I just wanted to say a big thank you to all my blog readers and commenters. I really appreciate all the lovely things you say, and getting to share some of the colorful aspects of my life makes those normal days a little more exciting. I've also found some amazing blogs from the comments you leave, since I'm terrible at going out and searching for them, its so nice to have people with the same interests as I do introduce themselves to me, and also opening my mind to styles and ideas I would have never noticed if it weren't for you.
I don't live in a place that holds fashion high, and often am complimented for simply wearing a skirt. This used to frustrate me, as I would see so many strangers around me not bothering to put any effort into their appearance. As much as I don't want to be mainstream, I also craved the knowledge that there would be more people out there who also enjoyed getting dressed, and were inspired by things other people never saw. People who appreciate old fashioned pretty things, like old lockets with sweethearts photos still in it, a carved glass button, or maybe simply just a pair of stockings with seams up the back. Whether you surround yourself with things like this, or are inspired by them, thank you everyone for hanging around my little blog, and sharing yours :)
Keep stretching your aesthetic eye view, and your creative muscle. You'll live longer for it, but more importantly you will live better for it. So many artists, designers, writers, photographers came from humble hoods. Make a mental note of your surroundings, to show your "Self" later on down the road, where you began to see the world abroad, even if you don't ever leave your block.
Oh I know! I feel the same way about blogging, I really appreciate 'meeting' other people who share my interests! I am really glad I found your blog, I particularly enjoy your outfit posts which are always lovely!
I actually just discovered your blog yesterday, but this post expressed exactly what I was thinking when I found it! I live in the same kind of town (I doubt I've ever seen a girl wearing anything other than jeans and a basic shirt) and it is so neat to find other people online who like retro fashion :)
By the way-- I've been dying for a pair of backseamed tights for a while now. Do you know a place to get them new?
A beautiful image to accompany a lovely post! :)
Thank you everyone! And its nice to meet you Kate, I actually have been searching for backseam stockings, but the problem is I don't want to pay a lot for them (And by a lot I mean $10.00) since I would wear them everyday and go through kind of fast. Searching around ebay has unveiled some results, and leg avenue has really fun styles, you just have to find a store or site that carries them. When I find a good pair I'll post about it, meanwhile check out this stocking blog: http://stockingvixen.blogspot.com/
Yes! I have one question? Where did you get your michael kors purse? You said you got it for 'a fraction of the price' would you mind saying how much that is? I love a great deal but when I say deal I mean deal! It's hard being 16 and not having a job...:)
i love your photography !
keep it up, +cute blog
Hello Lauren :)
I actually got the purse at Ross, originally it was over $400, but it was marked down to $100. Still a lot from my bank account, but way cheaper than any other purse of that quality I've seen. I had been searching for such a purse for a long time, and knew I would spend about that much for something that had everything I wanted. Honestly I do love better quality things, but only am willing to shell out money if its exactly what I want. Less closet clutter that way, and less impulse buys, which really can add up.
Good luck with a job! When I was in school i would work summers and then had a bunch of shopping money for the fall. It was so nice, not to have any expenses other than clothes!
Here here! What a sweet post. Dress up forever!
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