
Saturday Sam and I went to Petco for some kitty litter, and walked out with a kitty as well.
As we were leaving I wanted to see the shelter kitties up for adoption they have, and this kitty looked at me, meowed the sweetest little squeaky meow, and looked really sad.
I had no choice. She had to come home with us.
So we spent some time with her in the little adoption room, drove her home, and completely confused Hobbes as to why his reflection in the mirror came to life.
The only way we can tell them apart is that she's a little smaller, and has a pink sparkly collar. Otherwise, they may as well be twins.
I named her after Coco Chanel, but keep saying "You go Glen Coco!"
Coco and Hobbes are still getting used to eachother, they keep kissing, but generally just sleep and are cute.
And that's why you don't ever let me go to Petco.
She is adorable!! I have a soft spot for black kitties!! I am sure Hobbes and her will give you tons of enjoyment!!
She looks so regal in that picture
Awe congrats on your new addition! There is a Siamese at the shelter I'm still pleading hubs to let me have.too bad I don't drive or I'd just go there and adopt it! Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission ;)
Hahaha! What a gorgeous feline! My s.o. doesn't let me go near pet stores or animal rescues because eh knows I will bug him. We had to leave our kitty under the temporary care of some friends. One day I'll have my Bentley back.
Aww she is adorable. I love cats too! and i don't blame you for bringing coco home.
I LOVE HER! She is beautiful, look at that luxuirous hairstyle!
So great you got a shelter pet too!!
ohhh such a sweet story!!! :-)
wish I could do the same.... nice one!
oh gosh she is beautiful! We don't have either a cat or dog and we really want one this is why we never visit rescue centres as we wouldn't be able to resist! However my husband is disabled so a kitty is out of the question with all that wrapping round your legs and dogs are such a lot of responsibility!
How lovely! I almost did the same, but with a bunny named Madeline .. I still think about her.
Oh, she's beautiful! I don't blame you for taking her home, I don't think I could've resisted either!
It warms my heart to know that you opened yours to an animal in need of a home.
I swear your cats are my mom's cat's long lost cousins! It's like looking at Slims and Whitey (don't ask about the names--my dad named them). ;) lol. She's such a pretty lady! So many animals need good homes, so I'm glad she came home with you two! (Errr... Three counting Hobbs. ;)
Awww! Yay for more kitties! :)
Coco is such a beauty!!!
She looks just like my own cat! Only a little less grey around the whiskers.
Congratulations on your new addition.
She is gorgeous xx
:0 she is the exact double of my cat! Seriously, identical. Except mine is a fat old slob who does nothing but bring in half dead mice (I love him anyway) - yours looks a little (a lot) more dainty! xx
You and your hubs have such good hearts. I know she must be so happy to have such a loving new home, and a new best bud in Hobbes. <3 to you!
Aww! Welcome to your new home Coco! You're beautiful! ^_^
What a beautiful cat! I bet she looks stunning right after a brushing!
Love the name too...our puppy is Coco. :)
HAHAHA Glen Coco!! That's hilarious :) I can't go to shelters anymore or I'll want to take a chubby kitty home with me. Glad Coco found a new home
What a yummy kitty! Our cat totally conned his way into our house the same way. As I was wrapping up the adoption paper work for our pitty, my husband and son went into the cat room to pay the kitties a visit. Big Black made it a point to step onto my hub's shoulders and nestle his little wet nose into his neck. We didn't stand a chance.
Congratulations!! You are mother of two now:)
Coco is one lucky kitty! Thank you for rescuing her. You just got that much awesomer in my eyes!
Awww, she's so beautiful!
How awesome of you guys to adopt! Coco looks very sweet... although sly, as all cats do. ;)
How awesome! So glad Coco has a good home. And Hobes will adjust. My Garfield did when we got a couple of kittens. :-)
What a pretty girl! and her name fits so well, she's very lucky to have found you :)
What a doll! Yeah... I wouldn't be able to resist too... My animal shelter darling is on my lap as we speek :)
Now there is a vintage kitty? That is terrific. Only good can come from your kindness.
She is beautiful! How nice that you have a new friend. =^..^=
So lovely<3 now you are a kitty mum too :-) and Coco is a great name ....i don`t know why but i called my kitty Cookie :-)
Your`s Kingha <3<3<3
Hee hee my cat squeaks when he meows. It's so cute and unmanly. I love it. Perfect cat for someone who doesn't like gender stereotypes.
You're very lucky that your two cats get on well! Sometimes they get all territorial and fight. Maybe Hobbes was taken in by her beauty.
What a gorgeous little kitty cat! No wonder you couldn't say no to her
Good on you! I have a black cat as well...they really are irresistible! I love that you took her home on the spur of the moment! I guess she chose you.
I have the same problem with dogs. I would take any dog from the animal home, it could be as ugly as hell. So I got my two dogs. And now my husband don't want me to go to the animal home any more.
Hi there! Is your cat a Maine Coon? Both of you are lovely, anyway :)
Nancy, I think they're both Maine Coon, they have all the qualities of them :)
Oh My! A new pretty kitty. Pleased to meet you Coco. I love cats, but became allergic to them in my late 20s. So now I send some money to the cats protection league every now and then.
Two for you Glen Coco!
She's gorgeous!
Of course I might be biased since she looks just like my "nephew", but . . . nah. She's just gorgeous.
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