
1940s slippers


A few weeks ago I came across a "send in for pattern" ad in one of my 1940s craft magazines. Having been on the lookout for some cute slippers (natural fibers? Made in U.S.? Not insanely expensive?), the pattern caught me eye, and luckily I found the same patterns for sale on Ebay

This weekend I went to Fabric Depot and got some wool felt, embroidery floss, and satin rope. If you ever go to Portland and you love sewing, you have to go to Fabric Depot. They have an extensive 30s feedsack selection, as well as a Civil War collection, but some of the prints look so 40s I may get a few yards for a dress next time I go. 

I really like the way they turned out. I embellished them, used contrast pieces, and a blanket stitch, but those were my only alterations to the original pattern. It's also worth noting, if anyone is going to make these, that the sizing is a little off. I cut out and made one slipper in my size (I'm a 7, which is marked as large), but they were too big, so I went down to a medium and they fit much better. 

There are two other slipper patters included, and I'm thinking in the summer a playsuit and matching shoes would be ideal. 

Thought Sam was a little too impressed with my new footwear making skills, and said he really doesn't see any point to buying new clothes, I can just make everything....Dug myself into that hole.... 



Debra at HOMESPUN: http://www.thehomespun.com said...

they are lovely!

Jane said...

These are gorgeous! I have always wanted to make shoes. It looks like they were a mixture of machine and hand sewing? I recently completed an embroidery of a unicorn on a sweatshirt (ha), I would love to do something as elegant as these next!

Sabrina said...

Those are adorable! I really like the emebllishments and the colors you chose

Dina@VintageAdvantage said...

Oh My Gosh those are so cute!!! My feet are so cold right now as I'm typing this...seriously, I can barely feel the little toe on my left foot ;-)...so I need some slippers big time!
You did a beautiful job on these!

Unknown said...

How cute are you! Goodness that is so neat that you made them! Seriously why shop anymore when you can make it yourself-I love them! Looks super comfy! Great job mama! xox

Anonymous said...

So adorable! I never thought to try and make slippers… I might have to now. :)

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous & Whimsical. Love!

Anonymous said...

SOOOO cute.


Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

These are so darn cute! Wow, I'm so impressed.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhh those are so amazing!! In fact I'm kind of speechless... just, wow.

Anonymous said...

I am totally in awe, they're gorgeous! I may have to have a go myself, although Lord knows I'm not the worlds best sewer! xxx

CBoyer said...

Absolutely Gorgeous!
Simply stunning job!


Miss Maple said...

I would like to start making me such wonderful slippers at once. They're sooo beautiful. You've chosen wonderful colours.

Tasha said...

Ohhh the horror of those send-in kits we can no longer get! How great that in this case you were actually able to find the pattern. The slippers are darling. I love all the details down to the eyelets and leafs. Wool felt is fun to play with, and I don't think I needed to have yet another idea stuffed into my brain...

Sarah Dee said...

Those are seriously the cutest! And how awesome is it that you found the pattern on ebay! :) :) :)

x missdottidee.blogspot.com

Holly Hall said...

Those are so beautiful! I love the colors you chose.

Nika Chick said...

This pair is unbelievably beautiful! Neat and lovely. How lucky you are:)

Dulcie said...

Wow, these are just the most adorable slippers I have ever seen! You are so clever! You should makes lots and sell them on etsy :) xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my, those are the cutest slippers I've seen!
I would be torn whether to wear them and be the comfiest, or to protect an display :(
Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

StudentStyleLondon said...

They are amazing! You could seriously make a lot of money selling these I think, you have a talent dear!

Emma Litton said...

How wonderful! These are completely adorable! You did such a lovely job. I want to make some.


Jitterbuggin said...

CUTE! Now I need!

Anonymous said...

These are just the cutest things I've ever seen..... Great job! I love them.


Unknown said...

Funnily enough one of my christmas presents was a book called the 1940s look and I was just admiring the crochet slippers they had featured in there. These are gorgeous Solanah! I think you might start a slipper revolution :-)

An Scenic World said...

You're a talented lady! I can only imagine the satisfaction that you get every time you slip them on. Good job!

Jessica said...

Those are absolutely beautiful! And...you've been given an award- newfangledvintage.blogspot.com

gleeps said...

Oh, these are darling! If you decide you want to go into business making/selling slippers on Etsy, I'd buy a pair from you in a flash!

celkalee said...

soooooo cute!

Kitsch n' Keen said...

These are crazy cute!

Unknown said...

They would be warm and comfortable too! Love the colours you chose!

alittlevintagestory said...

They look absolutely amazing! Very impressed by your sewing skills.

Helen Le Caplain said...

Well aren't you clever? These are gorgeous!

I like your plan for making a new pair to wear with a summer playsuit :)


Witchcrafted Life said...

How tremendously cozy, sweet and fun. I positively adore that you were able to track down a pattern you saw a vintage craft magazine still today. That's a brilliant idea, and I'm so happy you were able to source the very same pattern all these years later.

♥ Jessica

LandGirl1980 said...

*looks at store bought slipper socks with suckers on the bottom and weeps*

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Holy CATS those are adorable! I want a pair!

Solenn said...

Absolutely fabulous !

Laurence said...

Waow!!! What skills you have!
Just so cute and well done!

. said...

Oh dear. Too bad that I don't have patience (and skill, of course) enough to create comething like that;)

Unknown said...

Wow, these are gorgeous! Loving the colours and embroidery, bet they keep your tootsies nice and toasty

alabee said...

ahhh these are so cool!

Tickety Boo Tupney - A Dash OF Worcester Sauce. said...

Oh these are extremely cute. I really want to make a pair myself now! Tups x

Samantha said...

Utterly delicious. Must find this pattern immediately and get making. I guess now I know what I'm going to give everyone I know for Christmas 2013!!

CocoFlower said...

This pattern is wonderful. Beautiful shoes

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed! These look gorgeous.

christina said...

Wow, I love them! Do they have a special sole (like leather) so you can wear them outside? Your embroidery is lovely, too.

Solanah said...

Christina, no, I might with the next pair I make for summer, but these are just toasty slippers :)

Laura said...

These are amazing! X

Never A Plain Jane said...

Woman, between these and the sweater in your next post you are really setting the bar too high for us mere mortals. Color me dumb-struck.

Anonymous said...

Those are just So Fab! I'm off to scour ebay, thank you for the wonderful inspiration!