
New listings!

New listings for this week include a few 1950s petticoats, skirts of the same era, bombshell dresses from my own collection, and lots more goodies! Any questions or reserve requests just email me :)


art deco dame said...

don't know how you part with some of that stuff sometimes!

Twila Jean said...

OMG! I want that white petticoat cute :)

see you in the morning!!!

Anonymous said...

That red wiggle dress is stunning, but seeing how well it fits you makes me sad it will never fit me.

As always, lovely finds!

Cindy said...

I'm dying! Seriously... the red wiggle dress is killing me.


Fabiola "Fab" said...

great items... such lovely finds!

Kitten loves vintage said...

Meow, that red dress has got me drooling...

Darla: Retro Ways said...

Love, Love that red wiggle dress, so cute!

How do you part with such lovely items?

♥Darla, Retro Ways

Francy said...

Hey! I love your blog. That wiggle dress is to die for!