Here's set of frequently asked questions I get on Vixen Vintage, if you have anything specific to ask, just email me!
How do you do your hair?
I do pincurls every other night, and in the morning brush them out and use a bit of mousse.
What lipstick do you use?
Most days I wear "True Red" by L'Oreal, but I also wear "Lady bug" by MAC, and discontinued shades by "Paul and Joe" and "Chanel".
Where do you get your vintage clothes?
I try to credit the store or person I got my clothing from in every post, but most of my clothing comes from the vintage store I work at. It's hard not to buy anything!
How did you get into vintage?
My family is full of vintage lovers, I've been around it my whole life, from going to estate sales, to getting my aunt and sister in law's vintage hand me downs. I stared wearing it regularly in high school, mixed with modern, and after that, it was vintage 24/7!
How old are you?
Technically 21. But sometimes I feel 70.
How did you learn to knit and sew?
When I, oh gosh, 8, 9, or 10, I took a class after school from a lovely woman who taught a few students how to knit, with some sewing on the side. I made an awful sweater in that class, I wish I still had it though, it was hot pink with flecks of rainbow yarn.
My great grandmother Lois was a master seamstress, so I must credit her with my natural interest in sewing, unfortunately she passed away before I got to know her.
What camera do you use?
My camera is a Canon Rebel EOS, a gift from my husbands parents. It's a great camera, but I don't quite know how to use it as well as it deserves.
Do you ever get recognized outside of the internet world?
Every once in a while, which is pretty cool. But I generally don't know what to say when someone says they read my blog other than "thank you for reading my blog!"
How do you fit all that vintage into your little apartment?
Well I rotate my closet about 8 times a year, fall winter, winter, winter spring, etc. This way just about everything makes it into my closet. The rest of the time my clothing is stored in stuffed full suitcases scattered about the apartment (stacked suitcases make great end tables), containers under the bed, and a large cedar trunk. Also my grandma insists I store some things at her house, so I have a closet full at her place of formals and coats.
How did you get into blogging?
This blog started as something to do late at night, when I would otherwise be shopping online ;) So really it stared out of boredom.
For me it's a great documentation of my life, I am very forgetful, and love that I can look back and see and read exactly what a did, wore, and though weeks, months, and years ago.
How do you clean all your vintage clothing?
I actually try and keep my wardrobe full of mostly cottons, wools, a bit of silk. Cottons are easy, but I do handwash, and wools I take to the dry cleaners. Silk I either handwash or take to the dry cleaners, depending on the item. as far as synthetics go, I generally ask around before cleaning, but have no great advice to give.
How do you keep your vintage clothing in good condition?
Knowing how to work a needle and thread is kind of a must if you wear vintage. After all, if something is 60 years old, chances are a button might pop off, a seam might split, and moths may choose your favorite coat as a little meal. Knowing how to sew a button, stitch a seam, darn a hole, and hem a skirt is hardly an option, and all by hand of course! I currently have a large basket of repairs waiting to be done, thats how some quite nights at home are spent.
What foundation garments do you wear on a regular basis?
Bullet bras, high waist knickers, and a garter belt for my stockings. Sometimes I wear a girdle for those tight dresses, but generally it's the basics. For more on vintage lingerie, you can check out this article I wrote for The Lingerie Addict.
I love how it's a documentation of your life. That's why my best friend started her blog too. :) It's fascinating to see how one progresses!
Where is a good place to find vintage girdles? I read your article, but haven't found anything yet..
I find them at thrift stores and vintage stores, you just have to keep looking :)
I've often wondered how people who surround themselves with vintage feel about non-vintage things, and not just clothes. I mean, vintage is nice but there's gotta be somethings about this time period worth enjoying. Is a couch or a piece of clothing that's 30+ years old worth owning just because it's old and "vintage"? I guess what I'm really asking is, do you hate and shun the time period we live in? And I don't mean this in an unfriendly way; it's a genuine question I've often pondered and I would be honoured to hear your and anyone else's thoughts on the matter.
Alex, thats a good question. Short answer is, I don't love old things just because they're vintage (I've come across some pretty awful vintage things now and then), and there are many aspects of the modern world I enjoy: My computer, digital cameras, modern tv, etc.
There are however many parts of this time period I choose to ignore, such as people's lack of manners and courtesies, sloppy dressing for respectful occasions, disrespect for elders, that kind of thing.
Thanks for your question!
I love FAQs. :)
I wish I could do pincurls every other night. My hair doesn't hold curl very well, so I do them every night.
I'm surprised that you're only 21! I always though you were older, not in a bad way. I guess you get used to 21 year olds dressing sort of sloppily and modern, so when you see someone with style you assume they're older. That's so funny, I've been wondering how old you were for awhile. So did you get married when you were 19 or 20? I suppose I could check your blog archives, but I can't remember which year it was.
Hehe, yes I get that a lot Kir :)
We got married when we were 20, I suppose thats a good question to add to the FAQs, here's my wedding post if you wanted to peek at it :)
Oh, forgot the link!
Thank you! I still can't believe how incredible it was how you got your wedding dress.
Love this FAQ! It's great to learn more about the lady behind the blog. :)
What do you want to be/do when you grow up?
So interesting to read a bit more about you as a person! I love your outfit posts, they are such an inspiration, but at the same time it's quite intriguing to see person behind the outfits now and then =)
Your blog is one of my absolute favorite reads, a lot because the outfits may be vintage but never ever looks costume-y. I'm striving to get there... (for everyday life I still dress more vintage-inspired than true vintage). Vintage with a smile, love it! =)
Michelle, Um, super blogger?
I hadn't seen your wedding pics before, they are amazing - they look like they are from a magazine. I never thought I wanted a girly, lacey dress, but that has just totally thrown me!
Great reading all your answers - I can't believe you do pin curls every night, I am impressed by your commitment!
Hehe, nice :)
Freaky. I read your mention of basic sewing skill such as darning, then walk upstairs to see my favourite dress hanging on the curtain rail with light falling into the room through a hole in the fabric.
Looks like I'll get to improve my skills ASAP. :D
Always fun to find out more about my favourite bloggers!
Great entry, really interesting to hear that you are 21, that is so great. Your blog is something i look forward to all the time, I also was married at 20, alot of people thought we wouldn't last and December 4th we will be celebrating 22 years, Love and Happiness to you always!
I have lady bug from mac too :)
And the same camera, although here in Europe they get numbers instead of cool names like Rebel :(
May be personal but, question! I saw your wedding posts back in 2009 and you referenced your 21 now! So you got married when you were 19?
The only reason I ask is because I got married at 19 also, and its a rarity to find someone who can relate with me! <3
Btw your dress was to DIE for!
what?! your only 21?! no offense, i thought you were a bit older, i think its the way you carry yourself makes you seem like a very mature woman :) i have been dying for a good bullet bra lately, thats on my "to buy list" really liked this post!
Only just realised what F.A.Qs stands for after god know how long...
Just something to say in addition to your answer to Alex's question...
I come from a family where EVERYTHING is antique and vintage...I hate to say it, but the older my father gets (and he's only 50!) the more he has started to despise the modern world. He is definitely someone who believes that it is worth owning if it is an antique, beautifully crafted, and bought at an amazing price (significantly less than it is currently worth). I am getting married next October,and every time I mention that I want to register for something modern, he completely freaks out and proceeds to try to find something at an auction or an estate sale that is what I want, but approximately 60 years older...I then have to tell him that I shouldn't have to use a 60 year old toaster that burns my toast EVERY TIME! (almost every appliance besides stove/fridge/dishwasher is OLD...and my toast is always burnt!)
I could go on and on and on about this...but all this to say that I live with someone who definitely feels that way about modern things, and I think that it can be crippling in a way. There are many things from our time to be thankful for...the advances in technology are wonderful, and that is an understatement! :) But I agree with Solanah that "there are however many parts of this time period I choose to ignore, such as people's lack of manners and courtesies, sloppy dressing for respectful occasions, disrespect for elders, that kind of thing." Definitely agree with you there, love!
OMG! I can't believe your my age! When I see what you have accomplished and the way you are in your life, it gives me the confidence I need to reach my own dreams and goals. To see that you have done so much at so young is awe-inspiring! Thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful blog!
It's so great to see that there are so many like-minded people out there who share the same passion as me.....I am a London girl who just loves her vintage wardrobe. I seriously couldn't live without as it adds sooo much character and individuality....every little, precious piece makes me tres curious about its own history, it just adds glamour and secrecy. One of my personal favourite places for hidden vintage treasures is a shop called Darling in London. Have a look at it. From what I have seen so far I believe that this could also make you a very, very happy vintage girl
All the best! Keep on doing what you are doing
Osakagrl, we got married when we were 20.
Emily, yes I get that a lot :)
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