This year my family gathered in Astoria Oregon for the Thanksgiving holiday. The boys cooked the bird, and everyone brought a little something for the meal, I brought the bread and rolls. I didn't have any containers big enough to transport them, so last minute I lined a vintage picnic basket with a little tablecloth and viola! Way prettier than a large plastic bowl.
We had a great lunch, and afterward watched Elf (because Christmas pretty much starts the minute you finish eating), and worked on quilt squares for an awesome family made quilt. Everyone is designing a square out of felt pieces, mine has hats on it :)
It was a wonderful holiday, great to be out in a beautiful setting with family!
Oh, I suppose I should mention that this is the cardigan I've been working on! I'm very happy with the way it turned out, especially since there was no size on the pattern, hehe. I used this free pattern, found after months of searching for a pattern similar to one that was worn in The Edge of Love. I just shortened the length by a few inches, I prefer sweaters to hit at the waist. I used this yarn in the color "turmeric", which seems to sell out very quickly, easy to see why, I love it! And the vintage buttons are from a huge collection I inherited from my great grandmother Lois, they matched perfectly.
You can find more free 1940s patterns here
Cardigan-Made by me using this pattern
Skirt-Urban Eccentric Vintage
Blouse-Camas Antiques
Shoes-Buffalo Exchange San Diego
Hat-Estate sale in Ohio
Bakelite bird pin-A gift from Sam
wow, that first photo is just perfect! I love that door, what a lovely post!
I wish my knitting skills were that advanced, it's a beautiful sweater!
You were dressed to the T!
I absolutely love the outfit, and you did an amazing job on the cardigan. Very impressive!
Wow! Your sweater looks gorgeous! Great work knitting it, it looks really well done!
I agree with what Gracie said, that first photo is just perfection!
You are adorable!!!
Your sweater is perfection! How fantastic is it to knit...I just can't seem to get it and seeing your sweater really makes me lament that fact. What a stylish family!
Oh what a lovely post! And a family quilt...a brilliant idea!
Your cardigan is very beautiful. I hope to one day be good enough at knitting to make something like this! So far I'm limited to scarves and the like! I've knitted my Dad a tweed scarf for Christmas. xx
I'm glad to hear some men did work in the cooking area. Also Astoria is where my husband and I aspire to live one day...such cute and gorgeous town.
I vowed to myself that I was going to learn how to knit that same sweater, although I'm not sure how long it will take, hehe :] What kind of yarn did you use? I love the idea of a family quilt, I was planning on making one for my mom this winter! Looks like your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, yay!
love ur blog xoxo!!
My Face Hunter
That sweater really is the perfect length! It's so hard finding the 'right' length. They are either too long or too cropped. Great job! :)
That cardigan is perfect. You did a great job on it. Looks like you had a really great Thanksgiving!
I can't BELIEVE you made that cardigan yourself - it looks perfect. And is exactly what I've been hunting for ever since I saw the Edge of Love too - there were loads of great cardigans in that film but Keira's mustard number was definitely the best. You look amazing, well done :)
Perdona que no te escriba en tu idioma.
Sigo tu blog desde hace mucho tiempo y me encanta, sobre todo tus sombreros.
Magnifica cesta de picnic ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
I love your cardigan, the colour is beautiful, and it goes so well with your skirt too. I wish I could knit something more sophisticated than a square, this post has really inspired me to learn.
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
Great holidays! I love your outfit, you are so lovely!
You have a beautiful family! Where's your husband? Did he take the family pic?
Oh my gosh--I want to steal your outfit! hehe. I love it; its so perfect for the end-of-autumn. And bravo on that cardigan!!! Wow--I'm impressed! :) I actually may have to keep that pattern in mind for next month when my mother in law gives me a bit of a yarn shopping spree for Christmas. ;)
And your idea for lining the picnic basket is so cute!
♥ Casey | blog
that basket is gigantic but so cute!!! Also I love your vintage wearing family. as always. beautiful outfit.
lovely! That is a great sweater and I love your whole outfit in the first image!
Wow, that sweater looks amazing!
Wow! If you don't mind me saying, that first picture reminds me so much of Chuck from Pushing Daisies! That cardigan is beautiful, just like something my grandmother used to knit. =]
The cardigan turned out great! Funny, I just ordered yarn for a turban from that very page... hope my endeavor turns out almost as well. :-)
1) The colours and fit of your outfit are fantastic
2) That first picture? Hello, Sigourney Weaver!
What a lovely group you are!
I adore that first picture!
Aw, lovely photo of your family! Love the colour of your cardigan!
And this morning I was all impressed that I was wearing the beret I made. *laughs* Fantastic sweater, and that color is really lovely! Glad you had a good holiday. ^_^
What a lovely family!
And, I'm so impressed with your cardigan.
Well done on the cardigan, it looks fab. Sounds like a fun day, think we need something like that in Scotland! :)
I can't believe you made that cardigan, great job! Obviously fashion sense runs in your family judging by that picture.
Your cardi is brilliant! Love the colour you picked and the buttons look like they were made especially for it! :)
wow, lovely photos and your sweater is really beautiful!
Great job done with your very stylish cardigan! Makes me want to make one myself...have to learn how to knit first though :P
That cardigan looks so great! My family and I watched Elf after dinner too.
You look lovely! And that sweater is gorgeous!
I gave you a blog award. :)
Oh I wish I could knit your sweater came out great.
That cardi is beautimous.
I loved the knitwear in that film. I practically filled my sketchbook to bursting with all the great fashion ideas culled from that film.
You look fab!
I love that sweater! you look like you had just stepped out of the 40s :)
seems like a lovely thanksgiving, all around!
I scrolled down just to see where you got that sweater - color me impressed! I don't have the patience for fine gauge for a large piece. It is positively beautiful! I used that same yarn for a challah cover I made. It is quite nice to work in for fair isle.
You look absolutely adorable! Perfect!
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