Everyone, meet Charlie. Charlie, meet everyone. This is how we met.
After a good amount of time with a very fashionable lady he was passed on to her granddaughter. She however, thought Charlie was creepy and paid him no attention, never letting him out of a musty box, never showing him the world. She didn't even care to learn his name!
So she gave Charlie to a charity shop where he was spotted by a woman who collected old junk. She liked to sell old junk, and thought perhaps Charlie might sell to someone who needed a cat toy.
Charlie of course, was terrified.
Time passed and the old junk woman set up shop one hot summer day in a parking lot, along with hundreds of other old junk sellers. She set Charlie out on a table next to some straw hats, and he waited. For what, he didn't know, but it was better than picturing what his life might be like as a cat toy.
Person after person passed by him, many pointed in disgust, or called him names, but he was quite used to it.
Then he saw her. She wore a blue dress and feathered hat. She looked like someone his first owner would have called a friend, and he wanted to be her friend more than anything. And when she saw him, she wanted to be his friend too.
She picked him up, and despite it being 90 degrees outside, wrapped him around her neck. At once they clicked.
And now they live happily ever after, the end.
Pants-Thrifted, Talbots label.
Sweater-The Urban Eccentric
Necklace-A gift
Charlie-Portland Antique Expo.
amazing! charlie looks so pleased wrapped around your neck. i want one, too!
Haha love your outfit! Charlie's cool! Reminds me of Eve Arden in Stage Door; she had that cat Henry wrapped around her neck for the whole movie!
That is one of the sweetiest stories ever!!
Gosh, what a romantic story! There are so many like Charlie down in the storage boxes at my university that I would love to give a home too.
I hope you both are friends forever.
Oh! La! La! Charlie is Gorgeous!
I also really enjoy the sweet little story!
Aw, I'm so glad Charlie found you! He's already been through one misadventure (getting turned into a stole), I'm glad he's finally found someone who will take care of him and not use him as a cat toy or call him names :-). You look great!
the renegade bean
Oh dear... your lovely story was so sweet I shed a tear!
I have "Basil" the fox (he looks just like Basil Brush) and my friend owns "Alexander" an artic fox. These poor litte darlings are a part of history and don't deserve bad treatment.
the story is cute :) i'm glad charlie found a good home ;)
Awwww, how could someone not love Charlie! That was such a sweet story!
I love all my furs for their history - even my vegan friends agree that as they are vintage, it is better to appreciate them and take them out on the town than just throwing them away. I'm still in the market for stole like little Charlie here though! He looks fab with that outfit.
What a beautiful story! I honestly hope they will live their lives hapily ever after!
By the way, what a flattering cut on the pants! *love them*
I have a Charlie too! Although, my Mama didn't tell me his name. I love it! This post made me smile! Thank you!
Cute story! I'm glad Charlie found a home with you :-)
I really do enjoy your blog but I in NO WAY can condone fur- vintage or otherwise. Yuck!
Oh, it's so hard to say no to a vintage fur! Charlie is a charmer.
Every time I wear one of my Charlies (not called Charlie, but you get the gist) I am taken aback by just how *arm* they are. They've seen me through many a day and night without heating.
cute story and outfit!
AAwwww! I <3 Charlie.
You guys were meant for each other!
Ha! This post is adorable. Yay Charlie!
So charming! I picked up a friend of Charlie's at the local flea market the other week. :)
Charlie is so sweet! White is such a great colour for a stole! I find so many in brown.
I've linked to you on my own blog because I have a story about my own little buddy (who remains nameless for the moment, maybe you could help me!) who came to live at my house this week and as I wrote the post I thought of yours.
Come check it out!! I'd really appreciate it!
Butterflies and Daisys Vintage
Love your blog! I always eagerly await the next post!'
I have Edmond the beaver, Annie the Arctic fox, Bruce the mink, Marvin the mink, Harriet the brown fox, and they all play merrily in my wardrobe at night whilst I sleep, scampering about in their own little clothes forest, I hope charlie has some friends to play with too! x
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