Where the Columbia river meets the ocean there's a charming old town called Astoria. If I had taken pictures of the hilly streets and victorian houses you might recognize it from the movie The Goonies. Anyway, my brother just bought a house there so my family all met up on a beautiful clear day to admire the house, view, town, and colorful cargo ships going in and out of town.
Atop a hill nearby is a landmark, The Astoria Column, built in 1926 with historic pictures wrapping around the entire 125 feet. The exciting appeal of the column is that you can climb 164 steps to the top for a "spectacular" view.
I decided to ignore my fear of heights and climb up to the top with everyone else, and as our group got higher, one after the other had to make their way back down (just a tip, don't look down) but eventually everyone made it all the way up. I almost didn't make it too, but the closer I got the more of a waste I figured it would be if I didn't finish.
But the end was sooooo not worth it.
Getting up to the top there is about a three foot ledge to stand on, and thin metal rails. So I open the door the the top, my knees go out from under me at the sight of the non solid ground, I'm trying to cling to the slick round wall going "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" and laughing hysterically because thats what I do in such such situations, while tourists are leaning casually over the railing staring at me like I'm crazy. Unfortunately no one snapped a picture, because it was pretty funny, and I was there for about a total of ten seconds, but I did buy a button for my cousin Ruth and I that says we made it ;)
The town still contains buildings from the early part of the 20th century, without the sort of icky modern renovations that took place in other parts of the states. The Sears and J.C. Pennys buildings still have original signs and structure, and even new shops have old fashioned charm. It's so neat to walk around and feel like your in a time capsule :)
Looks like you had fun! (I LOVE THOSE LITTLE DEER FIGURES!!!) You always look so cute! <3
Your neice is so adorable in that orange jacket and fur hat :)
oh how my heart belongs in Astoria.. I honestly hope that is where my small family ends up. We have seriously been talking about it for years. it is my favorite place on earth.
Love all pictures! you have the cutest family ever. :)
Hope you had fun!!!
Oh my goodness. I climbed that column on my honeymoon nearly 4 years ago. I too am afraid of heights and I freaked out. I forced myself to go outside but I faced the wall and held it while I quickly circled the column. I told my husband not to look at me. He was one of the tourists who hangs over the railing. I was so proud of myself. My husband bought me a magnet that said I climbed the column. I'm so of you.
Rock on Sister Girl.
Fritzi Marie
Oh, bless you, hunnie! lol I would have been freaking out a little, too. I love that you can laugh at yourself about it. ;) I love all the pics. Your outfit looks fabulous, as always.
You look perfect as usual. I love that you don't collect vintage clothes to sit in a closet somewhere, but that you actually wear them.
Enjoyed seeing the natural scenery, the column, and those ornaments.
You look fantastic as usual.
Nice place to live.
Thanks for sharing.
I love Astoria, but that bridge always freaks me out. Once, whilst driving across, I nearly had a panic attack thinking about what would happen if it suddenly broke! Silly.
Your jacket is beautiful :)
Loved those pictures - really fabulous and like someone else said - the deer figures were wonderful :)
I haven't been to Astoria in years, but I love its old-fashion-ness. So pretty! Wonderful photos.
You look so fabulous! I climbed the column a few months ago, but I didn't look as nice as you did :P And I agree, the view is nice, but not worth the climb.
That mural is so wonderful.... I love the girl's outfit. And that the boy is wearing suspenders. And the balloons. And... it's just fabulous. =D
Astoria looks lovely!
I know this is a completely random question, but what did pregnant ladies wear in the 20s, 30s, and 40s while staying stylish?
I gave you an award over at my blog. You probably already have this one though.
These are wonderful and your outfit is just perfect, as always:)
Feathergirl, there were maternity outfits during that time, it was actually in the 20s that maternity clothing became popular, before that a woman was expected to confine herself to her home the last few stages of pregnancy.
I've seen some maternity dresses from the 20s and 30s, and pictures of outfits during the baby boom. They are just rare ;)
what a lovely adventure! thank you for sharing!
Wow I've just found your blog and I think it's beautiful!
Great outfit..love the color and the shoes!
i love your jacket ! the color is fabulous
I love the ruffles peeking out from under your skirt! Too cute!! I know how you feel about the heights! I climbed a lighthouse on my honeymoon last year and thought I'd be blown off the top from the wind! http://vavoomvintage.blogspot.com/
I love astoria, a place very worthy of pictures. So many movies besides Goonies have been filmed there by the way. Next time I suggest a visit to Fort Clatsop. I love history!
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