About two hours away from Portland is the magical land of Tillamook, where enchanting cheese is made. So my nephew, vegan brother and I traveled there today and got to see the process in the tourist ridden Tillamook cheese factory. It's pretty neat, plus they carry all the neat cheeses they make and all the ice cream, so you can eat food factory fresh.
Not far away there was a lighthouse on a cliff. It was really interesting because we actually got to go up where the light is, up these steep little stairs, and onto a narrow walkway around the lens. It had been there since the late 1800s, amazing!
While driving my brother spotted this sign, and recognized the name "City of Bay Ocean". So we drove on a rocky dusty road out made between the bay and the ocean until we arrived at what looked like a hiking trail. As it turns out it used to be a little town turned resort in the summer nearly 100 years ago until the land and it's buildings fell into the ocean through the 20s, 30s, and 40s. It would have been amazing if there was something left to see, but it's all gone now, like so many interesting things. You can read more about it and see photos here.
On our way home we stopped at Oceanside beach, the weather was beautiful and it seemed like a nice walk. Upon walking out to the ocean gusts of wind carrying little grains of sand attacked our ankles, those little devils hurt! So our visit was short lived, but at least I can say I went to the beach!
By the way, the hat giveaway is officially closed! A winner will be chosen later today, are you super excited? I am :)
I love that lighthouse! Tillamook is a great town with a hilarious name. I love the entire Cape Meares area. Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
It looks lovely!
You really do have fun where ever you are, and who ever you're with.
Cheese & Beach & History.
oh wow what a wonderful place! It's so sad that there is none of it left to see! But it still seems beautiful!
your little hat is lovely!
I love that you went to a cheese factory with your vegan brother!
Looks like another fun day! And I love your outfit - that green and orange together is fantastic.
-Andi x
I think the thing I like best about your outfits is that you are not afraid of color. I really like the pairing of the green with the orange and the dash of pink under the dress. Excellent.
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
What a gorgeous lighthouse!!! The cheese factory sounds like fun as well. Looks like such a fun trip overall.
Gorgeous outfit as usual I love the dress paired with that orange sweater. And your hat is adorable!
Also, I'm quite excited to find out the winner of the hat giveaway :) *crosses fingers*
I'm jealous you have someone else in your family who is vegetarian/vegan, haha.
What a fun day! I really need to get out of the house. :p And I'm REALLY excited to see who won!
Wow what a great day! I read the history page of the little town, it's such a shame it washed away! I would love to take a tour of a cheese factory! mmmmm
Happy Tuesday!
Aw, such a tragic story. Love your outfit, great colour combination! :)
My mom went to high school in Tillamook and their school mascot was "The Cheesemakers." Seriously.
excited for the hat thing! I hope i win!
Oh I miss the beach, I cant wait to go back in september. its my favorite place in the whole world. I wish it was a place you could easily move to I would in a heartbeat.
OMG how luck are you to be in such a great place in these pics? you know the only cheese in bulk I buy is Tillamock love it! I just use it on some enchiladas I made last night hehehhe ;-)
i've been up there, i love traveling the oregon coast, the highway itself i don't care for too much but the views are great!
I love lighthouses as well, they're romantic and mysterious...
That pic of uyou on the beach is marvellous :-)
What a beautiful job you did with this post! And thanks for the link to pix of Bay Ocean City...makes me want to time travel, but my wife won't let me.
I haven't been to Cape Meares lighthouse yet, but here are pix of another further down the coast where you can go into the lantern room as well.
The Tillamook factory is a hoot; of course I had to stop in their cafe and have macaroni and cheese!
What a wonderful day out! These snaps are so sweet, I especially love the one of you on the sandy beach - the contrast between how you're dressed (lovely as all get out, but not the usual beach wear) and the locale is fantastic!
Wishing you a gorgeous Sunday, hon!
♥ Jessica
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