
Yummy Yummy

Saturday Sam and I joined my brother, sister in law, and nephew, for lunch at Dicks Kitchen. Omg you guys, it was sooooo yummy. We had never been before, and decided to try it since they had both carnivore and vegan options. I had the Portobello burger, and it was amazing. Highly recommend if you're in Portland or visit.

Outfit post from that day to follow :)


Cassandra said...

LOVE that hat! And are those apples or cherries on your dress? I'm guessing cherries. Either way, it's adorable! Then again, I'm sucker for anything with fruit on it. ;)

art deco dame said...

That hat is amazing!

Hep~Kitten said...

Sounds like a great place to dine,and I love that hat it looks great on you!!

For The Vintage Fashionista

Nina said...

Great, now I am hungry haha, love your hat! ♥

james said...

i LOVE mushrooms! the food looks amazing :) marc and i are planning on visiting portland soon so i will definitely be on the look out for delish food like this. and you are so adorable!

Rosie Alia said...

That hat looks bloomingamazing on your, lady! And my, doesn't that food look scrummy! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That hat is MAGNIFICENT. and you wear it so well!!!
Can't wait to see the outfit posts!


Anonymous said...

Iv'e eaten several times at a Japanese Teppanyaki Restaurant in (Rowland Heights) Southern California called Kingswood Restaurant.

Amber said...

you always have the most perfect hair dos

Miss Amethyst said...

That deff sounds yummy!!! :D
Your cat is too cute!!
Hat!! SWOON!~ love it love it loveit!!

oregonjewelry said...

Makes me hungry, I need to stop blogging an hour before dinner time :)

Lesley said...

those cherries match your cheery lips! so cute!

ps- your blog is adorable. i always leave with a smile :)

Leanns' Vintage said...

Hahah, I'm hungry now!


Charlotte said...

I'm super jealous of your cherry hat! And from the sneak peek that dress looks divine.

xx Charlotte
Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage

Alli said...

I did a double take when I saw what the burger was....... Emu?! Thats one of our native animals here, and its on our coat of arms! Love your hair with the hat btw- gorgeous as always ;)

Sam said...

Yay for eating one of our (Australia) national animals (Emu burger)!!!
You look fantabulous as always!!!