
Wedding photos!

The day started out as lovely as any day could. It was sunny, with a light breeze and little birdies seeming to chirp "congratulations!"
The wedding was taking place in an old house on officers row, and across the street on the large grassy grounds was a civil war camp set up with boys in uniform and ladies in hoop skirts and parasols. It was pretty cool. As Alicia did my makeup we could hear someone playing a horn:)

Our flowers were hydrangias, and thanks to family and friends picking bundles of flowers from their own yards we had plenty of flowers for pretty bouquets and tables. The bridesmaids dresses matched the flowers perfectly, it came together so well!

The ceremony took place in what was once the parlor, mismatched vintage chairs set up for guests eagerly waiting. After the bridesmaids walked down the staircase from the dressing room to the parlor, I followed and made the short walk down the isle, this being the first time Sam saw me all fluffed up and frilly in my oh so expensive wedding dress.
The ceremony was short, just a few minutes because the real fun is at the reception! There was wonderful food, tables and chairs set up outside in the shade, and we even had a dance floor where everyone that watches Arrested Development danced to "The Final Countdown" like Gob (yes, we played that at our wedding).

The amazing cake was made by our friends Alena and Caitlin, isn't it pretty?

My brother, mother and father. Sams mother and father. Our mamas wore beautiful 50s dresses!

There just happened to be a 50s car show going on down the street, so vintage cars were going by all during the reception. Seriously, could it have been more perfect? Our venue coordinator and photographers stopped a nice man in this car and he let us take photos with it! Funny thing is I had been seeing it around town all summer and it is my absolute favorite out of all the vintage cars I've seen.

I really could not have asked for a more perfect day, everything was beautiful and thanks to everyone it all came together without a hiccup. Oh and you can't really see but Sams ring is a silver version of "The One Ring" :)

Our photographers were the energetically charming Alicia and Ben of Vorpal Images. Alicia also did an amazing job on my makeup, her work is fabulous! And as you can see their photography is super stylish.
You can see all wedding photos on the Vixen Vintage photostream on Flickr.
...and read the story behind my wedding dress here.



Andi B. Goode said...

I already told you on flickr how much I love these photos. They're so perfect and I think they really capture what seems like a beautiful day (and, from your writing, obviously it was).
-Andi x

Josephine Frances said...

Oh hurrah! These photos are so special and lovely, it looks like the perfect day! Congratulations again, you both look so lovely and happy!

Denise said...

Oh, what a wonderful wedding! Fabulously beautiful pictures! I wish you every success in the future!


Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

It looks like you guys were made fore each other! Congratulations! These pictures are beautiful.

April said...

I STILL can't believe you only paid 75 cents for that stunninly beautiful dress!! You guys are super adorable! Looks like it was utterly perfect!!

that girl said...

Oh it was just perfect. And I think even more so that you guys danced to The Final Countdown like Gob.

Anonymous said...

Vintage style, the Final Countdown AND the One Ring all in one small, simple, elegant wedding? You are my new hero.

The pictures are lovely---thanks so much for sharing!

Shell said...

Your wedding pictures are beautiful. I love the whole retro feel to them. Your dress is lovely. You and you husband are glowing in the pictures.

The Glamorous Housewife said...

What a wonderful post to wake up to! I think it is one of the prettiest weddings I have ever seen- and I like how all of your friends and family contributed with flowers and cake and love to help you have such an amazing day.

Congratulations doll,
The Glamorous Housewife

Brook said...

I can't believe how perfect your dress is! I really love the length. Exposing just your ankles is so fifties and so subtly seductive--just beautiful!

Scientific Housewife said...

Beautiful pictures! I loved the dresses and the all the surroundings. What a great day for you!

avintagespirit (Lizzy) said...

What gorgeous pictures! Looks like a pefect day :) That old house is beautiful and your cake was lovely. Everyone in the wedding looked so great, I love the moms
50s dress, their lovely, and even though you've posted pictures of it before I still can't get over your dress, it's simply stunning (as is the story of how you found it). Thanks for sharing this, congratulations!

GPROA said...

You all look so happy. not just happy but *joyful*. It's marvelous.

I hope you don't mind my saving several of the pictures, for inspiration when drawing empowered romance?

Solanah said...

Feel free hasoon :)

Leanne Flavell said...

words can't describe how amazing you look! perfection! I hope you have a very happy marriage ox

poet said...

Beauuuuuutiful! All of them! You look so very happy, and the dress is gorgeous! There's just one thing that confuses me, why is Sam wearing sneakers? (Not that they don't fit in, I just didn't expect to see sneakers on a bridegroom :)


Hanne said...

You too seem to have had the most perfect, special wedding ever. What a fantastic couple you are! You and Sam both look smashing.

Aline said...

what a special and gorgeous wedding. congratulations to you both!

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Everything is so beautiful and I am in awe of your dress. So perfect!

the upper vest side said...

This is wonderful!! Your photos look like they're from a magazine.

Eyeliah said...

Wow, you looked stunning, congrats again. Those group shots with your wedding party are fab!

Anonymous said...

How FUN! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I love your wedding dress! I stumbled across your blog today and I'm so glad I did. Will be coming back to check up on your vintage clothing! Please check out my blog too if you have time: www.usedandabusedvintage.com

Corinne x

Mars said...

wow, these are beautiful! they look so "authentic vintage," too! i think my favorite photo is the one with all the ladies, how cute :) and i love that cake topper!

Pyzahn said...

OMG, You are just the cutest. What a lovely, sweet day. Perfect pictures. They should be published.

Much happiness to you.

Happy Place Design said...

So lovely you both are! And the color theme you chose is perfect. Beautiful wedding and what a steal on that dress! Wow!

Unknown said...

Wow, amazing wedding photos! It really looks as if your wedding happened decades ago! Congratulations!!

Dropstitch said...

Your wedding looks so beautiful - thanks for sharing the pictures. You all look stunning!

Rose said...

My gosh, what a BEAUTIFUL wedding! Everything looks just perfect, i adore your dress, i was excited to see it after you had written about how you found it! And the brides maids dresses are beautiful too...and the flowers!
Congrats on your beautiful wedding.


reilly said...

Aaah! The outfits, photos, cake, car (!!!) and everything else are all beautiful but you look so, so stunning! The dress and veil are amazing.

And I love the cake topper! The moon reminds me of those paper moon vintage photographs?

I love how the car show and the civil war re-enactment all lined up for your big day. :P Congratulations again!

Solanah said...

Poet, we are Dr. Who fans, the lead actor always wears suits with converse and Sam loves that look ;)

Reilly, yeah it does look like those moons! My brother actually made one last year, I should take pictures with it!

Thanks so much for your lovely comments everyone!

~Jolene'sMemoryKeeping said...

how sweet,everything looksgreat. Congrats~

A said...

So glad to finally see the pics. They are gorgeous. Looks like you had a wonderful wedding. Best wishes to both of you!

Josephine Frances said...

Solanah, You can totally link to that tut! I'm so glad you liked it! ;)

Anonymous said...

These photos are just so dreamy! I love how nerdy you two are... my hubby and I are similarly so! Makes for a great foundation for marriage and life together, in my opinion ;)

Congratulations again!

Retromodgirl said...

Congratulations!!! You look absolutely stunning!!!! Wishing you many many many more happy vintage days to come!

Danielle said...

I've never commented before, but I must confess that I love your blog to pieces, and I love these photos! many congratulations! =D

Hannah said...

These are perfect. What great photos to have to remind you of your special day! I love that you used hydrangias too. I'm a bit late but, congratulations!

Unknown said...

So adorable! Congratualtions! You are such a cute couple! xoxo

Andrea Eames said...

What a gorgeous wedding! I love that you worked in both Arrested Development and Lord of the Rings. :) Geeks after my own heart.

Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

Congrats! Beautiful shots. Everything seems like it was picture perfect.

ELM said...

How beautiful!!! I think I may have seen these photos on rocknrollbride... the hydrangea/bridesmaid coordination is beautiful! Congratulations!

Gordita said...

What a beautiful wedding! The photos are so artistic and lovely. You look amazing, with the dress, hair, make up and everything. What a superlative day. Congratulations.

Carolinejhm said...

I found your blog today, whilst searching for ideas for my own vintage style wedding, next February. I am so inspired by your beautiful day....thank you x

Anonymous said...

What a perfect wedding!! Absolutely stunning... and with a miracle dress like that it must have always been meant to be! x

Andie said...

Wow! I truly loved your wedding pics! Amazing! Although I must confess I have a rather funny question....How old is the groom? I know u said u're high school sweethearts, but he looks as if he just turned 20!!!

p.s. btw...my bf also looks like he just hatched outta the egg lol

Solanah said...

Andrea, we are both 20.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I recently discovered your blog and I love it! Your wedding photos are wonderful. And your dress is so gorgeous! I've found a lot of things on your blog I hope to use for fashion inspiration in my own thrift shopping/outfits. :)

Unknown said...

You look beautiful and most importantly happy. And have stayed happy! (being a stalker and reading your archives:)

Anonymous said...

omg, how beautiful! u're both so sweet <3 i like your groom's shoes haha. very inspirational.

Elise said...

Wow, this may be my perfect wedding, everything is just beautiful, congratulations!

Ruzapadarunki said...

oww, so stylish wedding! more happiness to you!!!

Edelweiss Patterns said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! One of the most gorgeous weddings I have ever seen! The fact that the mothers wore 50s dress was so completely phenomenal, and the turquoise retro car was fabulous.

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!

And many more years to come!

Happy sewing,


Татьяна said...

вау! красивые вы и красивое фото)))