Ever since I saw Chuck from Pushing Daisies wear a red shirtdress in the Jockey episode, I searched for the perfect one (perfect including affordable, I saw a few in the $200 range. No thanks). And yesterday at work, there it was, in it's perfect red glory. Fit's just right!
Today I went with Twila Jean to Portland for some shopping, and following the tradition of always unintentionally wearing similar outfits when we spend time together, we both had on bright red. People must think we coordinate outfits every morning.
Now I think a cherry pie and Lee Pace will complete the outfit, don't you?
Dress and socks-Urban Eccentric Vintage
Oh it totally is! You both look amazing!
you both look awesome!
i have a similar red dress :)
You don't look like a "Chuck" ;)
hehe love it! the sleeves are darling! Not a style you see very often.
You girls look so sassy when you're all color-coordinated ;)
I love it, beautiful colour & love the matching socks. I've got one in a similar style but in burnt orange.
Oh how adorable I just love that show so much. I just got season two for my birthday. I wish Portland had a pie hole I would eat there all the time. And if Lee pace worked there I would eat there everyday.
that dress is just stunning!
I love both your outfits
I love that you and Twila Jean both ended up wearing something so similar--too cute! I really like that shirtwaist dress too; what a great find. :)
♥ Casey | blog
You both look so gorgeous - and look how long your hair is getting! You're so beautiful. Sarah xxx
Such great photos... you both look stunning.
The effort is admirable.
I love that you have a strong sense of style but don't drop $200 on stuff when there are great alternatives to be found. Photos, dress, makeup, all great.
Love the red! Wore bright red yesterday...it's fun to walk through downtown SF that's literally a sea of people in nothing but black and grey.
It really is a Chuck dress. I am so sad they didn't do another season and that they sped up that last season so quickly in the last episode. It made me feel unsatisfied!!!! haha. You girls are always gorgeous.
I loveeeeeeeeeee it!
You both look gorgeous! Great find :)
What kind of telepathic wardrobe link have you girls got going!?
Gorgeous dress, and how fun that you ladies keep dressing in colour-co-ordinated outfits, lovely!
Love it - but I have to confess I love Lee Pace more. Especially if he came with cherry pie on the side.
I love this! I wish I could find the perfect shirt dress in black. You two look oh-so cute! Hopefully you stayed dry(ish) when you came to Portland! We've been having "urban flood" warnings here for the last few days.
You two are adorable. And yes, very pushing daisies! I love that show, I still can't get over the shock that it got canceled! The house in the background is the perfect touch, looks a lot like the Darling Mermaid Darling's house!
That's super cute! I keep meaning to check out the store you work at, but I really hate going up to the Couv.
And on a side note: mmm pie
That house has always been a favorite, of course more so when it was pinker.
You are always such a gorgeous breath of fresh air!
Gorgeous!! I need to watch that show on netflix sometime... I've only heard good things about it, and Chuck is just too adorable.
I am so envious of Twila Jean's hair, too... rolls and bangs like that take talent!
You look stunning in red! Also I loved Pushing Daisies! I hate that it got caned! I mean, tell me how its possible that a show like My Name is Erl is still going but PD isn't?
i adore pushing daisies! and your vintage fashion!
Oh, you both look darling, and the house bears a resemblance to Lily and Vivian's house! What cheese would one bake into the crust of a cherry pie?
Such a dreamy dress! I love the colour, makes the greyish weather at home much more colourful :)
the red is all a part of the collective subconscience...i've been wearing a lot of red lately too!
Saw this and thought of you!
what a great couple you are!
Adorable! Red suits you well. Very Chuck, indeed!
Aw, how cute are you two! Pairing it with red socks is a great idea, I need to get some coloured socks to try something similar myself now.
Love the red and it looks fabulous on you! That's the cutest house!
2 Women in red! Gorgeous!
LOVE that dress, that is my favorite style of dress, so cute and flattering. Chuck had the BEST dresses on that show.
You and Twila look great, such pretty girls you both are!
You girls look most beautiful! I too would love to have the wardrobe of chuck and have a pie maker man! I adore that programme! x
I love your dress, love it. Greetings from Croatia :)
Sweet dresses
This is called ever"RED" ;)
I love the pictures you take,the clothes you were and the films you watch. LOVE IT
and by the way if you ever think of going to Europe I am sure you would love Norway.
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