A black pencil skirt with a tight sweater. Add some super high platforms and instant bombshell, at least that's how I feel.
What a terrific-looking book! Sounds like fun...and I love reading everyone's comments! I think dressing to accentuate my figure makes me feel like a bombshell; sweetheart necklines, nipped waistlines, fitted skirts that follow my curves, and/or lovely heels.
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
In my late teens years I discovered this book and didn't buy it and I've looked for it in every self-help section I come across.
I feel like a bombshell when I laugh, with abandon. also maybe how my hips look in a wiggle dress. ;)
Thanks for the giveaway.
I had to think rather hard to get to the point what makes my inner bombshell come out of hiding... and I came to think that it's the other way around with me: my inner bombshell comes out and this shows in the way I dress, use make up and do my hair with more thought and esprit.
Putting on an intoxicatingly scented perfume oil always makes me feel like a bombshell. Getting ready for a special evening definitely brings it out!
Wearing sassy heels all day and looking great in them always makes me feel like a bombshell. And a cute hat! Awesome giveaway, I'd love to read this book!
Sarah Louise
Aww what a charming little manual! :P I definitely think curves on a lady is something to brag about, especially now that it seems showin' bones is attractive :/ lol
misswendythirteen at hotmail dot com
lovely giveaway and blog solanah!!!
i feel the most like a bombshell whenever i'm put together, no matter the season or occasion, be it a party or at home making dinner for my boyfriend. high-waisted anything always helps!
This book seems pretty dang awesome.
What makes me feel Bombshell-esque? Thigh high stockings. I love them. No matter what I'm wearing, a pair of these makes me feel fabulous.
for sure my boobs haha. I actually love them! I am petite but my breasts are not, so i love it! They are perky and large and full...i love to wear a sexy lace bra or a push up bra with a simple tank top...the less the embelishment on the garment the better i find i look.
Wow. I am going to have to get a copy of this book. All of those excerpts are exactly who I am! Guess I am a bombshell afterall!
When I feel at the top of the heep of being a bombshell, my hair and makeup are perfect, I give a little coy smile to my fella and flash him a wink ; ). What else is a gal to do?
My inner bombshell comes out when I strut to class wearing one of my vintage outfits and people stare in appreciation (well...hopefully appreciation).
What makes me feel like a bombshell is spending a couple hours getting ready for a night out. The slow process of doing makeup, perfecting my hair, and slipping on stockings plus a vintage dress always makes me feel super glamourous.
Fitting into a gorgeous 1940s suit and having my curled hair fall over my eyes :)
This book sounds fantastic!
Ahhh -- I feel like a bombshell when my sweetie and I get dressed up for ballroom dancing. It's usually a casual affair for everyone else, but he sports a really nice button up, tie and suspenders, and I get to pick out one of my great-grandma's awesome dancing dresses. The heads turn when we come strolling in from outside, and we've started inspiring other couples to get gussied up for the occasion!
loves loves loves
First of all, I found your blog about a month ago looking for rag roll advice and fell in love with your delightful take on life. Perhaps most charming is how you always savor the weather of the current season while simultaneously anticipating the next.
Regarding the Bombshell Manual, this line stood out to me. "She behaves as if all life's a movie and she's the star." It reminded me of my all-time favorite film, a little indie flick called The Movie Hero with Jeremy Sisto. Everyone should see it. Our Hero says at the finale, "And remember, audience....Your audience is watching too. Be their hero."
So I try to live my life with unyielding hope in the happy ending, with an awareness of being watched (and so trying to be worthy of emulation), and with my perfect black pumps with the perfect strap across the ankle and my here-come-Katie lipstick at the ready.
An easy question: Black satin wiggle dress and red high heels. Or on a normal day, nice undergarments under more casual clothes!
What an awesome find!
I think I qualify only half of the time. I'm definatly an animal lover. If its my day off I generally hibernate and Take the day off for glamming up as well. For Everyday I work, I ALWAYS play dress up. I have pushed the limits on "Target" style and brought a sense of glamour to the hum drum dress code of retail.I'm so happy you mention the carlessness of hollywood's classification of a "bombshell" I couldnt agree more. Thank you for sharing some of the qualities of a TRUE bombshell. I will make an honest effort to remember to sit with grace at every ocasion...
I want it!
Getting some offtime for myself, to take care of my hair & skin, do make up and dress up always makes me feel like a bombshell... And confidence is the most part of it! The rest is all up to the glamorous look you put together to match your atitude.
My bombshell comes out when I'm wearing my sexiest underwear on an ordinary day. Though onbody can see it I feel they all must know how sexy I look under my clothes. It gives me a thrill.
I feel like a bombshell when I am wearing my long black hooded wool coat, the redest red lipstick with 1950's cat eye sunglasses. I had this on while getting off the bus not to long ago a guy says to his friend look out a movie star is getting off the bus. Then I was wearing it while walking down the street by a bus load of school kids and they saw me and they just started to go wild, jumping up and down, waving and saying hi, like I was some kind of movie star!
I love it!
I am sure a hat lover like yourself would appreciate that wearing a sassy hat brings out the bombshell. With a lovely hat I actually welcome the attention. They have super powers.
its me, FlowerGirl! What makes me feel like a bombshell? Well to me, bombshell reminds me of the glamorous starlets who supported WWII and USO efforts. Every once in a while, a super lucky one (like Rita Hayworth) would get her photo put on an actual shell by troops hoping for a tad bit of extra luck.
I truly feel like a bombshell when I am not only dressing like a vintage starlet, perched on heels with lacy gloves and a 1940's dress, but when I am acting like one by supporting my country and helping others. That’s why you'll find me fundraising for causes and visiting veterans’ hospitals and senior-living-facilities on weekends and holidays. I do this just so I can give a little back to the greats that have helped to make our country what it is today.
It's my version of a Starlet's USO tour and I go glamorized and ready to help from head to toe...I think that is what makes me feel like a true bombshell! Thanks for being inspiring as always and I am crossing my fingers for the book as I could always use a little extra support during these teen years of mine!
What brings out the bombshell in me? Let's see! I think the amount of pressure I put on myself to live a certain way--always get everything done far ahead of time, always try to ensure the people I love and live for are safe, sound and happy, and always, always, always strive for the best I can get out of every endeavour brings out the bombshell in me! I'm committed and determined. And that's the biggest positive my personality can bear! :)
Oh, and dressing a la Zooey Deschanel on a summer day to a Coconut Records song... aah. :)
wearing a lacy slip as a nightgown :)
Wearing heels at home.
My Gran did the same all her adult life until her health wouldn't permit it any longer (only a few years ago!).
I love that line: "all life is a movie and she's the star". Reality is for people with lack of imagination ;-)
What brings out my inner Bombshell is wearing what i want how I want, no matter what! Loving my flaws cause that makes me human! And anything vintage! I thrive off of originality and antiqishness! Oh, and making up my own words......I WANT THAT BOOK!!!!!! :)
My inner bombshell comes out when I wear dangly earrings. Sassy!
tkates at gmail dot com
I feel like a bombshell when I am wearing a dress and heels. I wear heels almost every day, and the only time I don't is when I'm exercising or know that I'll be doing a lot of walking. I don't always wear dresses/skirts in the winter simply because I get cold easily and even tights aren't enough to keep me warm. But in spring/summer, I'm in them almost every day.
I feel like a bombshell when I wear my favorite black vintage dress and my red lipstick!
I feel like a bombshell, when I'm dancing around my room, like a maniac, in nothing but my underwear.5 minutes before all of this I could have been spilling tears from my eyes. Once the music is on, damn girl! you better watch out! This red head is going to take you by storm!
I feel like a bombshell when I put on my beautiful red lipstick and I crank up the showtunes. My lips are one of my favorite features because they're so full, and my red lipstick makes them look ridiculously huge! And then I start singing and I feel like I could be rubbing elbows with Broadway divas like Patti LuPone or Bernadette Peters... Or Kristin Chenoweth! ;)
I feel like a bombshell when I go somewhere ordinary, like the grocery store, dressed extraordinarily. I feel sort of mysterious and odd, but beautiful.
- Kristina
ooh, freshly dyed hair. new make-up. all gussied up to go out with my guy!!
Red lipstick and a dress that accentuates what I've got. I feel like I own the world.
My bombshell comes out when the Red Lipstick is on and I'm strutting with my best black heels. To be a bombshell is to take your power.
My new red hair and my new, sassy polka-dot dress! I got the dress at Norstroms a few days ago right after I got my hair dyed "Rocket Fire" red! The next day I felt so invinsible!!
I'd love to have this book. I feel as though I'm at the same place in my life as you were when you found it. (awkward teen to a slighty less awkward teen)
[email is]
My hair is so straight curls never last long so when they do I definitely feel like a bombshell! Also when it's the weekend or holiday and I don't have to wear my (ugly boring) uniform and get all dolled up just to see a movie with my friends. Invincible!
HA! Red lipstick and smoky kohl-ed eyes. Not just any red lipstick - Red Zin from HempOrganics. Yea, I like hemp. Even in my lipstick :) And not just any kohl but this one
What a great book! Don´t know if I´m too late, but would love to join in on the give-away.
When I wear something that flatters my derriere ;) and a top that lets a little bit of the bra show and finish it off with some heels - that is when I feel like a "bombshell" the most !
red lipstick.a good vintage hat and eyeliner and nice lacey lingerie always does the trick for me.
My inner bbshell is brought out as soon as I put on beautiful one else sees it but I know it's there under my dress and it makes me feel fabulous...
Em :)
My inner bombshell just forced me to purchase the most stunning pair of platform stiletto peep-toe leopard print pumps. How can you NOT feel like a bombshell in those?
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