At some point in her life every girl wishes she were French. Unless you are French, in which case you should know that we are all just a little jealous of your Frenchyness.
I don't want to go into why, thats a discussion best suited for when my brain is not fried at the end of the day. Actually, about an hour ago I attempted to plug in my iron and the plug decided to pop in half in a rather large ball of smoke and sparks, temporarily frying my fingers. They are still slightly black, but fine.
But back to the French thing. Us other girls try to capture it. Whatever "it" is. It's something effortless, passionate, and alluring. There's no piece of clothing that can really convey French style, because it's so much more that that. Perhaps because it's unattainable to the rest of us is why it's so coveted. We all want what we can't have, but try anyway and well, thats kind of the fun in it.
1930s skirt-Handmade by me!
Blouse and cardigan-Thrifted
Ribbon beret-Moving sale in Akron Ohio
you kinda look like you are in little france in your back yard.. with the falling down garage thing. I love it. very um.. Village esque.
When we are rich and famous for what ever we are gonna do that makes us that way.. lets go to france and drink tea and eat bread. yum.
I adore that skirt. Great job.
That ribbon beret is the cutest.
I have a French surname, but am in no way French (I'm actually Dutch/Australian). But at least it is something.
Aww I hope your fingers are okay! Oh I know what you mean about that French thing. It's so ideal and you have an idea and feeling about French style but it's kind of unexplainable yet cool.
You look gorgeous. That beret is so unique and beautiful, and my I saw you're face just looks flawless in that second picture :) I love that lip color.
Hum i'm french and i can tell you that you more elegant than the french ladies !!!
Because french touch, elegant ladies, good food, glamour, fashion, music, it's completely finish. To be honnest, us, frenchs lived on our old glory.
Hi I'm French and I find this French fascination quite interesting! When I'm abroad people always find that I'm quite unique because of my "frenchness"! I wonder why France and Paris mostly are so attractive to so many people!
I totally believe your a Parisian woman, you look tres chic!!!! So funny my best friend and I were just discussing french Style yesterday, she was saying when she first went to Paris she used to stare at the French women open mouthed, because of their effortless Style they were so chic!Any how, your officially featuring over on My Passport to Style, as my Stylish blog crush of the week!! Sharon xxxooo
I love French culture!The style is always to die for too.
I have 2 vintage angora berets I adore.I have French in me but it's not the same as being from France that's for sure.
Love the Donaghy reference, the word "Frenchyness," your outfit, your lips color--the whole post! :)
I am in awe of your sewing skills. And I'm glad you didn't get a worse burn from your iron!
Its strange how being refined and chic is considered French.I wish I was french, I have a french name.
Personally I think they spend too much time being classic, they dont really wear colours. When I want on holiday there, everyone commented on my colourful dress.
Hello ! I am french, and I love your blog for ages, so, this post is a real pleasure to me, because I admire your style a lot. Your wedding dress, your lovely hats, your perfect hair... you are a really pretty vintage lady. And all your posts are funny, elegant and inspiring.
I will open my blog in january, a blog of style, about vintage, glamour, pin-up style, rétro, old-fashioned tastes, elegance and french taste. There will be pictures of my everyday look, with this french je-ne-sais-quoi. (I hope however !)
If you are interested, don't hesitate to e-mail me :
Thank you for this blog and for the inspiration you convey !
I donno why, but I LOVE France and french...and I've never been there hahahahahaha! Is one of my dreams to visit Paris...and I've study french for maaaaany years but I still can't speak it fluently! =)
I guess when we think about France it comes to our memory the old movies with all the women SO ellegant, the delicious food....and so on and we would like to experiment those thinks.
my grandmother is very, very parisian. she was an actress in paris during the occupation, and met my grandfather after he stormed the beaches of normandy and made his way to paris. i have learned a lot from her, such as:
1. never, ever lose your accent, no matter how long you've lived in a country (in her case, 50 years). there is nothing more shameful than forgetting who you are (especially if you are french).
2. love it or hate it, paris is the end all be all of cities.
3. always use butter on everything.
4. the customer is almost always never right.
5. brooches, ridiculously sized rings, and faberge eggs made into necklaces are perfectly appropriate attire for tea
6. canadian french is not french.
The mroe I see that skirt, the more I want one! You did a wonderful job on it, and it suits you to a T!
Its funny, becasue Ive done a lot of research on this particular obsession. i was interested in this obsession Americans have for France becasue I lived in paris for 3 years, and married a french man. I think I was too young to have cliche impressions of Paris when I first moved there.. don't get me wrong its a beautiful city and will always be my home in Europe. But their true specialties of being just so is reserved for the past, because for two generations, the Frenchies could care less about their heritage, and have wanted to create a new one. It IS starting to change..but its still not there yet. I guess the reason why I am kind of discounting them in a way is because when i was researching I couldn't tell the American in the articles that they need to realize that they are chasing a cliché (basically all of American vogue in 1920-1930 is a shrine to France, rather than focusing on making their brilliant designers in the usa known, because the designers of that time were under lock and key under a big name, just like Anthropologie etc..), and they are actually just as brilliant ones. But I can tell you...
ahha ok Im done!
You are so adorable!
"..we are all just a little jealous of your Frenchyness" - love this line hahaha!
I know what you mean. The French and their language - subtle and difficult to imitate. I am dying to go to France one day ^__^
Oui, oui, I agree! It's funny: my french professor in university went on and on about how tomboyish North Americaine girls are compared to French women with their scarves, red lips, expensive perfume, and perfect skin. At the time, I felt quite put off by such snobbery....until I actually went to Paris ;)
It's so interesting how and why Paris has continued to be the epicentre of chicness (for centuries)! The reason I'm such an avid fan of French dressing would be CHANEL, SCHIAPARELLI, LANVIN, VIONNET, DIOR...Audrey Hepburn (Funny Face, Sabrina) and her Givenchy. Swoon!
When I was a teenager I picked up a French lesson book from the 30's at a yard sale and attempted to teach myself how to speak the language. My friends thought I had lost it, LOL!
So glad your fingers are alright! As for the beret, it is so cute I am tempted to get multi-coloured ribbon and try to make one!
I love the colour of your lipstick Solannah....what brand is it?
My goodness, I have such crushes on French women and French style! Great post, and I love your beret.
You are too cute. Great job on the skirt!
Don't know about you, but when I'm not obsessed with French Style, I'm obsessed with British Style...
I love the outfit. I'm a huge francophile. It's the details, the accent, the confidence. Love France. I cried when I first went to Paris. A city for dreamers and artists. xx
e_tilse, it is True Red by L'Oreal.
I know what you mean. I've certainly wished I was French. I generally wish I was British, though, which is probably a bit strange seeing as I'm Australian and my heritage is nearly entirely British anyway.
-Andi x
PS I think you're looking very Amelie-esque.
sometimes when your president do a lot of big mistakes and become a shame you're not so happy to be french, trust me. So i'm french but i consider me more like an Alsacian.
I think every guy wished they had a French girlfriend. They seem to have a natural beauty and style.
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