Sometimes there's nothing better than a roadtrip. Or in this case, a roadtrip with the promise of vintage!
Today I tagged along with Twila Jean to Redmond Oregon, about three hours from Portland. We were on a buying trip, well, for her it was for her shop, and I can say she got the most amazing 20s and 30s dresses. The woman she bought them from was so sweet and opened up her collection just for us! It was like our own personal estate sale, she even had 20s music playing as we shopped. I of course couldn't leave without buying two hats, one a stunning 30s/40s rose topper, and the other an AMAZING 20s cloche made from horsehair! Isn't it cool?
We also stopped in some thrift stores, and while there wasn't any vintage clothing I did find a bunch of orange and cream striped fabric and metal zippers (I only use metal zippers, can't stand nylon).
The drive was so beautiful, we had to stop on the windy side of the road in the canyon and take a picture together. We realized recently we always claim to hang out together, but never show any proof of it, our pictures are always solo! So there you have it. We actually do know each other.
Since we drove through a lot of farmland there were some beautiful old abandoned houses on the side of the road perfect for pictures, but in the end we spotted this fantastic old apartment building with a spiral staircase! It was very cool.
Here's some random things I saw in one day:
A bear eating a cheeseburger
An outhouse
An elephant statue
I'm not sure if you read these comments but I'll give it a shot.
I'm sure many people have told you this but I would just like to add my two cents. I adore your blog so much. Your style is adorable and amazing. Ever since I found it I can not stop reading and feel excited when I find you have added another post. I must also say that the story of your wedding dress find made me hope that one day I'd too find that perfect gown. You have given me new inspiration to my vintage side and it, as well as myself, thanks you.
Best wishes and bundles of love
The picture of you and Twila Jean is adorable!
haha... i would pay to see a bear eating a cheese burger lol. :)
That sounds like such an amazing day! Like one of those days you'll never forget.
That abandoned building is so wonderful. I wish I could snoop around in it.
I totally agree with your first poster! I have become addicted to your blog! Looks like you both had a wonderful time -- a road trip with your best girlfriend is priceless! You both look stunning!
I just LOVE that last picture. Just perfect friendship snap!
A tumbleweed? In Oregon...odd. Llamas are the American giraffe. Road trips are magical...especially when thrifting is involved. (SIGH) You look amazing in that sweater, as always.
darn! I was hoping to see a pic of the bear eating a cheeseburger! I just had a weekend long thrifting adventure with my vintage girlfriends too! It was exhausting but very fun! It's always fun when two bloggers get together so you can see pics and hear stories from both sides. I love that pic of the two of you laughing together!
The last photo is so adorable and sweet. Looksl ike you had a great time. that is so much that you saw too in one day!!
Cute! That mysterious house looks like something that i'd go exploring in, it looks a little creepy!
The last photo is my favourite, made me smile lots xxx
looks like it was one amazing road trip!
The last photo is beyond adorable! Looks like you two had a fabulous time.
You guys are totally adorable!! It's also gotten me totally excited for my own upcoming roadtrip!! Love the rose hat by the way ^__^
Oh what wonderful photos! Plus that last one is just so lovely,and happy ^^
I love you jumper and the other girl's dress!! You're so cute.
Check out my blog :)
I admit I'm fairly new to the blog but I love it! This post is great. You can never go wrong with vintage and I love these photos. Road trips are wonderful & I absolutely need to visit Oregon.
ahhh, such fun! You both look adorable!
LOVE your outfit for the day. Aren't rain boots the best? (esp. here in Oregon!) You two look like you had a great time.
Dear Solanah,
I discovered your blog recently and since then read it regularly. I love your style, but whereas I use to save your pictures for my inspiration folder, I wouldn't dare to try the total look in real life. This is why I especially adore the outfit of this post: It's something I would totally wear myself! So cute!
Thanks for taking the time to inspire us again and again!
Ooh I love love love your sweater! Great pics - you're an inspiration as usual. Lots of love xx
Tuppence Ha'penny
The photos are stunning! I love your clothes so much! Super nifty!
The scenery is stunning. Nothing like a blue sky and mountains to tame a wild heart...
Twila, if I may say, is gorgeous, and I cannot wait to see what she's going to stock her store with.
Speaking of which, where is your store, Solanah? Will you be making more goodies and selling them, or...?
Dear Solanah,
I am following your blog for a little while now and I became a huge fan of your wonderful collection of vintage clothes and hats, of course!
I started my own blog today! I would be very happy, if you would come and visit me at
Of course, everyone is invited!
I love, love, love these pictures.
Oh that last photo is my two look like you're having a blast!
Beautiful, gorgeous post! I love all the photos :) Amazing.. the ones on the spiral staircase are my favourite!
Miss Violet Bell.xx
Sammy, I do read all my comments, and appreciate them so much!
Thanks so much for speaking up, it's so encouraging :)
Darlene, I shut it down in March, but one day it may open again!
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