I hadn't realized how much I looked like a part of the tree until I was working on the collage. This is actually in front of mine and Sam's old high school, which was built in 1932, so has great architecture, and beautiful old trees. When I was in school I was obsessed with finding photos from the 30s of the school, but only found one of the front. I was told they existed once, but no one really knew where they are now, I suppose no one else was really as interested as I was. Now it's been remodeled for a more modern interior, and honestly I hate it. But then again I have a thing for old buildings.
My mother gave me this dress a couple of years ago, and I love the freshness of it. I really need to take more pictures of her, she looked so cute the other day in a pink dress and black petticoat, and has some of the prettiest Anthropologie skirts ever. I've been told I look just like her, and that I look nothing like her. You can decide.
Of course I had a parasol, a little silk antique one I never take out because I'm so afraid of it getting ruined. But my other three parasols are hanging up in the living room. Actually that reminds me to share my fantastic goal I thought of the other day:
An entire ceiling covered in colorful hanging petticoats.
Yeah, thats the ultimate dream.
Aww, this is one of my favorites of yours! The green dress is so pretty . . . and extra nice with the tree! Also I love that you were looking for 1930s trees in high school! My high school was built in the '20s but they tore it down a few years back for something cheesy and modern.
A '30s school sounds so much nicer.
I have just come across your blog, the photos are so pretty and your style is an inspiration! You remind me of the pin ups I sew on my badges, (the one on my latest post!) x
Your outfit lock to be from another time.Amazing!
OOohh my goooood that dress is so amazing!
Lol what a dream of petticoats! I am currently on the hunt for the perfect tulle underskirt - not too puffy, just to give enough volume - and SOFT. Where can I find one! It's so hard here in Australia.
You look gorgeous! That dress is so unique; I love the pattern and color. And the collar... oh the collar is gorgeous! I love those big, dramatic collars.
The parasol is pretty much perfect in my opinion. :)
You look fantastic! Lovely dress.
I adore that dress! Old buildings are such a passion of mine too. I have trouble living in a house that isn't at least 60 years old...haha :o)
Your dress is so pretty I love the button detail. Your outfits always look so perfect and put together.
It's so nice and bright! I love the collar and the buttons.
That's a shame about the school, though. At least the outside will look the same!
Stunning dress! This make me think I should use my parasol more often...I always had this weird secret dream of walking around Venice (don't know exactly why Venic, probably just because is one of my favorite city) with a vintage parasol...!
Random question for you... I know you live in the NW like me and you have such great vintage dresses. Do you dress like this at work? Where do you work?
Hi miss Ruby!
I actually work at a vintage shop in Vancouver (across the river, not Canada). It's called the Urban Eccentric, you should come on over if you ever get the chance!
So dressing up not in vintage would be weird ;)
I love this dress on you! Your dream about of petticoats seems a little like the explosion of them I have in my studio...
I have a thing for old buildings too!!
My highschool was built in the 50's, and is now far more thrashed and ugly than any other school, but I MUST say that it has the most beautiful view in the world. I live in the mountains, and my school is situated on the rim and overlooks the entire valley of southern California. Its gorgeous! This summer I am moving into a yellow victorian house..that doesnt have a closet :( Do you have any suggestions on how to store my hats, purses, and belts? How do you organize yours?
GORGEOUS dress! I love the colors, the buttons, the neckline.
I'm an old-building nut, too--almost obsessively!
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