Here is a hat I got this week. It's amazing, completely covered in pink feathers. I didn't do much today other than go to the post office and clean out the basement closet. I did however get a call from our local Discovery shop thrift store letting me know they had some vintage items if I wanted to take a look. They are so sweet holding things for me, and until I asked them if they could they were just donating all the vintage clothing to The Salvation Army. I would walk into the shop wearing a 40s rayon dress, and a volunteer would say "Oh we just gave away a whole bag of dresses just like that." And I would want to cry.
Since most of the volunteers there are over the age of 70, they think of vintage clothing as just "old stuff", and assume no one would ever want it. So the shop is filled with things from the 90s on, and since a lot of donations come from elderly women I just knew so much would go to waste unless I let them know I actually do want the old stuff.
Today I got some really pretty things including two 50s coats (One I am keeping, hehe) a few 60s and 70s dresses, and the most beautiful Eleanor Green 50s dress in red. It's really amazing and I can't wait to list it next week. There were also some gloves and a pretty hat, but those are now in my wardrobe as well ;)
ive bought one very much like that this weekend, and a blue one,too!
That hat kills. I adore your entire outfit, as usual. That is just one hell of a hat!
Love it (and your flamingo-esque stance)!
Oh my.. holy.. that's one amazing hat, and you've worn it so perfectly with that sweet navy blouse and pink skirt (!). No one else could wear that hat but you!
PS: Thanks for your comment! I wouldn't be indulging in hats if not for you ;)
That is a stunning hat! The whole outfit is lovely, as usual, but that hat! I'm so jealous. :)
Wow! That's an amazing hat, for sure!
I pretty much never find anything older than the 80s in thrift stores, anymore, because the vintage stores snap everything up! sigh. So, I envy those who live in places that can find them. ;]
That hat is AMAZING!!!! As is the whole outfit!
Sweet hat to top off such a classy combonation of navy and pink. I absolutely love this color scheme. One of my fave outfit posts by far. Simple yet chic. You could almost be Dick Tracy's dame. ;)
WOW! I love that hat! Absolutely beautiful!
You are totally rockin that hat! I have a small collection of flamingos so I am adoring your chapeau- especially the way the feathers curl around your head. I have a greenish blue feathered hat that I have not had the courage to wear yet, but seeing you in that bright pink one just might do the trick!
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
Your hat is awesome! very flamingo :) gorgeous colour and goes well with your lovely skirt.
"Old stuff"! How can they? :) Good for you that you've got this arrangement. Also, the hat is lovely crazy!
I've had the same experience so many times in one local thrift shop! Every time I find something vintage, the elderly ladies who staff the place are so astonished that I would prefer something 40 years old to the last-years H&M next to it on the rack.
That's such an amazing hat, and you pull it off brilliantly!
Your story about the store giving away bags of beautiful vintage dresses reminded me of something that happened to me once...I had bought two necklaces with large wooden pendants at a cheap store like Claire's to paint portraits on for a show I was doing, and I decided I wanted to get a couple more. When I got to the store, they were all gone, and the girl said "Oh, those went on sale for a penny each and then we threw out the ones that didn't sell." I DID cry. haha.
Anyway, I LOVE the flamingo hat!
first, amazing hat. Love that colour (esp. on you). Second, thanks for the tip. I'm moving to a new town next week (a small town); I have a feeling I might be able to get in there and wrangle a similar situation with the local Sally Ann.
looking forward to seeing your other finds!
oh, by the way, that circus dress was unbelievable, too. You are really one creative doll.
Wow, amazing hat! I could never pull it off, but you do very well! Your lucky to have the ladies save things for you, I guess they wouldn't think of that stuff as valuable, hehe.
I love you outfit so much, that pink skirt is amazing and I love the navy polkadot blouse!
i'm not sure how, but i've somehow only now stumbled across your blog! needless to say dear, you've lured me in and i will be following from now on! :)
you're lovely!!
I wish to steal your whole outfit! You look absolutely gorgeous! If only I could find a hat as nice as that one...
You always find the most amazing vintage hidden treasures! And THIS makes cry. Just a little ;-)
Ohhh.. a little treasure chest! How handy! It's definitely best letting people know what you are after... imagine where those dresses are now! Beautiful hat too! x
That hat is so fantastically wild--in a completely fun way! :D I love it! Though I could never pull it off... ;) You have the best style, Solanah! :)
That hat is fabulous!!! Your outfit is perfection too! :o)
Awesome hat! Perhaps I could have gone a bit more crazy with the latest hat that I made, your finds are so inspirational!
And how lucky are you to have such an arrangement with the ladies at the shop, I'm definetly gonna wear more vintage when thrifting too see if I could get a similar deal over here...
Okay, that hat is just beyond awesome. I'm about to faint of jealousy!
My goal is to look as fabulous as you do every day. I'm learning that if I'm not absolutely thrilled with something, I shouldn't buy it just because it's "functional" (I'm thinking of a black polyester pantsuit from J.C. Penney). Thanks for the inspiration.
Feathersss. Much jealousy!
Wow, it's sweet that they reserve those items for you... around here they would mark it up and place them in the 'vintage' section. :( The hat looks great on you, I can imagine you wearing it on a vacation to Miami!
Solanah, so much style as usual!
The flamingohat is really amazing, and it looks so good with your brown hair, fair skin and pink lips:)
That shop your talking about sounds a bit like my favourite charityshops here in town, except from that they don't get such old things very often. But the volunteers are always old ladies, and the are so sweet! When I found my dreamcoat there this winter, one of them said "I won't go home until you've bought that! It's made for you!"
How can you not buy it then? ;)
But I wish more old people in Härnösand would leave their things there...hehe.
Just found you via Casey's Elegant Musings...I am in love with your hat!
This outfit is amazing, I really love it! You are lucky, here, in France, one can hardly find 40's and 50's clothes in thrift shops.
Wowzie! You and your hats. You've got gumption and you pull it off like nobody else I know! You always look so chic.
Btw, I'm celebrating my 100th blog post today and hosting a giveaway! All are welcome to enter, so feel free to stop by :)
Absolutely adorable! I love the idea of pairing navy and white polka dots with pink (my all-time fave hue). Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration, my dear!
Hope you have a stellar weekend!
♥ Jessica
Love everything about your outfit!
Oh my!! That is absolutely a gorgeous hat! Your whole outfit looks really darling! So so nice! When I see your hats I always regret the fact that I have dreads and I can't wear any hats...(except for huge shapeless wool ones). You're so lucky with that little shop! We don't have tusff like that around here...
Now THAT'S what I call a hat! Fabulous outfit to match, too!
I love your style! your locations (lighthouses! llamas!)! but this eye-captivating hat makes my day brighter!!!
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