
A few things that make me happy.

Waking up to this.

My coats (well, some of them).

Pretty messes.

My books

Stealing Sam's slippers.

What everyday things make you happy?


Carys said...

What beautiful pictures, I envy your collection of petticoats! My cat is the everyday thing that makes me happy, because it's winter he's started getting under the duvet in my bed.
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Anonymous said...

hello! i recently discovered your blog! is amazing, keep going on this good job! you my check out mine, you`ll love it! if you follow, i`ll return the favor! tnx!

Unknown said...

Ooh - those petticoats are delicious! Some every day things that make me happy are an empty ironing basket, a full fruit bowl and my favourite songs on the radio while I'm driving home from work on Friday night! Yay for weekends! Sarah xxx

Theda Fontaine said...

Beautiful! I love visiting your blog Solanah!
Some everyday things that make me happy are wearing my husbands shirts to bed, listening to The Seekers and reading my books.
Theda xo

Anonymous said...

Seeing a smile on my childrens face.....Lovely collection of coats.

wazzra said...

My petticoats make me sooo happy too, although from a different range of colors than yours: from a light red, scarlet, burgundy, all the way to black!

Things that are currently making me happy: traveling through Denmark, pebernødder (small bits of gingerbread... they are perfectly amazing and I can't stop eating them!), a new daily mug with ants on it and the sun finally coming up after hours of rain!

Anonymous said...

What a glorious collection of pretty things you have! Everything makes me happy these days... lovely, warm nights out (minus bugs), full moons, carnival music and hand puppets would be today's.

Dawn said...

Bendy straws make me happy. Especially surprise bendy straws. At the moment, the cool weather (the summers are too hot here). Red velvet cake. And my yellow lab, Jessica. Oh, and reading your blog!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Nothing makes me happy, I revel in my twisted bitterness.

Oh ok, autumn leaves and cups of Early Grey tea and getting packages in the mail and having a large glass of wine on a Friday evening. All those things are pretty good!

Anonymous said...

I love watching the gulls circle through the office window. When the sky is dark and stormy they fly bright, in sharp relief against the moody sky and I watch the patterns like a kaleidoscope. :)

Anonymous said...

once again great pictures the colours look really appealing

Sam's Hopping Stars said...

Your Petticoats are to die for! I just love all the colors you always seem to have in your posts.

Visit Sam

Hep~Kitten said...

Your pictures are so good how do you do it? they have great colors.

Steve Asbell said...

What a feast for the eyes! I also love your blog's design and illustrations, and I'm sure you'll go far in the blogosphere. Keep up the good work!

DumpsterDivinDame said...

what a cute idea for a blog!! I love the photos you've taken--so lovely! I love waking up to kisses from my 3 little pigs (2 pugs and a mini shanouzer), crunching through autumn leaves, finding vintage treasures that are hidden under other junk, and snuggling up to watch old movies with my fiance xoxox

Lainie said...

Waking up to a purring kitty on my chest, crossword puzzles, a steaming hot cup of tea in my cold hands. And fall going into winter-here is San Francisco the sun is out and the air is cold and crisp.
As always, love the blog!

Emma said...

Love it all! What makes me happy on a daily basis recently is a warm bowl of porridge with honey in the morning to warm me up before going to work and the Thursday night NBC shows- The Office, Community and 30 Rock!


disco said...

I feel happy too just looking at your pics! =D

40sDiva said...

I also love to wear MY husband's slippers! There is just something about them being so big and oversized that makes them unbelievably comfy and cozy. One of my most favorite things is to wake up in the morning surrounded by all of the vintage things that I love - my 1930s wallpaper, the 1920s crystal lights on either side of the bed, my vintage chenille bedspread - just having that be the first thing I see in the morning....

sally said...

tea from a teapot, cardigans, waking up to frost, a weekly dose of mad men. I love these kind of blog posts!

Casey said...

I love all these "happy" snippets! (Especially those jackets... *drool*) I think lately the everyday things making me happy is the pile of sewing notions in my work space--for some reason all the colors and textures just make me smile (and want to create things)!

♥ Casey | blog

Watkins35 said...

great photos, love the frothy petticoats & the dressing table :)
happy everyday things - snuggling up to hubby (any excuse); hearing my grandmother's clock chime every quarter of the hour; the smell of lavender each time I open the wardrobe; orchids. x

Clara Cupcakes said...

ohhh!!! Your life is just so damn pretty!

I'm looking forward to moving into my new little house and nesting. This is what make me happy.

Alessandra said...

Hi! I am your newest follower! I invite you to follow me! Your blog is fantastic, I adore vintage!

Sam said...

I love white cotton, lace, tea, my overgrown garden and the flowers that i planted last year that are finally blooming!! I also love that its getting hot here (Australia) and the smell of hot grass. Kind of wierd i know, but its plesant and a tad nostalgic. I also like wearing white cotton and lace and going for walkes through hot smelling grass. It reminds me of picnic at hanging rock and camping with my family. I also love your blog by the way :)

katie kirby said...

the tulle skirts! I love them!

Ana Peregrine said...

What makes me happy is when at sunset the light hits the Empire State Building and makes it all rose-gold colored. It's only for a few minutes every day and it's so beautiful.

I love closet pictures! :D :D :D

Jenny Morris said...

these have made me very happy but whats on my list this weekend? zine fairs in montreal, making a soup recipe from blogger little ocean annie, falling asleep beside a hot water bottle and meeting new people!!!


Sewingadicta said...

The smell of coffee in the morning, a cup of coffee in hand while I visit the cyber-friends-bloggers. That makes me happy.

tunabake said...

Everyday things that make me happy...sitting on the back porch reading the paper, with a cup of fresh, hot coffee and a chocolate caramello koala while the Little Miss A is having a nap. And catching up on my favourite blogs - those skirts are as fluffy as fairy floss ^U^

Anonymous said...

Flossing my teeth at night, and using my extra strength mouth wash... feels like I just had my teeth done at a dentist!

Just before I go to bed I snuggle up with my lambs wool blankets, listen to music like Michael Buble, or Gregory and the Hawk, and I read. So cozy on a Canadian winter night in my draft apartment!

sweet sunday mornings said...

fresh cut flowers wrapped up with brown paper. showering by candle-light. l'occitane's rose scented soap all help me get through the week!

btw we have the same strawberry pin cushion! and i love it when you show photos of your books - i've just added a couple to my amazon wish list. :D

Canadian Pharmacy said...

It's only for a few minutes every day and it's so beautiful. It looks really very fantastic i like it so much.

Vintage Teen said...

The everyday things that make me happy are waking up in my beautiful country cottage style lilac bedroom, saying hello to my cats in the morning and being able to choose a vintage style dress or outfit to wear each day! :) love the vintagey teenager (see my blog ♪) xxx