Today after work I went with a few friends to the county fair, a place I haven't been to for years since I entered knitting into 4H. It was the same as always, but this time around new animals, new quilts, new people that for some reason like to spit in my footpath. I finally just looked some kid in the eye and said "ew gross!" and he looked quite shocked that I was unimpressed with with his mass of saliva. Yeah....gotta love gentlemen.
I did get to meet a llama named Daisy who wanted to kiss me, and a fat bunny that wanted some love. I almost stole it, it was too cute. Among the regular farm animals there was an exhibit that held a lion and her cubs, a tiger, baby bob cats, and even a porcupine! No bears in sight though.
And I tested out a treadle sewing machine and so want one. Although I did have trouble controlling the speed, that would take some getting used to.
Dress: Handmade by me from a 1930s pattern
Hat: I have no idea
Ooops I almost forgot:
Places that like me :)
A Mad Men Storque article featuring a sweater in my shop.
My 75 cent dress story on Rock 'n Roll Bride.
Some hat advice on Queens of Vintage
Oh my, you made that dress!!! It's stunning! I so wish I was a talented seamstress as you!
I was admiring that dress on flickr - it's gorgeous!
-Andi x
Young lady,
My dear late mother had such a sewing machine, a Singer, with a leather cord belt around the drive wheel.
I remember many a time crouching on the floor behind the machine pressing her feet with my two hands as they went up & down in a vain effort to make them go faster & faster - she didn't seem to mind too much!
You are quite the stylish lady, I must say, having perused the pages of your fine journal! I have made a note to return again.
I am, &c.
Alexander Dyle
My grandma used to work on a machine like that. My Mom reduced it to a side table because it needs repairing and spare parts are almost impossible to come by.
The machine really fascinated me as a kid. Mechanical things still do. Almost all my cameras are mechanical, I just love listening to the mechanism go.
Your dress is just lovely and your hat too!
Seeing handmade dresses, just like the one you made, really inspires me to learn how to sew. Beautiful!
I have decided... you must come to Texas and teach me to sew lovely vintage frocks!!! PLEASE!!!
That vintage showing machine is excellent! And a llama! What a nice creature to run in to.
I think spitting is proof of ones adolescent manliness or something? Calling them on it is a good way to indicate that you aren't impressed. Good show!
Ooo, I love that dress! It's so pretty, wish I had that sewing talent ;)
That sewing machine is so amazing, I'd want to have a beautiful old one like, even if it didn't work, just for decoration!
I just visited my Oma in Germany, and while I was there, I sewed an apron using her 1950's treadle sewing machine. It was so hard! It goes without saying that my apron came out a little silly looking :p That fair looks awfully fun!
You and that sewing machine look made for each other!
My Mom Had a treadle sewing machine, she would say that it was difficult to work with too.We somehow got rid of it when we were moving, it looked similar to the one in the photos, but it was singer.My mum had sewn a dress and a skirt with it, although she is not all that fond of crafts....It felt good to remember those days!
I love the dress! It looks fabulous with the hat. I acquired an antique Singer like that for a brief moment in time when I was at university - I had to make costumes for a play and at the time was machine-less, so the director just gave it to me with no explanations as to why he had it or where it came from! It was a bit of a pain to sew on (that machine resulted in some of the wonkiest sewing I have ever done!), but it was so pretty to look at. Tragically (I still get pangs of sadness when I see them in antique stores) I had to leave it behind when I moved back to the US. Your post brought back happy memories of that pretty Singer, though!
you always have the best pictures! your outfit, the background, the cute rabbit...wonderful!
you are such a vintage inspiration for me. keep up the great work!!
The girls and Oliver all had a chance to use that sewing machine when we were there. The sewing lady was so nice and gave them a little lesson.
Josh and I were remembering there was always one in the house when we were little. Did your mom or Grandma still have them when you remember?
I remember as a child in the 70's sitting with my Great-Aunt Thelma as she mended my clothes on her old Singer, her foot busily pumping away at the treadle. She made it look so easy, I think we underestimate the physical strength women of her generation had to have. She insisted that these modern sewing machines were garbage and nothing could compare to the quality of items sewn on a treadle machine!
Auntie, yeah the people were super nice there. I remember having one at our house, but for years the machine was shut underneath so it was just a table with the foot treadle on it. I actually don't think I knew what it was until we moved.
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